Iasw Song!


New Member
Original Poster
HEHE little do they know that all of the IASW dolls have been wisked away to an unknown undisclosed location for their protection!:D


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by darthdarrel
HEHE little do they know that all of the IASW dolls have been wisked away to an unknown undisclosed location for their protection!:D

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yeah right... most were decapitated in battle today....:rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
HEHE little do they know that all of the IASW dolls have been wisked away to an unknown undisclosed location for their protection!:D

Even the ones who were gruesomely slaughtered?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
HEHE little do they know that all of the IASW dolls have been wisked away to an unknown undisclosed location for their protection!:D

Yep you're right...they're safe and sound...

You put them on the plane...WITH JAYLENOFAN again!!!

You dropped the ball once again...Looks like we've outsmarted you left and right today!!!


*gets dragged underwater by Tiger that USUALLY held an umbrella*


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
*gets dragged underwater by Tiger that USUALLY held an umbrella*


*Grabs freak by the collar and pulls him up*

This Battle is over...plain and simple... no need to rehash this battle..its done...over... finished!

Let the Ambassadors draft a peace agreement, I say. :)


Well-Known Member
*spits water out of mouth like fountain :) *

Thanks bud :)

Peace??? Who are we gonna sign a peace treaty with???

:lookaroun Is anyone out there? out there? out there? :lookaroun

Master DMC...I say we gut this building and build a new attraction...One with a bunch of action figures (not dolls) that sign a repetitive song over and over again promoting what Wallet Disney is all about...

It's a money-grubbin', greedy, let's build cheap attractions world after all...

It's a money-grubbin', greedy, let's build cheap attractions world after all...


I don't know...

This was just one day. Granted it was a kick-a$$ day for the RESISTANCE, but it was still one day. Remember those creepy grown-up IASW dolls in the Spectromagic parade... Plus, I'm sure they have reinforcements. Remember, there's always IASW in Cali.
Stay sharp, folks... just in case.

*disengages saber, kneels on the ground, and waits...*


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by jrashadb
I don't know...

This was just one day. Granted it was a kick-a$$ day for the RESISTANCE, but it was still one day. Remember those creepy grown-up IASW dolls in the Spectromagic parade... Plus, I'm sure they have reinforcements. Remember, there's always IASW in Cali.
Stay sharp, folks... just in case.

*disengages saber, kneels on the ground, and waits...*


...but if there ambassador (Where is he Darrel?!) would like to draft a peace treaty with our Ambassador (Angel where are you?)
I am keeping that option open. :)


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by jaylenofan86
*smacks head* Of course! Disneyland's IASW! I say all resistance members hop on the lear and go to Cali!

Well.. I spoke with Tigggrlgirl Today.. she is our inside source at IASW in DL. Its down for now...they are switching it back from "Holiday" to "normal".

So that might be an idea. :D


Well-Known Member
The Evil Menaces

Turmoil has engulfed the
IASW Building. The killing
of small children in the IASW
building is in dispute.

Hoping to continue the killing
with an army of deadly
evil dolls, the greedy Doll
Protectors have eaten all
small children from all over the planet.

While the Congress of the
Resistance endlessly debates
this alarming chain of events,
the Supreme Jedi Master has
secretly dispatched 4 Jedi
Knights, the guardians of
peace and justice in the
galaxy, to settle the conflict...


Well-Known Member
Man, what a party! :lol: Sorry I wasn't around. But I learned a lot of useful techniques (I was watching Band of Brothers). So on the next battle, something might come in handy... :D


New Member
I've been out doing some spy work and boy... you are correct. This is more like the Naboo Battle that sparks the next five episodes.

The Spectro Leaders have converged and want to recruit their Mexican Comrades... I say we cut them at the pass and send our Ambassador out to EPCOT and strike an agreement before any actions take place. I even heard the possiblity of Metal Super Puppets being ordered for Armor Improvements, but I believe that was shot down due to Complications of the Equipment... it puts a real strain on the lower back.

Word is spreading quick to the other Small World Headquarters and troops are being rallied and enhanced. Think about our battle today like fighting the Terminator from the first movie... well the next battle will be like fighting the T2 Terminator.

Here's the biggest shocker of all... Spies who work for me are reporting that IASW at WDW is completly restocked and operational since last night. :eek: :eek: :eek: Apparently Disney under Doll Influence keep an Amble Stock of dolls for backup down there. :brick:

The Spectro War Balls are being prepared... gentlemen, We have Just Begun!

One more tid bit... as a Scientist, I am currently in the process of working on an Antidote for the Small World Song AND a Biological Weapon capable of decomishening the dolls into harmless, lifeless Animatronics who will never pose a treat again.

OH, and one more thing... the Dolls may be developing technology to not only rebuild their bodies after damage, but also the capability of a few select Super Dolls who will be able to combine into one Ultra Destructo-Doll.

That is all I have for now, use this info wisely.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by spider-man
I've been out doing some spy work and boy... you are correct. This is more like the Naboo Battle that sparks the next five episodes.

The Spectro Leaders have converged and want to recruit their Mexican Comrades... I say we cut them at the pass and send our Ambassador out to EPCOT and strike an agreement before any actions take place. I even heard the possiblity of Metal Super Puppets being ordered for Armor Improvements, but I believe that was shot down due to Complications of the Equipment... it puts a real strain on the lower back.

Word is spreading quick to the other Small World Headquarters and troops are being rallied and enhanced. Think about our battle today like fighting the Terminator from the first movie... well the next battle will be like fighting the T2 Terminator.

Here's the biggest shocker of all... Spies who work for me are reporting that IASW at WDW is completly restocked and operational since last night. :eek: :eek: :eek: Apparently Disney under Doll Influence keep an Amble Stock of dolls for backup down there. :brick:

The Spectro War Balls are being prepared... gentlemen, We have Just Begun!

One more tid bit... as a Scientist, I am currently in the process of working on an Antidote for the Small World Song AND a Biological Weapon capable of decomishening the dolls into harmless, lifeless Animatronics who will never pose a treat again.

OH, and one more thing... the Dolls may be developing technology to not only rebuild their bodies after damage, but also the capability of a few select Super Dolls who will be able to combine into one Ultra Destructo-Doll.

That is all I have for now, use this info wisely.
HEHEHE! Told YA sooo.......:D :sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
Ok... talk to Angel about that Vince... I am sure something can be arranged :)

Okay some give me a summary about what happened.. my computer is still broken somewhat and I don't have the time to go back and read EVERYTHING between classes and life and oh um.. reinstalling windows tonight *makes a face* If anyone is sweet and loves me and wants to talk me through it I will love them forever lol.....


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Angelique
Okay some give me a summary about what happened.. my computer is still broken somewhat and I don't have the time to go back and read EVERYTHING between classes and life and oh um.. reinstalling windows tonight *makes a face* If anyone is sweet and loves me and wants to talk me through it I will love them forever lol.....

I made the unfortunate mistake of leaving the protection of the resistance for a few trinkets. Darrel ended up sending killer koala dolls to eat my sister, Arista. I want vengeance! :mad:

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