Iasw Song!


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by spider-man
Well, Wookies are great tenderizers.

Someone has to dress the Ewok first... one of our fellow Jedi's could do that I think, Freak... jrashadb?

Stuffing is Universal throughout the Galaxies. Stovetop is stovetop no matter where you go.:animwink:

Jar Jar sauce is rather expensive, sense you can not come by it easily. It is found only in deep seas of Naboo. That's why this is a special occassion dish for the Holidays.

There is a nice Hoth recipe pudding that compliments Roasted Ewok quite well. It is served cold with a hint of mint believe it or not.

OK, my imagination runs away with me from time to time. :lol:

lol....ok and for dessert?


New Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
lol....ok and for dessert?

Hmm... well I forgot to mention the nice Herbal-Cider spiced tea broth from an ancient recipe I picked up on Tatooine. It's like nothing you have ever had before and it gives you quite a strong immunity for a few weeks... you can't drink too much of this stuff, but boy is it good.

Well, for dessert you can choose...

we have Dagaba Delight, Celestrial Christmas Cake, or Eternia Eclaires (from a little known reach of space that Freak and I have ventured once or twice).


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
Hmm... well I forgot to mention the nice Herbal-Cider spiced tea broth from an ancient recipe I picked up on Tatooine. It's like nothing you have ever had before and it gives you quite a strong immunity for a few weeks... you can't drink too much of this stuff, but boy is it good.

Well, for dessert you can choose...

we have Dagaba Delight, Celestrial Christmas Cake, or Eternia Eclaires (from a little know reach of space that Freak and I have ventured once or twice).

Pass me ONE Eternia Eclair please...Mmmm...Teela filling :)

*to clue in the people who haven't caught on*

A magic dinner was gave to me the day I held aloft my magic turkey leg and said, "By the power of Thanksgiving...I have the ECLAIRRRRRRRRR!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
Well peace is always good, but I would caution anyone to not go so far as sitting down with any of the Doll camp for Thanksgiving dinner. (They eat people) :lookaroun

Now STOP that!!! The Royal Hand is extended in peace, my good man, so let's all enter into the holiday spirit for a while!:D


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have been kinda lost in this thread...BUT!
Did you know that here at Disneyland they have changed over IASW to Small World Holiday??? What are they doing?? They are changing the whole thing to entice those who usually stay away so they can have more victims....Innocently playing on those poor folks who have a soft heart for the holiday! BEWARE!
I do have to admit tho, the front of the building looks wonderful and very colorful...I saw it on Saturday, but didnt venture inside...They wont get me!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tigggrl
Ok, I have been kinda lost in this thread...BUT!
Did you know that here at Disneyland they have changed over IASW to Small World Holiday??? What are they doing?? They are changing the whole thing to entice those who usually stay away so they can have more victims....Innocently playing on those poor folks who have a soft heart for the holiday! BEWARE!
I do have to admit tho, the front of the building looks wonderful and very colorful...I saw it on Saturday, but didnt venture inside...They wont get me!

Would you like to join the resistance??? or are you already a member?


New Member
If we could just wake up our dormant dragon resistance companions at AK. I know they are there... I saw their cave, and the entrance to AK even has a dragon head. Dang Dragons can sleep for centuries.


New Member
Originally posted by Nut4Disney
This must have turned into another "calling all Ryan's" thread. :lol:

No, No, No.. it's not like that at all. there is a point and a logic to all that has been said. The thread has not drifted and is staying on subject, plus a treaty has been signed that should slow activity til January at least. The similarities to Ryan are near zero. OK, yes we are no longer naming songs to replace in the ride, but IASW is still the topic at hand.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
No, No, No.. it's not like that at all. there is a point and a logic to all that has been said. The thread has not drifted and is staying on subject, plus a treaty has been signed that should slow activity til January at least. The similarities to Ryan are near zero. OK, yes we are no longer naming songs to replace in the ride, but IASW is still the topic at hand.

It's a small world after all...It's a small world after all...It's a small world after all...it's a small small world...


*lights up lightsaber*

DANG TREATY! :lol: (ok...*shuts lightsaber*...I must contain myself) They almost got the better of me!!! It's a good thing I didn't let the dark side cloud my thoughts...


New Member
Dang Treaty indeed, Lights up Flashlight. *click*

Flashes around furiously.

*shines on treaty*

:eek: A hidden message encoded on the treaty with Lemon Juice...

*passes onto the Jedi Resistance team to exam and decifer*


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by figmentmom
OK, folks, time for QUEEN FIGMENTMOM, Defender of Dolls and Purple Dragons, to step in!

*fanfare, please*


*I said, fanfare, please!*



(royal fanfare sounds)

Royal Page: "Hear ye, hear ye, Her Most Royal Highness Queen Figmentmom will now speak to her subjects!"

(Queen Figmentmom sweeps grandly to podium, narrowly missing tripping over Royal Page)

"I, Queen Figmentmom, Defender of Dolls and Purple Dragons, hereby decree that peace shall reign throughout the land whilst we complete our Thanksgiving grocery shopping and Christmas gift buying! Let us eat, drink, be merry, and open presents whilst we put our differences aside for this time of Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Dolls! Don't make me come down there!"

(royal fanfare is heard again as Queen Figmentmom, Defender of Dolls and Purple Dragons sweeps grandly from podium, narrowly missing several Royal Musicians performing royal fanfare)
AHEM! Queen figmentmom you forgot to talk to me first before going into any treaty! you are forgetting that our society is more like Englands monarchy! yes you have the title and some authority,but you must run all decrees and treaties and laws by me!:D
But this seems like a doable treaty so I`ll aprove it this time!:animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
AHEM! QUeen figmentmom you forgot to talk to me first before going ibnto any treaty! you are forgetting that our society is more like England monarchy! yes you have the title and some authority,but you must run all decrees and treaties and laws by me!:D
But this seems like a doable treaty so I`ll aprove it this time!:animwink:

Wow...turmoil in the ranks here...

(See...look figmentmom...he's trying to be the TOP DAWG!!! He's wants all the power!)


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by darthdarrel
AHEM! Queen figmentmom you forgot to talk to me first before going into any treaty! you are forgetting that our society is more like England monarchy! yes you have the title and some authority,but you must run all decrees and treaties and laws by me!:D
But this seems like a doable treaty so I`ll aprove it this time!:animwink:

YAY! :sohappy: please pass some turkey... mashed patatos, and Jar Jar sauce! :slurp:


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by figmentmom
Now STOP that!!! The Royal Hand is extended in peace, my good man, so let's all enter into the holiday spirit for a while!:D

*Chomp* Mmmm, that's good hand!:slurp:

Ooooops:lookaroun Sorry, I haven't been completely deprogrammed yet.

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