"I like the new Memories Campaign!" Positive Comments only


Well-Known Member
Why do you insist on making such a big deal out of it? It's a whole lot easier to refer to the 40th Anniversary as being "1971-2011." Sounds silly to celebrate "1971-2012" as the 40th. And who says it must last an entire year anyhow? Just do it from October 2011-December 2011 if you're so bent on waiting till the actual date to start the 40th celebration. Good enough. Most guests really don't care about the exact date. Just like I thought it was silly to continue the 25th Anniversary into 1997 since the actual anniversary was in 1996. (And the hideous pink castle overlay should have been down by '97.) Besides, this has gotten way off-topic.

The only one making a big deal out of it is you. Since you can't seem to grasp why they'd celebrate it during the actual year.


The only one making a big deal out of it is you. Since you can't seem to grasp why they'd celebrate it during the actual year.

The park opened in 1971. They should celebrate the Anniversary in 2011. Simple as that. The calendar year is what matters to most of those who even give it a thought. The specific day during the year - not so much. So much easier to have it within the same calendar year of the actual event, regardless of whether it occurred in January, June, or October. That is close enough.

During the 25th, it confused a lot of people into thinking the park opened in 1972 when they tried to do the math in 1997. Nobody that I spoke with in a small group while looking up at the big 25 knew that the exact Anniversary date was in October of the year before while trying to figure out why it wasn't coming out to 1971. The year 1971 was all that we could remember. (If memory serves, I think we decided they must have extended the celebration to the following year and just left it at that.)

1971 - 2011. 40 years. Period. Plain, simple, and easy. Now do you get what I'm saying?


Well-Known Member
Since Disney extended the 25th anniversary even father (into 1998) I'm guessing they didn't get a negative reaction from the "confused" masses.

If anyone is that confused over it then it's their own personal issue, and not Disney's fault. It's not as complicated as you're making it, relax.


Since Disney extended the 25th anniversary even father (into 1998) I'm guessing they didn't get a negative reaction from the "confused" masses.

If anyone is that confused over it then it's their own personal issue, and not Disney's fault. It's not as complicated as you're making it, relax.

Just the opposite, as your own post shows: Disney themselves caused the confusion by complicating it. Not our fault at all. It wasn't like there was an asterisk next to the big 25 on the castle with a disclaimer explaining the actual anniversary happened in 1996, and we didn't have iPhones or other internet-capable hand-held devices to look up the facts with back then. Short of tracking down a CM or going to City Hall, "average Joe" had no way to know why there was a discrepancy. Just a small group of guests standing around waiting for a parade discussing why the numbers didn't add up. Clearly not a 'personal issue' whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
Again, it's not as complicated as you seem to think it is. Must have confused you big time if you're still bent out of shape over it nearly 15 years later :wave:


Again, it's not as complicated as you seem to think it is. Must have confused you big time if you're still bent out of shape over it nearly 15 years later :wave:

My whole point was that it was very confusing to the guests in general (not just me), and they should keep it simple because the years just did not add up. I'm not 'bent out of shape', just trying to get you to understand why Disney needs to simplify the whole Anniversary thing. Guests should not have to take a course in Disney history to try and understand why the Anniversary just kept going and going and going with their convoluted math. It should not require an explanation to be understood.

You are the one saying that they absolutely must wait until October 2011 to even start the Anniversary and then keep it going for at least another year after the fact. My response is why make it so complex? Why not keep it during the year it actually happens, and not keep it going like the Energizer Bunny, milking the Anniversary $$ for two years after the fact like last time. If they wanna milk those Anniversary $$, do it starting in January 2011, building a campaign with a string of events that lead up to the official date, and be done with it by the end of 2011, moving on to something new for 2012.

Sears - as a general business example - celebrated their 100th Anniversary during the entire year of 1986. They did not wait for an exact anniversary date to start, nor did they keep it going for two more years!

I am a firm believer in K.I.S.S.


Well-Known Member
The only one making it into a "complex" issue is you! And "convoluted math"? Were you sitting there in front of the castle with a calculator?

As far as your Sears example, it seems there is no "exact date" for the company's founding. Just that they began selling watches in 1886, I can't even find record online of what MONTH in 1886 they began. So why wouldn't they use 1986 as their anniversary year?


The only one making it into a "complex" issue is you! And "convoluted math"? Were you sitting there in front of the castle with a calculator?

As far as your Sears example, it seems there is no "exact date" for the company's founding. Just that they began selling watches in 1886, I can't even find record online of what MONTH in 1886 they began. So why wouldn't they use 1986 as their anniversary year?

Precisely my point in bringing up Sears as a general example. The exact date is unknown, and totally unimportant to the campaign in general, and not important to the buying public either. 1886-1986 was all that mattered.

As far as sitting in front of the castle with a calculator goes, no - we were mid-way down Main Street and used as many fingers and toes as we could find... :lookaroun

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