Op, I think that the situation you were in and being denied like that was really stupid of the cm, I dont understand why she or disney would require her to do that. What if it was an emergency? Or yea, a little child or elderly adult? I mean, thats stupid. Im sorry, Im glad you handled it the way you did, but I probably would have turned it into something bigger. I mean, yes, you could have used the restroom before you hit SM, but then you could have missed that one last ride. And to the poster who said that the cm might have thought the op could try and sneek onto some more rides after him using the restroom, I dont think that would have been possible. Its not like she was the only cm over there, had she let them in, and then he had tried to ride SM again, Im sure there would have been a cm at the entrance to stop him.
And to the other poster who thinks he was trying to trespass or get away with not paying for the event, give me a break. How does using the restroom before leaving equal to trying to get over and be in the park for free that night. They have wristbands that you are required to have, and he wouldnt have been able to stay if he didnt have it. Like I said, op, Im sorry that it happened, and you handled it better than I would have. And yes, I think that was really stupid and shouldnt have happened.