As a pest control operator i can tell you that bed bugs are not uncommon anymore. In rare cases they can take awhile to get rid of but i have been doing this for 10 years and I have never charged more then a few hundered dollars and had to make more then 2 or 3 visits and they were only really to make sure the problems were gone. I wouldn't go crazy over bed bugs that may or may not be in a resort. if they have them or not I'm sure Disney would take a chance and have the rooms looked at right away. Hopefully this will help some but i do know this itchy feeling you get when you think about it, you should try being in the house with flea's and bed bugs then you will really feel itchy.
"It is likely that bed bugs are the most commonly known ectoparasites to humans. Nearly every child has heard the reminder, “Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” Prior to World War II, bed bugs were fairly common in homes. Due to the introduction of modern pest control products in the 1940s, this insect faded from the American scene, and has only recently reappeared as a unique pest problem in buildings. These parasites are blood feeders, and they crawl into beds during the night while their victims are sleeping. The bite is painless and a number of bed bugs may feed for an extended period of time on any area of exposed skin. The resulting bite wound may show generalized minor swelling into a raised bump followed by itching. Fortunately, bed bugs do not carry or transmit any human disease, but the mere presence of any blood-feeding insect is disconcerting, at best. Eggs are deposited in small cracks in the bed frame, mattress seams, or in baseboards, trim or furniture near the bed. The nymphs and the adults reside near one another, hiding in such cracks awaiting nightfall when they might venture out to feed. In some cases, the offending bed bugs are harboring many feet from the bed in cracks in furniture, baseboards, doorframes, or even within voids in the wall. If populations become large, or when a host becomes scarce because no one sleeps in the bed for a period of time, bed bugs may crawl into other rooms or squeeze through walls to enter neighboring locations. They may also be transported from place to place hiding in furniture"