Iasw Song!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SirNimajneb
Whoa!... Spicin' up the conflict, eh? I'll buy my time. You just try. I'll get you my evil foes, and your little scheme will be nothing, too!!!!!!!!!!

I tell you what. Since I am a pawn, try to capture me like in a game of chess. I am on the white side now, and hopefully forever, but lets just see if the black resistance side can scoop me up. You just try. I'll get you my evil foes, and your little scheme will be nothing, too!!!!!!!!!!

While it's true we remember Abe Lincoln for his "different" appearance, we mostly remember him for his great speeches and orations, and his ideas. The dolls are the same way. A "different" exterior, but it is what they are saying, not how they are saying it (via the use of ducks and dolls and animals from all over the world), that is what we should remember. :D

As for all the little other creatures, they cannot help what they are. I said I couldn't trust something with an orange face. That does not mean what they have to say/promote/educate about is bad... They express themselves in a shady manner, but ultimately, that manner serves its purpose of being a supplement to words, to show off what mankind is doing, what mankind should not do, and what we want to become. A Brave New World society of a bunch of cloned bird-brains like the Oomps? No. They go before us in an attempt to prevent us from making their same mistakes.

As for the dolls, we WANT to become like them. In every newspaper in the USA, there is always something about PEACE and UNITY. This, however, is in the form of suspicions against certain people you do not want that. They want terror and violence, and a supreme monarchy, with themselves at the utmost pinnacle. The dolls are like a "snowglobe" into the possible future. The dolls, basically, illustrate everything America is striving to achieve at this very moment. And how could I go against that?:D :cool:

Therefore: I pledge allegiance, to the dolls, of the Kingdom of Magic and Fantasty, and to those, who remain guardians of the truth and goodness, one band, under Walt Disney, of unity, and happiness, for all - Like the dolls.


I can honestly say...that you will NOT be remembered for this "speech"


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53

I can honestly say...that you will NOT be remembered for this "speech"

I won't be remembered for many speeches - I'm stream of concious, and my concious gets the better of me. :animwink: ;)


New Member
Original Poster
OMG! I think I have figured out why you people think that the dolls are EVIL!
It`s Michael Jackson!:eek: Michael Jackson is rumored to have a replica of It`s a small world on his neverland property and THOSE DOLLS ARE DEFINATELY EVIL! WHen you see children go in but not go out it`s mIchael kidnapping these children and wisking them off to his neverland and turning them into DOLLS!:eek: :eek: :eek:
So you see! It`s not The Disney It`s a small world dolls at all The Disney Versions of It`s a small world are INNOCENT!:)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
OMG! I think I have figured out why you people think that the dolls are EVIL!
It`s Michael Jackson!:eek: Michael Jackson is rumored to have a replica of It`s a small world on his neverland property and THOSE DOLLS ARE DEFINATELY EVIL! WHen you see children go in but not go out it`s mIchael kidnapping these children and wisking them off to his neverland and turning them into DOLLS!:eek: :eek: :eek:
So you see! It`s not The Disney It`s a small world dolls at asll The Disney Versions of It`s a small world are INNOCENT!:)

Wow...maybe that's what it is...

No...you know what I think it is...I think you are afraid of the RESISTANCE and you're trying to prevent the FALL OF THE DOLLS by trying to get us to attack the very misunderstood king of pop...


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Wow...maybe that's what it is...

No...you know what I think it is...I think you are afraid of the RESISTANCE and you're trying to prevent the FALL OF THE DOLLS by trying to get us to attack the very misunderstood king of pop...
OMG! Will you listen to this? He`s defending Michael Jackson!:eek:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
OMG! Will you listen to this? He`s defending Michael Jackson!:eek:

No, I'm not DEFENDING anything that Michael Jackson does...(except his music because I think he is extremely talented when it comes to music) but...when it comes to his personal life...he should be hung lol


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Freak eats people! (avatar) :lol: :p

Aha!!! Grizz...you JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS!!!

Things are not always what they seem...How do you know that I didn't THEME my ham to look like a Pilgrim???


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Aha!!! Grizz...you JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS!!!

Things are not always what they seem...How do you know that I didn't THEME my ham to look like a Pilgrim???
Looks like A Pilgrim to me!:D


New Member
I think we are all forgetting one BIG thing here... Even the resistence liked IASW when it opened and know it's a Walt Baby, however, if you had been a doll in that ride for 30 + years trapped on little islands with singing the same song over and over and over and seeing kids coming back as adults with kids and never being able to grow older, you would snap and turn evil as well. In a sense I pity the dolls, still... nonetheless... the fact remains, they lost it! It's quite simple to understand if you are willing to try. And I have theories that late at night the dolls are not alowed to sleep, just stand in near total darkness and be completly silent til their singing childlike voices are needed again. They are never fed by Disney due to cut-backs so they will always jump the occassional stragling kid just before closing. Again, you almost can't blame them... it's a cry for help, but it has gone on too long and became their way of life, they cannot be turned back into the innocnet carefree kids we once knew, it's sad, but the truth is always out there, you must not blind yourself to the truth. I wanted to blind myself, but I woke up. I feel for them but that will only get you killed.:eek:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
I think we are all forgetting one BIG thing here... Even the resistence liked IASW when it opened and know it's a Walt Baby, however, if you had been a doll in that ride for 30 + years trapped on little islands with singing the same song over and over and over and seeing kids coming back as adults with kids and never being able to grow older, you would snap and turn evil as well. In a sense I pity the dolls, still... nonetheless... the fact remains, they lost it! It's quite simple to understand if you are willing to try. And I have theories that late at night the dolls are not alowed to sleep, just stand in near total darkness and be completly silent til their singing childlike voices are needed again. They are never fed by Disney due to cut-backs so they will always jump the occassional stragling kid just before closing. Again, you almost can't blame them... it's a cry for help, but it has gone on too long and became their way of life, they cannot be turned back into the innocnet carefree kids we once knew, it's sad, but the truth is always out there, you must not blind yourself to the truth. I wanted to blind myself, but I woke up. I feel for them but that will only get you killed.:eek:

Yeah, it's kinda like the kid in "Flight of the Navigator" Everybody around him grew up except for him...but unlike that kid...these poor little dolls (at one time) have been treated unfairly by the Evil Lord of the Dolls (Darthdarrel) and his henchmen...and henchwomen. At one time they were carefree and normal...but now...they've SNAPPED


Trophy Husband
My theory is that Walt, in his wisdom, understood that good can not exist without evil. Without evil, how would we even define good? This theme has been with us throughout time. Look at Camelot. Without evil, the knights had no purpose.

We have a much more difficult task than our opposition. As enlightened individuals, we understand that we must contain evil without destroying it. Evil has no such cognition. If given the chance, Darth and his minions will destroy all that is good. Thus lies the complex task before us.

Or not, what the heck do I know? Hey, does anyone have any lemon for this pituitary? :slurp:


New Member
Originally posted by garyhoov

We have a much more difficult task than our opposition. As enlightened individuals, we understand that we must contain evil without destroying it.

So in essense, we are like the Ghost Busters, or Doll Busters, and the IASW attractions are containment units?

Originally posted by garyhoov

Or not, what the heck do I know? Hey, does anyone have any lemon for this pituitary? :slurp:

Or you referring to the Evil Living with the Land Lemon (a.k.a Jabba the Lemon) that is missing in action atm? I am weary of his where-a-bouts!


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