Iasw Song!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
They are to! Wwe spread joy,love and peace! The only ones that need fear the Dolls are the DOLL haters!:D

umm...and why is that...if they spread joy, love, and peace...then NOBODY should fear them...

So, are you saying that they will kill, pillage, and eat those that don't like them or get along with them??? Doesn't sound too "loving" to me.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
umm...and why is that...if they spread joy, love, and peace...then NOBODY should fear them...

So, are you saying that they will kill, pillage, and eat those that don't like them or get along with them??? Doesn't sound too "loving" to me.
OH! And we are just supposed to sit back while you blast the dolls and use baseball bats against us?


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by darthdarrel
They are to! Wwe spread joy,love and peace! The only ones that need fear the Dolls are the DOLL haters!:D

Hate is a strong word.... We are not haters... We Provide protection for the innocent that could possibly be harmed by the dolls.

We are a Resistance, if the Dolls were ever to rise up against the humans... we are the first people on scene to keep that from happening :)


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by DMC-12
Hate is a strong word.... We are not haters... We Provide protection for the innocent that could possibly be harmed by the dolls.

We are a Resistance, if the Dolls were ever to rise up against the humans... we are the first people on scene to keep that from happening :)
Well the dolls never harm innocents!:D


New Member
Um.. then why are innocents SCARED of the dolls??? I'm an innocent and I'm sorry but those dolls scare the WITS out of me.. how do you explain that sir?? And don't give me the fallen angel thing.. I'm not fallen and you know it :).


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Angelique
Um.. then why are innocents SCARED of the dolls??? I'm an innocent and I'm sorry but those dolls scare the WITS out of me.. how do you explain that sir?? And don't give me the fallen angel thing.. I'm not fallen and you know it :).
You are most certainly are not INNOCENT!
and yes you are FALLEN!:p


New Member
I have a few innocent observations from my recent trip.

One, there are not as many dolls in El Rio Del Tempo as I use to think... Are they all hiding out in IASW now?

Two, the creepy Spectromagic guys look an awful lot like the parents of the IASW dolls.

Three, Why is it that I always see way more people getting on IASW than I ever see get off???


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
I have a few innocent observations from my recent trip.

One, there are not as many dolls in El Rio Del Tempo as I use to think... Are they all hiding out in IASW now?

Two, the creepy Spectromagic guys look an awful lot like the parents of the IASW dolls.

Three, Why is it that I always see way more people getting on IASW than I ever see get off???

Ok, never thought of the spectromagic thing...but you're right...they do look like BIG IASW dolls...hmmm...

are you joining the resistance spidey? :lol:


New Member

Is Resistence Futile?

If so then does that make the dolls the Borg?

Maybe I'll be more like Flynn, just an innocent from outside thrown into the heat of the battle.

It's a Small Cyber-World after all! :lol:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by spider-man
the creepy Spectromagic guys look an awful lot like the parents of the IASW dolls.

No...they look like evil chucky dolls....lol....still evil though :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
No...they look like evil chucky dolls....lol....still evil though :)

Thread drift: (DMC-12...When does the Back to the Future Trilogy come out on DVD? :lol: )

I have a feeling that the IASW dolls would attack as nasty as CRITTERS


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Thread drift: (DMC-12...When does the Back to the Future Trilogy come out on DVD? :lol: )

I have a feeling that the IASW dolls would attack as nasty as CRITTERS

lol..... Yeah! Those Dolls Chew thru everything... I told Darrel that one bit my arm....last time I was there! :eek:


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Thread drift: (DMC-12...When does the Back to the Future Trilogy come out on DVD? :lol: )

DMC-12: What date is the Dec. 17th release on Back to the Future going to be on? And when is the 3 o'clock parade going to be at Magic Kingdom?

Originally posted by DMC-12
I told Darrel that one bit my arm....last time I was there!

Uh-Oh, now you are going to turn into one of those Spectro-Dolls!:eek:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
lol..... Yeah! Those Dolls Chew thru everything... I told Darrel that one bit my arm....last time I was there! :eek:

This was a pic I took when I was there...now tell me...does THIS look like it's ready to spread "peace, joy, and love?"


  • iaswcritter.jpg
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It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
This was a pic I took when I was there...now tell me...does THIS look like it's ready to spread "peace, joy, and love?"

lol...looks like he is about to leap towards the boat...and start eating his way thru it....:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
lol...looks like he is about to leap towards the boat...and start eating his way thru it....:lol:

Nope, that was this one... :lol:


  • iaswjaws.jpg
    5.1 KB · Views: 20

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