"I like the new Memories Campaign!" Positive Comments only


New Member
Original Poster
:sohappy: > :goodnevil NO NEGATIVE POSTS PLEASE :sohappy: > :goodnevil

I'm starting a thread for those who did not get overly excited about an announcement that we all knew would just be a new promotion and not give us any new information since there is no new information because we all get news from message boards, like this one, a year before they actually announce whether it be through patents, building permits and rouge Imagineers so how could there possibly have been anything we hadn't heard of before.

Personally, I could watch "We're going to Disney World!" videos all day and cry at each one. I would love to see my face on the castle and I know kids would love it too. And if their face didn't get picked to be one of the 500, I don't think they would even care, what with all the fireworks and rides and, hey isn't that Stitch over there?

Also, it is common policy in parks that by purchasing a ticket, you give consent to be photographed and filmed and such for promotional use. People are always down on Disney for eliminating the "little things" that make it magical to make room for more commercial movie and character tie-ins. This is one of those "little things" and it is best to appreciate it while it's here. After all, if you come to a site like this every day, like me, then you know everything that is, or is rumored to be, on the drawing board for Disney World for probably the next three years or so. Consider yourself fortunate in that respect. You don't need a press release. I myself am able to recognize that I am very privileged to be able to go to Disney World and would love to hear stories about Disney memories.

My story would be about how I actually was able to convince my family to go at young age of 27 :lol:. And we are all about to take another trip this week. I guess what I am saying is that this thread is for positive comments only. So what's your Disney Memory?


I like the new marketing theme. The Celebrate! theme is done and this one about family memories is very good. The ad I saw struck an emotional chord that will resonate with visitors.

The reality is that every September/October for at least the past fifteen years, Disney has premiered it's marketing theme for the next year. Rarely have they made major announcements about new rides and attractions during this presentation.

This one is as good as any. It's low key, inspiring, and emphases what is great about Walt Disney World and Disneyland: making great memories with the ones we love. It's a good transition to next year's 40th Anniversary (I hope!).

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
I for one do like it and while it may not be what everyone else wants it to be, I'd be thrilled to see my boys on the castle as would they. And like she said, if they don't, we will still have an amazing time. :) So Conrad3000, we can enjoy it and continue on with our lives looking forward to our next trip to WDW :wave:


Well-Known Member
WOW! the negative train is up and running at full speed.

1st let me say that I WAS NOT upset over the announcment. If this was a PERMANENT change, then maybe I would. But it's not. It will go away just like all the other themes they have used.

This promotion may upset most on the boards, but at the end of the day there will be millions of casual visitors to WDW that will love this promotion. If any of you have ever been to a baseball game you will know that people go crazy when they end up on the big screen. My daughter still talks about being on the big screen at Turner Field 10 years ago. I highly doubt that anyone here will get mad and never return to WDW if their childs face ends up on the front of the castle.

All I'm saying is give it a chance before you start jumping all over it. The OP has a total of 24 posts to their credit. They probably don't realize how overly sensitive the people are on this message board. To say "You know the OP is pretty naive to think that making a thread like this is going to produce anything at all positive." is just childish.

I will be at WDW this Nov. and I will return in July of next year. In July I hope my childrens faces grace the side of the castle. Why you ask, because in my world, the glass is half full!


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of this thread and this new campain. Stuff from real folks spending their hard earned money to make family memories. I have already upload a photo. No matter what Disney would have come up with there will be haters here...point blank.


Well-Known Member
This is sooo exciting!!! :sohappy::sohappy:

I Love this idea! It's new and exciting! Imagine how many people will go out of their way to strike great poses for the photopass cams in hopes of being on the castle that night! All those Disney video clips we love to upload and pass around now have an opportunity to be shown front and center at Magic Kingdom. I love Disney and I love this idea.

How can anyone on this board complain about pictures being put up for the public? Our "picture of the day" threads are by far the most popular threads on this board and not just for posting... but VIEWING, by ALL of you! :)

There are millions of people all with a common interest... a love for Walt and his dream. Disney has given unforgetable memories to millions of people and this is a backdrop for all of us, to share with them, how much it has touched our lives.

You've got to accentuate the positive :lol:
Eliminate the negative :zipit:
Latch on to the affirmative :lol:
Don't mess with Mister In-Between

You've got to spread joy up to the maximum :lol:
Bring gloom down to the minimum :zipit:
Have faith or pandemonium
Liable to walk upon the scene.... Johnny Mercer​


Well-Known Member
I've already shared memories. Sharing them was nice because it gave me a time to reflect and appreciate. It would be a neat tie-in to the 40th. When you submit memories, the system only goes back to like 2007. Perhaps that will be adjusted.


Well-Known Member
This is sooo exciting!!! :sohappy::sohappy:

I Love this idea! It's new and exciting! Imagine how many people will go out of their way to strike great poses for the photopass cams in hopes of being on the castle that night! All those Disney video clips we love to upload and pass around now have an opportunity to be shown front and center at Magic Kingdom. I love Disney and I love this idea.

How can anyone on this board complain about pictures being put up for the public? Our "picture of the day" threads are by far the most popular threads on this board and not just for posting... but VIEWING, by ALL of you! :)

There are millions of people all with a common interest... a love for Walt and his dream. Disney has given unforgetable memories to millions of people and this is a backdrop for all of us, to share with them, how much it has touched our lives.

You've got to accentuate the positive :lol:
Eliminate the negative :zipit:
Latch on to the affirmative :lol:
Don't mess with Mister In-Between​

You've got to spread joy up to the maximum :lol:
Bring gloom down to the minimum :zipit:
Have faith or pandemonium

Liable to walk upon the scene.... Johnny Mercer​

Well said.


Active Member
Let's take the negative comments elsewhere shall we?

It's not my favorite promo I've seen, but I think if I had kids or something, this would be much more exciting. I can really see how little guys could get into looking for their picture on the castle.

I do really like the sketch projection. And tink is cute too. I'd really have to see it in person before I make a judgement.

Maybe I missed this when I was reading... but WHEN exactly is this happening? Before fireworks? after?


Well-Known Member
Here's a little ray of sunshine for the Debbie Downers: I am personally excited about the new campaign!! :) My DH and I are already planning our trip for next November/December when we'll be taking our twin daughters for the first time. The "memories" campaign gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling as we'll be creating new memories during our first trip as a "family of 4"!!! We'll be experiencing things at WDW that we never did before as a couple! WOO HOO!! I can't wait!


Well-Known Member
Maybe the OP was "NAIVE" in thinking that adults would keep the comments positive on this thread.

Great thread. Good to see some positive about Disney on the boards.


A Long Time DVC Member
I like the promo and the plan for next year, but Disney should not have played this up so big. People where looking beyound 2011 to see the next "big thing".


Active Member
I think it is fun! I've already uploaded a pic to the site. I am really into scrapbooking, making slide shows, etc...so I pretty much love anything to do with pictures and memories.:)

The Mom

Premium Member
Perhaps the people with negative opinions can open a "negative replies only thread", where all positive posts will be deleted.

And then we have the 3rd thread where both viewpoints can be presented, as long as you keep it civil.

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
We basically already have a thread like that.

idk if you would consider this a positive comment or not (it's more of a reflection upon it than anything else) but I wouldn't dislike the campaign if it wasn't for the fact that there is absolutely no tie in to the 40th and that the castle show test video showed off what it would be like. Disneyland got a huge celebration for the 40th anniversary. What do we get? Nothing but a generic campaign. Also the projection system is pretty cool. All of the effects it adds are fantastic. The photos on the castle look like a cheep powerpoint slide show.

With those two things exempt (here's the positive bit), I think it's a kinda nifty idea. It gives people a chance to try to get on TV and on marketing materials with their stories, pictures and videos. The casual guest coming for their yearly or biyearly vacation will love this idea and will try to be included in one of those mediums.

So do I think it's a great campaign? No. Do I think it's a good idea? Yeah. The concept is good, but it should be tweaked to incorporate the 40th anniversary of WDW.

There you have it, an objective look at the campaign that isn't totally negative. Delete it if you want, but that's my stance.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps the people with negative opinions can open a "negative replies only thread", where all positive posts will be deleted.

And then we have the 3rd thread where both viewpoints can be presented, as long as you keep it civil.

Great idea! ... and that's why she's The Mom! :lol:


New Member
Well I havnt been here in a long time, but I think the new campaign is great. I think families will realy respond to this. I dont have any kids but if I did I would be trying like crazy to get them on the castle walls.

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