I have a few gripes!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Well... look on the bright side. The mousekeeping thing will never EVER happen again. Next time you will remember the sign.:lol: I know... because it happened to us once years ago in Atlanta. :o Funny story now though.

As for everything else, IDK. Things happen and you just have to roll with it and don't let it get the best of you. I have had some bad things happen while on vacation but I try to let it go and focus on something else. :)


Well-Known Member
You know even when I have had bad service at Disney I usually could care less as I am still on vacation and having a grand old time! Most of the OP rants to me weren't worthy gripes.The fact you had to wait for the bus is just petty.My dad just retired as a Driver at Disney and he would tell me how it may not how people like it but he analyzed it like this,if you were on a school bus route their is always someone picked up last and they are usually the most unhappy as they get crappy seating,and wait the longest.Disney I am sure doesnt want to upset anyone stayi ng at their hotels but if I were running a business and I had someone paying $250 for a room and someone paying $75 I am sure that the person paying more would end up getting the preferential treatment.I am not saying its right but that is how alot of places run.

As far as your room being checked without your DND sign just blame yourself on that one even if it was wrong that the employee entered to quick.

As far as a man upsetting you about not getting up I take exception as a man to that.Now while I usually will stand on any transportation no matter who is coming on to it (I prefer standing as if i sit my feet will hurt worse when I get up...i.e. plantar fasciatis) for you to be upset at just a man is wrong.Why couldnt say the healthy fit lady with no kids couldn't stand?Not that there was any of them on there but it seems like you chose only the 1 man to pick on.Look I am old school and always believe in ladies and children first but to me it seems that you believe all men should relinquish their seat to you or any female.We are in the 21st century and while I am sorry that you had to stand with a child(which scares me as it isn't wise to be standing on a moving bus holding a young child) it is a fact that people in alot of ways (men and women) that are insensitive to others needs.

I am glad you had a overall good time but we all find something to gripe about on our trips to WDW.Heck I stay for free at my dads and dont have to rent a car as I can take his Avalanche truck(Upgrade over my 98 dodge Intrepid) but I have to sleep on a hideaway bed and I gripe but afterwards I realize I cant complain as it boils down to I enjoyed my time with my dad and lil sister,had a furnished place to stay,didn't spend all that much on the trip($300 for 2 plane tixs for my bro and myself,got in free to MK and Epcot and didnt have to rent a car,only spend on souvenirs and food while out)So as you see the good MAJORLY outweighs any bad and after all is said and done what I will remember isnt the bed or the outdated macaroni and cheese :hurl: but the time well spent with my family and of course being at DisneyWorld!!!

So next time you go try to use these experiences to your advantage and make it even more Magical next time you go!:)


I am a man with a disability. You would not notice by just looking at me. I have something called "multifocal motor neuropathy." The nerves on the left side of my body are slowly deteriorating. I can walk (with a limp), I can ride all the attractions, I can go to the water parks. I can have a great time. However, I do tend to lose my balance quite a bit. Especially if I was standing on a moving bus. So if you were to observe me sitting and not offering to give up my seat, you would just assume that I thought I was someone special who doesn't think I have to give up my seat to a woman with a baby?
My intentions are not to rip into the OP. You just need to be aware that there may be other unseen reasons. Now if there was an elderly woman, and no one was offering their seat, I would give her mine and just hold on real tight. But an able bodied woman holding a baby? Sorry, I would not.


New Member
Capt. Salty,

just to avoid confusion, when you stay at a value resort, I don't believe you can have your packages sent back to the resort. they are only available for front of the park pickup.

if this is wrong-let me know:).

You are incorrect. You can actually pick up your purchases at the gift shop at your resort.


Active Member
[I was so excited to bring her there with hopes that we would have the perfect trip.

As I see it, this was your biggest problem. No trip will be perfect, and expecting it to be so is doing nothing more than setting yourself up for disappointment. Take this as a lesson, and your future trips will be pleasant surprises.


Well-Known Member
I only read through the first couple pages....I think I got the jist of this thread by now.

The only thing I am going to comment on is the Mousekeepers thing because I found them to be rather abnoxious too last time I was there. I always sign up for express checkout so I don't have to worry about heading back to the lobby for checkout. At my stay at CBR a couple weeks ago, Mousekeepers knocked on my door for probably 30 seconds straight at 8 in the morning. Since it was our checkout day, we planned to sleep in and head to the parks at 11. But we were rudely awoken for no reason at all. By the time I had gotten dressed enough to open the door, the Mousekeeper guy had already walked away. The bill was hanging on the doorknob.

IMH, there was NO REASON to knock like he was so early in the morning just to put the bill on the door which I already knew was going to be there. I was especially mad cuz after all of that knocking, he wasn't there when I answered the door!

anyways. that was my vent. I feel ya with the Mousekeepers!
You are incorrect. You can actually pick up your purchases at the gift shop at your resort.

Just remember, the day you send your packages back to you r resort to be delivered, it will not be there until the following day. If you purchase something at the end of a night eg Monday nite, then you will not be able to lay hands on your package until Wed. So just be mindful to not use this service as late as the day before you check out of your resort but might not get it due to you leaving.

Ask questions when you purchase and arrange for resort delivery so you wont be surprised :hammer: :hammer:


New Member
Here we go again with the "because I am with child, I am more entitled than to those at Disney who do not."

Re the bus stop locations: Seriously, after walking upwards of 16 miles a day in the parks I really doubt that the extra 200 steps from the Beach Club's stop to POP's persay would have killed you. Because I don't have children and may be in a different socio-economic bracket and can afford a more expensive resort I should have to walk farther to the bus. Maybe I am wrong but I am not seeing the rationale here.

Re standing on the bus: Again, beacause you have kids you are also more entitled to a seat than I am. Now I have to walk further, and stand on the bus because you are a parent and I am not. If you don't want to stand, next time rent a car, but then you should also get to park closer to the theme park too beacuse you have a kid, right?


Well-Known Member
We went in August with a wonderful plan with a group of 36 people, Girl Scout trip planned by Pam (big Thanks)~ I am AP holder and visit WDW often with our family. WE encountered more problems on this trip than any other trip...starting with wrong room choice at the resort. We paid for pref. and were given standard farthest away...with enough complaining and room changes three times (each time they had to give us new keys to the kingdom cards) they finally gave us what we had paid for. On another evening we had ADR's at 1900 park fare. We showed up early and had a 2 1/2 hour wait! not fun with 36 people including more children than adults! But we had a BLAST! We did everything we wanted to, we enjoyed good food with good friends in the most magical place ever. We had girls on this trip who had never even stayed in a hotel let alone fly in a plane or go to Disney World! We did not let the few set backs ruin our trip, nor did we dwell on them. We stayed at All Star Movies..it was booked solid, the buses ran frequently so we had little wait and we were dropped off in front of the parks to unload. I did notice that Pop seems to be the farthest bus stops at most of the parks.

You spend nearly $30,000 on a trip and you don't want a lot of hassles. But you also don't want to dwell on those hassles and let it ruin the trip. We had far more good things happen...getting magical fastpasses in Epcot AND MK, running into two CM's from our hometown, enjoying the Princess and Pirate Party at MK...the great list is far longer than the 'complaint' list. Just think of them as lessons learned...and as your child grows older the amount of stuff you have to pack does lighten. ;)
my personal gripe is when you and your children are in line to meet n greet a character, and someone ahead of you just takes way too much time, they take the opportunity to just monopolize the characters time. Don't get me wrong we try to take as many photos of our daughter and us with the character, but try to be mindful that their are others in line also. It's the OBVIOUS ones that are irritating! Anyone had an experience like this?:brick: :brick: :brick: :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Because I don't have children and may be in a different socio-economic bracket and can afford a more expensive resort I should have to walk farther to the bus. Maybe I am wrong but I am not seeing the rationale here.

I don't think where you stay--on or off property, value to dlx., really defines your socio-economic bracket. Yes it costs more to upgrade but with discounts the cost diff. can be minimal in the grand scheme of things.
Here we go again with the "because I am with child, I am more entitled than to those at Disney who do not."

Re the bus stop locations: Seriously, after walking upwards of 16 miles a day in the parks I really doubt that the extra 200 steps from the Beach Club's stop to POP's persay would have killed you. Because I don't have children and may be in a different socio-economic bracket and can afford a more expensive resort I should have to walk farther to the bus. Maybe I am wrong but I am not seeing the rationale here.

Re standing on the bus: Again, beacause you have kids you are also more entitled to a seat than I am. Now I have to walk further, and stand on the bus because you are a parent and I am not. If you don't want to stand, next time rent a car, but then you should also get to park closer to the theme park too beacuse you have a kid, right?

Im not taking up for the OP as I think most of her gripes are minor and not really Disney;s fault, as far as the bus thing, I think most of us understand that the more you pay the more perks you receive, thats basically life in general, no big surprise here for most of us, the only issue I think is it would have been nice if someone would have been courteous enough to offer a seat for her mainly because of the child, and the child's safety. Personally I think people holding children should not be allowed to stand on a bus. I mean all across the country kids under 16 have to be in a seatbelt or little ones in a child safety restraint device, so why should this be allowed. It is putting the child in danger in case of an accident if you ask me. ((I am a police officer))
Anyway it may be the overal attitude of this OP i dont know, why someone didnt offer their seat to her. Maybe she carried herself like she was "entitled". If that is the case it does put people off. I dont know. If I was there I probably would have offered my seat only for the child's safety, not that I felt sorry for the mother.

I do think Disney should look at the safety of those having to stand, this should not be allowed. They should just run more busses during the peak times to keep this from happening. ((Just my 2 little cents worth)) :cry: ;)


New Member
Im not taking up for the OP as I think most of her gripes are minor and not really Disney;s fault, as far as the bus thing, I think most of us understand that the more you pay the more perks you receive, thats basically life in general, no big surprise here for most of us, the only issue I think is it would have been nice if someone would have been courteous enough to offer a seat for her mainly because of the child, and the child's safety. Personally I think people holding children should not be allowed to stand on a bus. I mean all across the country kids under 16 have to be in a seatbelt or little ones in a child safety restraint device, so why should this be allowed. It is putting the child in danger in case of an accident if you ask me. ((I am a police officer))
Anyway it may be the overal attitude of this OP i dont know, why someone didnt offer their seat to her. Maybe she carried herself like she was "entitled". If that is the case it does put people off. I dont know. If I was there I probably would have offered my seat only for the child's safety, not that I felt sorry for the mother.

I do think Disney should look at the safety of those having to stand, this should not be allowed. They should just run more busses during the peak times to keep this from happening. ((Just my 2 little cents worth)) :cry: ;)

I completely agree that it is not the safest thing in the world for someone holding a child to be standing while the bus is in motion.

I have no problem standing and offering my seat to someone who could use it more. After a few years of working NYC and constantly standing on the subway in the AM rush it does not bother me.

I just don't get some people's thought process regarding the bus stops. We have stayed everywhere from POP, the Poly, Contemporary, ASMo, POFQ, to Coranado. I could care less where the bus stop is located. It is Disney, you know wherever you go down there you will be doing a ton of walking. What do a few extra steps mean in the grand scheme of things after walking all day for 12 hours?
I completely agree that it is not the safest thing in the world for someone holding a child to be standing while the bus is in motion.

I have no problem standing and offering my seat to someone who could use it more. After a few years of working NYC and constantly standing on the subway in the AM rush it does not bother me.

I just don't get some people's thought process regarding the bus stops. We have stayed everywhere from POP, the Poly, Contemporary, ASMo, POFQ, to Coranado. I could care less where the bus stop is located. It is Disney, you know wherever you go down there you will be doing a ton of walking. What do a few extra steps mean in the grand scheme of things after walking all day for 12 hours?

I agree. :slurp: we have always stayed in the ASMovies and the bus stops are always toward the rear of the line, it is kid of tiring, but it just goes with the territory. Fortunately my wife has a handicap placard for our vehicle, so we just drive and then park in the handicap section. She cannot walk too far, and my daughter has a disability. The first couple of years we took the busses from our resort, but over the past 3 times at WDW we drove and actually it isnt that much of an inconvienence to drive. We do this due to our situation. But I agree if you take the busses you have to be prepared to be frustrated and wait in long lines etc.


New Member
Maybe your husband (being one of those...MEN) should have offered to hold the child. Did he ever offer to give up his seat during your trip?


New Member
Ok, here goes.....My husband and I stay at the POP Century every time we visit Disney. Not because we can't afford to stay at the others but because I have stayed at the other hotels and I don't think it is worth the extra $200-$300+ a night to stay there. I can still eat at whatever resteraunt I want regardless of where I'm sleeping and since we live in FL I could care less about the swimming pools and whatever. We go to WDW in the winter.
I have NEVER had a problem walking to the buses at POP Century. It has never taken us more than 5 minutes ...tops to get there. We actually went to the Contemporary for dinner one evening and by time we found the bus stop we had to wait AT LEAST 30 minutes for the bus to even get there. We waited there much longer than we ever had to at POP. Now I understand that the ALL Stars are a different story since they share a bus. She could have easily solved that problem by not booking her vacation there.


Here we go again with the "because I am with child, I am more entitled than to those at Disney who do not."

Re the bus stop locations: Seriously, after walking upwards of 16 miles a day in the parks I really doubt that the extra 200 steps from the Beach Club's stop to POP's persay would have killed you. Because I don't have children and may be in a different socio-economic bracket and can afford a more expensive resort I should have to walk farther to the bus. Maybe I am wrong but I am not seeing the rationale here.

Re standing on the bus: Again, beacause you have kids you are also more entitled to a seat than I am. Now I have to walk further, and stand on the bus because you are a parent and I am not. If you don't want to stand, next time rent a car, but then you should also get to park closer to the theme park too beacuse you have a kid, right?

I totally agree. We don't have children and when we go there are a few(not all) parents that think they are entitled to more because they have kids. I don't at all mind giving my seat up for someone holding a child but it really makes me mad when its a child that is small enough to fit in a lap and they let them sit in a seat.
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