I have a few gripes!!!!

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New Member
the value resort bus stops are far away from the parks because they are NEW. Since they were put in after most of the other resorts they had no choice but to put them at the "end of the line." I can understand why you would get upset that someone did not give up their seat for you or an elderly woman, as I always give up mine if I see it necessary. Your other "gripes" however, are pretty much nit picks. Now you know if you don't want the mousekeepers to do their job... put the DND sign up, that is why they give it to you.

Actually, this isn't correct. when they first built AllStar, it was the first bus stop when you came out of the park. We always stayed at PO and my Mom and used to joke that we wanted to stay at AS so we get the first bus. It changed after the first couple of years.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
How do you know this?! It is very very presumptive of you to assume that everyone on the bus had a reason they could or could not give up their seat.

On a positive note, I am sure you will make a fine nanny some day since you are so sensitive:rolleyes: .

Personally I can't see encouraging that kind of whinning. Have a nice day:wave:
I was not encouraging the whinning, and I never said that I have the ability to know what everybody's reasons were on the bus. I've also had people who I offered a seat to have said no thankyou sometimes.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
1. Lock your door(im sure mousekeeping didnt need to see that)
2. Rent a car
3. Speak to a manager when u have bad service

"Problems" solved.:brick:

Good answer, as I clap my hands. :animwink:
By the way I, with my getting older memory seemed to remembered that you were expecting? Or just Had a baby? How's it going???


New Member
I'm sorry your trip was difficult. However, it sounds like a lot of the problems you encountered were due to having your child with you (child was fussy, had to hold onto child on the bus, had to walk a long way with the stroller to the bus, etc).
I would never say not to take your child, but I would caution you or anyone else for that matter to be prepared to face things without relying on the unexpected kindness of others (which they have a right to offer or not offer... such as a man giving up his seat on the bus). Kids are hard to look after. I know this now that I have a 3 week old baby at home and I think the trip might have been a bit taxing for you because things you probably never previously noticed are now major annoyances since you have a child to take care of.
My advice is if your clothes come off, the do not disturb sign should go up... if you want to sit on the bus, ask people if they might kindly give up their seat or wait for a less full bus or come up with a different mode of transportation (rental car?)... if you want luxuries like your bus stop being first, then understand you need to pay more and probably stay at a more expensive resort... and by all means, complain about bad service.


And I have to disagree, the customer is NOT always right - ESPECIALLY when that customer is acting like a compete and utter fool! Nobody should have to put up with elitist, entitled attutudes!

I'm not sure if you are calling my attitude elitist or entitled, or just referring to people who do have this attitude in a restaurant. And I'm also not sure if you mean to suggest that I act like a total fool. If so, let me assure you that I have never been anything but reserved and polite in a restaurant, regardless of the poor service. I don't make special requests. I don't send things back if they aren't perfect. I don't yell for a waiter to come over when I have a problem. If the service is bad, I don't tip well. I speak to the manager. I would never, ever do anything that would make any service person treat me poorly.

You can't possibly think that expecting good service in a restaurant is elitest and entitled. You absolutely ARE entitled to good service in every restaurant you go to. You're are paying good money for your meal, and expected to TIP the waiter for the level of service you receive. You can't possibly believe a bad waiter should receive the same tip as an excellant one. Read my post. What exactly am I expecting that is elitist, or entitled? I expect a waiter to do a very small amount. Am I crazy? Is it okay for a waiter to ignore my table for 40 minutes? Is it okay for my order to take an hour and then be the wrong one? Is it okay for my waiter to be rude and dismissive before I've had a chance to utter a single word? Is it okay to ignore all polite signals for some help at my table when there's a problem with my childs meal? Should I really be expected to sit there for 40 minutes waiting for the check that I have asked for 3 times? Should I simply allow a bad waiter to ruin my meal entirely and then happily fork over a large tip?

Is the statement THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT the problem? Sure, I'll admit that a badly behaving customer doesn't seem to DESERVE to be treated with respect. And if I was a waiter, and someone treated me poorly, I would definitely want to shaft them somehow. But, that would get me FIRED. No restaurant ever wants anyone to go around bad-mouthing their establishment for bad service. And here's the thing: the person who is bad-mouthing a restaurant for it's bad service may very well be one of those people who may DESERVE bad service. But they will do the same, if not MORE damage to the restaurant's reputation because they ARE trouble and more vocal.

This is where the saying THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT comes into play. It's a MANAGEMENT term. In order for a restaurant to survive, every customer must leave that restaurant praising the service and the food. So, every customer, good and bad must be treated with respect and given good service. A customer who is behaving so badly that they don't seem to DESERVE decent service is supposed to be reported to management so that they may choose to deal with the customer.

Okay, since I'm beating this topic to death anyway, I'm just going to continue. Now, I certainly don't mean to suggest that my support of the statement THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT goes to the obvious extremes. A customer is absolutely bound to behave within the law. A customer is not right to break any of the restaurants rules, treat other patrons poorly, break things, throw food, act out in a loud abrasive manner, etc. But it is not the waiter's job to interfere, that is managements job. Management may choose to allow the waiter to deal with it, but generally, the waiter is supposed to remain polite and let management deal. Right or wrong, that's just how it is. And I have seen management toss more than one lousy customer out.

And lastly, (I hope) I completely understand anyone who thinks my leaving a penny for a tip one time was out of line, and unnecessary. It was a long time ago and I shared this as a way to illustrate the point that if you receive bad service, you have a right to object in some manner. Whether it be by leaving a poor tip, or complaining to the manager. A waiter earns most of their money from tips. And I expect them to earn those tips, just as I am expected to earn my money at my job. And, honestly, leaving a penny as an insult for tremendously bad service is probably much kinder than going to the manager and insisting that the waiter be fired. Which, I have never done.


Active Member
Natoli.... I feel your pain but you aren't going to get much sympathy from some of these postings but I love disney and more and more lately we come back from our trip and have more gripes each time

While not a disney issue we went last year w/ my wife pregnant 8 months and let me tell you not once was she offered a seat on the boat, bus or monorail and it was august even this year w/ 4 kids and one now is 1 year old.

We also had problems with Ohana our last 2 trips... the service was absolutely horrible, lets just say our drinks that we ordered at the beginning came at dessert. When we came home both times we called disney and they refunded our money with disney dollars so try that way. They say they are over booked and overwhelmed with the dining plan since we use ADR and not on the plan.


There is one simple thing that proves this statement is not true. We have shoplifting laws.....

You have me there.

But seriously, of course a customer breaking the law, or behaving far outside the realm of decent behavior is not right. And I certainly am not implying that. And management will deal with this type of customer.

But if you treat an obnoxious customer badly, you may feel better for giving one back, but your actions reflect badly upon the establishment that pays your salary. And they'll reward you by firing you. And right or wrong, we all agree to do our jobs as specified by management for the sum of money we are paid. And in any customer service industry, management will use the phrase THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT. And if you just can't live with that, then probably any customer service career isn't for you.

And by you, I don't mean you personally. Just anyone in that position.


We also had problems with Ohana our last 2 trips... the service was absolutely horrible, lets just say our drinks that we ordered at the beginning came at dessert. When we came home both times we called disney and they refunded our money with disney dollars so try that way. They say they are over booked and overwhelmed with the dining plan since we use ADR and not on the plan.

Wow. I've heard a lot of gripes about OHANA. I may rethink trying that place. On the other hand, thumbs up to Disney for their solution. See people, speak up about bad service. You'll get results.

Capt. Salty

New Member
I'm not sure if you are calling my attitude elitist or entitled, or just referring to people who do have this attitude in a restaurant. And I'm also not sure if you mean to suggest that I act like a total fool. If so, let me assure you that I have never been anything but reserved and polite in a restaurant, regardless of the poor service. I don't make special requests. I don't send things back if they aren't perfect. I don't yell for a waiter to come over when I have a problem. If the service is bad, I don't tip well. I speak to the manager. I would never, ever do anything that would make any service person treat me poorly.

You can't possibly think that expecting good service in a restaurant is elitest and entitled. You absolutely ARE entitled to good service in every restaurant you go to. You're are paying good money for your meal, and expected to TIP the waiter for the level of service you receive. You can't possibly believe a bad waiter should receive the same tip as an excellant one. Read my post. What exactly am I expecting that is elitist, or entitled? I expect a waiter to do a very small amount. Am I crazy? Is it okay for a waiter to ignore my table for 40 minutes? Is it okay for my order to take an hour and then be the wrong one? Is it okay for my waiter to be rude and dismissive before I've had a chance to utter a single word? Is it okay to ignore all polite signals for some help at my table when there's a problem with my childs meal? Should I really be expected to sit there for 40 minutes waiting for the check that I have asked for 3 times? Should I simply allow a bad waiter to ruin my meal entirely and then happily fork over a large tip?

Is the statement THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT the problem? Sure, I'll admit that a badly behaving customer doesn't seem to DESERVE to be treated with respect. And if I was a waiter, and someone treated me poorly, I would definitely want to shaft them somehow. But, that would get me FIRED. No restaurant ever wants anyone to go around bad-mouthing their establishment for bad service. And here's the thing: the person who is bad-mouthing a restaurant for it's bad service may very well be one of those people who may DESERVE bad service. But they will do the same, if not MORE damage to the restaurant's reputation because they ARE trouble and more vocal.

This is where the saying THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT comes into play. It's a MANAGEMENT term. In order for a restaurant to survive, every customer must leave that restaurant praising the service and the food. So, every customer, good and bad must be treated with respect and given good service. A customer who is behaving so badly that they don't seem to DESERVE decent service is supposed to be reported to management so that they may choose to deal with the customer.

Okay, since I'm beating this topic to death anyway, I'm just going to continue. Now, I certainly don't mean to suggest that my support of the statement THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT goes to the obvious extremes. A customer is absolutely bound to behave within the law. A customer is not right to break any of the restaurants rules, treat other patrons poorly, break things, throw food, act out in a loud abrasive manner, etc. But it is not the waiter's job to interfere, that is managements job. Management may choose to allow the waiter to deal with it, but generally, the waiter is supposed to remain polite and let management deal. Right or wrong, that's just how it is. And I have seen management toss more than one lousy customer out.

And lastly, (I hope) I completely understand anyone who thinks my leaving a penny for a tip one time was out of line, and unnecessary. It was a long time ago and I shared this as a way to illustrate the point that if you receive bad service, you have a right to object in some manner. Whether it be by leaving a poor tip, or complaining to the manager. A waiter earns most of their money from tips. And I expect them to earn those tips, just as I am expected to earn my money at my job. And, honestly, leaving a penny as an insult for tremendously bad service is probably much kinder than going to the manager and insisting that the waiter be fired. Which, I have never done.
I apologize if it came across directed at you, I assure you it wasnt:p It was a general statement of that type of behavior. Again, I am sorry it came across that way.:animwink:


I apologize if it came across directed at you, I assure you it wasnt:p It was a general statement of that type of behavior. Again, I am sorry it came across that way.:animwink:

Thanks. The problem with any post is that it is so easy to take a simple statement and blow it way out of proportion. I was pretty sure you weren't taking aim at me as I couldn't figure out where you would have gotten that impression. I did however decide to reply anyway, as this topic seems to have gotten under my skin and I was feeling that maybe I was coming across the wrong way. And If anything in my reply came across directly aimed at you, or was offensive to you personally, I too apologize, as it is the topic that has me riled not any individual person.

And now, I want this topic to go away for something more positive!:sohappy:


Active Member
Wow. I've heard a lot of gripes about OHANA. I may rethink trying that place. On the other hand, thumbs up to Disney for their solution. See people, speak up about bad service. You'll get results.

No no you really should try it. It is soooooo yummy! :slurp:

Sometimes I think the service is a little lacking because it is always hopping in there, lots going on. But we will always go for the food and drinks, it's just to die for.

p.s. If you are of age you should try a Tradewinds (frozen mixed drink).

*drool* :slurp:


1. One afternoon we were resting in the hotel and we did not put our DND sign in the door as housekeeping had been there so we figured we were safe. WRONG! While napping, housekeeping knocked on the door....woke our daughter up and after one knock, tried entering our room. My husband and I had declothed to cool off and rest so there we were for her to see....I was a little perturbed about that.

I stay in hotels on a regular basis for work..and if i dont put the DND sign on the door...i know the consequences. It was your own fault.

2. Has anyone else noticed that the cheaper the resort you stay at, the farther you have to walk for the buses? I swear every bus stop for us was the LAST one on that line. Ummmm....hello DISNEY, most of the people staying at the value resorts are there because they have kids...most of them several kids. Why on earth would you make it so the people with kids, toting all sorts of extras in a bag and sometimes large or multiple strollers walk the farthest and try to navigate through the crowds?!

Rich people have kids and carry lots of bags and push strollers too. Why should THEY have to walk so far?


Well-Known Member
Something tells me you are not giving us the whole story on your "last gripe". Did you tip your waitress? Sounds like you are being way to picky if you ask me. My biggest gripe at WDW is people who are always looking to find a reason to claim they are a "victim" in some way or another.

I have NEVER had excellent service at Ohana's, and my waiter always seems to become annoyed when I ask for seconds, too; but the food is so delicious that I eat there anyway. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Something tells me you are not giving us the whole story on your "last gripe". Did you tip your waitress? Sounds like you are being way to picky if you ask me. My biggest gripe at WDW is people who are always looking to find a reason to claim they are a "victim" in some way or another.

It read to me like the OP recieved bad service before she got to the tipping portion of the evening ...



When we go if people or employees make us mad, we just blow it off and don't let other people screw our trip up, and we know we are lucky to even get to go to Disney, but on the other hand if you do jump crazy at someone (you will never see these people again).:hammer:


Wow--if I knew my customers were coming into my place of business and that they were going to go home and write about EVERY single experience, I dont believe I could handle that pressure! Even on another thread, I read about the seaguls mouths not moving at Nemo--can you even begin to comprehend the attention to detail that Disney offers, and how is doesn't even match up to the scrutiny of the customers that enter the gates! Kudos to Disney for being able to handle it--too much pressure for me! :) :) :)[/quote]

if you charged me over $3000 to walk into your place of business i would scrutinize it too
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