I need your feedback, please! Can I ride EE


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
O.K. fellow Disney lovers, I need your help. I'll be back at the World in 2008, and I am debating if I can ride EE. I'm not to good on roller coasters, but I can ride Splash mountain, and Thunder mountain with no problem. I'm leary about going backwards on EE. What are your thoughts? My wife said its a great ride and I can handle it, but I don't know. Please be honest with me. I don't want to come of EE and be sick for my day at DAK.



Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
O.K. fellow Disney lovers, I need your help. I'll be back at the World in 2008, and I am debating if I can ride EE. I'm not to good on roller coasters, but I can ride Splash mountain, and Thunder mountain with no problem. I'm leary about going backwards on EE. What are your thoughts? My wife said its a great ride and I can handle it, but I don't know. Please be honest with me. I don't want to come of EE and be sick for my day at DAK.

I'd say you could do it. Certainly if you can handle Splash and BTMRR, EE isn't that much different. The backwards portion is in the dark and fast, but it's fairly short and not scary [at least my then 10-yo didn't think so]. BTMRR is a lot 'rougher' ride than EE. The ride is good enough that it's worthwhile trying it once and I can't imagine it would make you ill, excited yes...


Well-Known Member
O.K. fellow Disney lovers, I need your help. I'll be back at the World in 2008, and I am debating if I can ride EE. I'm not to good on roller coasters, but I can ride Splash mountain, and Thunder mountain with no problem. I'm leary about going backwards on EE. What are your thoughts? My wife said its a great ride and I can handle it, but I don't know. Please be honest with me. I don't want to come of EE and be sick for my day at DAK.


I am not a huge coaster fan myself and I rode EE this past March on our trip down there. I chickened out of ToT and RnRC at MGM this time, but did actually give EE a try. Overall, it isn't really that scary (and I hate heights too).

I won't lie, the backwards part kinda freaked me out a little bit and I did have a bit of a headache after getting off the ride, but I still loved this ride and will definitely ride it when we go back in 2 years time (along with Tot and RnRC I hope:eek:). We were right in the front for EE, so would have got the worst of it when going backwards too I think. I just took some Motrin or Tylenol and was good to go afterwards.

My biggest regret from my trip this past March was that I didn't ride ToT and RnRC. I rode them 2 years ago and wish I would have did them this time too. Oh well, always next time I guess!:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Since having kids, I have a slight dizziness problem. I love EE, but honestly the backwards part in the dark really feels like I am going upside down. It may only last a few seconds, but it feels longer than that. It is the only part that I wish would go by quicker. The dizziness doesn't really last long and I don't feel sick for the rest of the day or anything, but I do feel the effects of it while it is happening.

I would say go for it, it really isn't that bad and it's over soon enough! :)


Active Member
O.K. fellow Disney lovers, I need your help. I'll be back at the World in 2008, and I am debating if I can ride EE. I'm not to good on roller coasters, but I can ride Splash mountain, and Thunder mountain with no problem. I'm leary about going backwards on EE. What are your thoughts? My wife said its a great ride and I can handle it, but I don't know. Please be honest with me. I don't want to come of EE and be sick for my day at DAK.


The best way I can describe it is on a scale of pressure. You can definitely handle its drop and its helixes, so the ride's front-facing portions shouldn't be in question. Going backwards is intense, but only on a scale that I would say is less intense than Mission:Space. Now when I say intense, I mean the amount of force you feel during its duration. As others have said before, the backwards portion is short but fast. I personally think you can handle it, but as a precautionary method, slowly move from the front row towards the back and you will see the pressure on the backwards section start to increase. Hope that helps! :wave:


RunDisney Addict
I love rollercoasters, but get motion-sick really easy. However, I learned a trick from my sister when she was going through her pregnancy: Ginger Root.

Buy a bottle of ginger root and start taking it 3-4 days before you leave, and a lot of your motion-sickness will go away. It didn't totally subside for me, but it worked a lot better than anything labeled to cure motion sickness.

The only part I had any problem with was the backward spiral in the dark....that got to me a little bit, but only because the mountain's interior lights were on (again), and I was watching the infrastructure below me rather than straight ahead.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
I also have a problem with the backwards thing, but on our last trip I think I found a way to ease going backwards. Instead of fighting trying to keep stiff in the car I relax close my eyes and just keep enough of a tight grip so I don't flop all over the place, and it seemed to help. But the only way you will know what it's like is if you go on it. And if it's not for you, at least you can say you did it. I say the only thing you have to lose is whatever meal you just ate. :D


New Member
I get sick on everything!!! Including the merry go round, lol.....its true. I dont want to even talk about Mission Space. EE, I didnt have a problem with. I had to sit for a moment afterwords because I was a little dizzy (when you come out of the mountain you go around in a tight circle). I take motion sickness med. with me whenever I go to WDW. EE is awsome, I hope you go on it. I did RnRC once and was a little nautious, but not to bad, EE is a lot easier then that. Mission Space...........forget about it, I would rather donate a kidney then ride that again!!:hurl:


Well-Known Member
The backwards part is the most intense but as everyone has said it is very short, the drop is not bad at all. It is a very well themed ride that is not to be missed! I would at least try it once:)


Well-Known Member
I rode it because everyone said it was "just like BTMRR" and they were WRONG. It's much more intense. I don't do coasters. I was terrified and would never in a million years ride it again.

It all depends though on how much you dislike coasters. Big Thunder isn't a real coaster but Everest is. Big Thunder is the absolute max of what I'll ride. I won't do Splash because of the drop. EE really ruined my day, but that's me. It was far too intense for MY comfort level. It's really hard to know what is good for you. The backwards part was horrific for me because I was petrified. The drop wasn't much better.

If you like coasters or can deal with them, then by all means, try it. If, however, you really just don't like them at all, they make you sick, or the experience will ruin your day then maybe you should refrain. Ultimately, it's not something anyone else can really tell you since we each have our fears and tolerance levels.
I really enjoyed EE, however I didn't enjoy how it made me feel.. I got really nauseous after the backwards part. I think it's the forces from that portion that got me.. I was feeling sick for most of the day.. I am ok on Space Mtn and BTMRR and Splash mtn too..


New Member
O.K. fellow Disney lovers, I need your help. I'll be back at the World in 2008, and I am debating if I can ride EE. I'm not to good on roller coasters, but I can ride Splash mountain, and Thunder mountain with no problem. I'm leary about going backwards on EE. What are your thoughts? My wife said its a great ride and I can handle it, but I don't know. Please be honest with me. I don't want to come of EE and be sick for my day at DAK.


Sorry to be the dissenting voice, but I don't recommend trying EE unless you do it at the end of the day.

I have always had trouble with motion sickness. By using ginger oil, and dramamine on days when I expect to hit too many of them back-to-back, I can ride all of the Mtns, ToT, Test Track, etc.--everything EXCEPT RnR and EE. I did try riding EE once. It knocked me out of commission for almost 3 hours. I couldn't even talk for the first hour. It was much worse than my reaction to RnR.

I think it depends what kinds of things make you sick. Yes, EE is less "rough" than BTMRR, but it has a much faster (and to my head and stomach, more violent) vibration. Turning quickly at the bottom of the drops made the forward motion pretty rough on my stomach, forget about the backwards sections. (BTMRR turns at the bottom of the drops but in a sweeping way, whereas EE has sharp turns.)

That said, I liked the theming and keep talking about trying it again. (My DW has forbidden it though. Seems I ruined her day too.) The only way I'd consider it is with copious amounts of ginger oil, peaking dramamine (both I and II at the same time, 45-60 minutes before the ride) and some other form of ginger to eat (root, ginger ale, etc.). Plus, I'd only try it at the end of the day when I was planning to go back and sleep anyway.


Well-Known Member
I agree. While I'm a huge coaster buff, my family members are not. With EE, there are several things you can do to help the cause.

I agree that the backward spiral is really the worst. To alleviate this, sit in the back of the train because you will get slower speed in the spiral. Also, realize that the spiral is more like one big motion than lots of turns.

My suggestion is to ride it during the daylight, keep your head back, close your eyes, and relax your body. If you flow witht he curves, you will be able to see how smooth it is and not give into the darkness' tricks. Don't lock your head in position; just allow everything to flow with the ride When you tense up is when you will feel the intensity.


Active Member
I am in agreement with some on this issue and disagree with others.

My inner ear does not like most coasters, but I am able to handle EE.

EE is not like BTMRR. It is faster (55 vs 32 mph max) and the backwards portion can have negative effects on the brian (in my case inner ear).

I have riden EE in almost every seat and found that rows 11 - 14 are the best (request one of these rows from the load CM). I would also suggest the inner seat (right side of train when in the load area) because the light leaks in the moutain during the backwards portion are not noticable.

I disgree with those that say to close your eyes ... this diffenitely makes me sick.

I would try it first thing in the morning only because of the heat during the day would tend to make you more prone to being tired and/or less able to handle the forces of the ride.

No matter what anyone says on this issue, you must be the one who decides if you can handle it or not. Maybe have someione in your group ride it first and let you know what they think.


Well-Known Member
I say if you can handle Splash Mountain then you can handle EE. Going backwards isn't that big a deal although it does pick up some nice speed. It actually kinda feels like you're going through a loop, but you're actually not. I think you'll be ok.
I think you'll be fine, just don't ride it 2x in a row. My dad did that, LOVED it the first time, then the 2nd time he was sick as a dog for the whole day. He did this two days in a row.

I would go on it once, wait a few hours, then enjoy it again!!


Active Member
I am having the same dilema as the OP.:drevil: I can not do traditional coasters that have these complete drops like the old wooden ones.:eek: The biggest drops I can handle is Splash Mountain. I have never done ToT or RnRc, however I can go on coasters that go upside down, inversions and whatever else they do.(to name a few from other parks Kracken at sea world and dueling dragons at US) I love Mission Space. I recently went on Space Mountain and realized that the ride never really completely drops. It whips to the side halfway down the drop, which is ok for me. I have been told that EE and RnRc also never really completely drop. Is this correct? If they do have complete drops how far are they? This is my biggest concern for some reason my stomach really doesn't take well to that feeling. :hurl:


Well-Known Member
Everest is more intense than Big Thunder. It just is. I cannot comprehend anyone thinking that it is comparable. I love Big Thunder. I did not love Everest. I felt a little sick after riding it.


Well-Known Member
EE is a lot closer to RnRC than BTM. My DW is challenged by BTM (and she is just at the edge of her tolerance), but she wanted to try EE; she made it, but just barely (and was feeling a little wonky for an hour or two afterwords).

And I agree with an earlier post about riding it twice (at least for me). The first ride of the day was pretty much uneventful, but when I rode it again, one after another, my head was spinning a bit too.

The ginger root solution will help if your affliction is based on stomach, but if you suffer from inner ear disturbances, you'll need something else.

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