Hyperion Wharf Begins


Well-Known Member
The old PI is missed and I had many good times there. But if the environment was turning out to be not as safe and the money is not there then it is time to move on. We all know the timing and length of the shutdown was handled in sub-par fashion. I have hope that HW will be very cool once fully completed.

The problems all started when they decided to get rid of the turnstiles and just let anyone walk through PI. That's when the punks and the gangs started to show up. Also, for everyone who loved the original PI, the area became a downer because of all of the foot traffic, kids, etc and the attendance started to drop. Now your only options for 21 and over are either Jellyrolls or Atlantic Dance, which is dead most of the time. If Disney thinks that more night time options for adults who want to party are restaurants and shops, then they haven't got a clue. I'm sorry, but if I want to go out for the evening and have some fun, I don't want to be doing shots in T-Rex.


New Member
The turnstiles went down b/c they were not bringing in enough money. The outcome was not good but Disney took a shot at keeping it alive.

Raglan Road Irish Pub and Restaurant is not a bad spot for a Jameson shot.


Well-Known Member
I checked out the pictures at Save PI. I'm trying to be objective here, but I'm not sure I understand what's supposed to be so impressive. All I saw was a lot of dirt and construction walls. :shrug:




Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I checked out the pictures at Save PI. I'm trying to be objective here, but I'm not sure I understand what's supposed to be so impressive. All I saw was a lot of dirt and construction walls. :shrug:
The bright coloring on that back hoe is pretty impressive.:D


just wait, you're beloved AC is next.... don't hate HW just because it's replacing your favorite place.. i understand you didn't want AC gone.. but I'm excited about HW.. sorry!

No, sir.
Without the Club, Hyperion Wharf is (and always will be) a huge, steaming pile of monkey crap disguised as boring, unimaginative third-party shopping and dining.

Death to Landry's Landing and Monkey Crap Wharf!!!!:fork:
Fire all who are responsible for this nonsense!


Well-Known Member
The turnstiles went down b/c they were not bringing in enough money. The outcome was not good but Disney took a shot at keeping it alive.

Not bringing in enough money? Not really. How does making it free for everyone increase revenue? I personally think they knew what they were doing - Church Street had died by that point, and Disney wanted out of the club business. Removing the turnstiles made it awkward to go there to party (with families and kids around), thus making it a ghost town. And here we are....


Well-Known Member
The turnstiles went down b/c they were not bringing in enough money. The outcome was not good but Disney took a shot at keeping it alive.

Raglan Road Irish Pub and Restaurant is not a bad spot for a Jameson shot.

I'm not so sure about that. Everytime I was at PI before the turnstiles went down, the place was packed. And even when the turnstiles went down, you still had to pay to get into the clubs. So what was the point of that? It's my understanding that they wanted to increase foot traffic so Downtown Disney would flow. So people could walk from the West Side to the Marketplace without having to walk around PI. And if it really was a case of losing money, I'm not sure how letting a family on vacation with three kids, a mom pushing a stroller, etc. into PI will bring in more money to a place that has nothing but dance clubs and little shops. All they did was push out their core crowd. Who wants to party in front of a bunch of kids. It was a major downer.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
The turnstiles going down was the cheep remedy to a logistical problem. When all you had was the marketplace at PI the turnstiles worked fine. When the westside opened the only way for guests to bypass PI was the narrow sidewalk that ran next to the parking lot. From my understanding one of the solutions was to build a boardwalk style bypass over the lake. This was of course ditched and the less expensive solution of removing the turnstiles was implemented.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Wow. Look at the view. You can see where West Side phase 2 never happened BECAUSE THEY COULDN`T FIND ENOUGH 3RD PARTY VENDORS.

So what do they do? Remove a paerfectly good concept for alternate guest entertainment that cost too much in their eyes to run, and took the cheap option to attempt to drag more footfall into Westside. And what happened? Virgin pulled out.

Way to go TDO.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
The turnstiles going down was the cheep remedy to a logistical problem. When all you had was the marketplace at PI the turnstiles worked fine. When the westside opened the only way for guests to bypass PI was the narrow sidewalk that ran next to the parking lot. From my understanding one of the solutions was to build a boardwalk style bypass over the lake. This was of course ditched and the less expensive solution of removing the turnstiles was implemented.
/nail on the head


Active Member
The old PI is missed and I had many good times there. But if the environment was turning out to be not as safe and the money is not there then it is time to move on. We all know the timing and length of the shutdown was handled in sub-par fashion. I have hope that HW will be very cool once fully completed.

Surely you have some evidence of the environment not being safe and not making money?

DIFFICULTY: No JT04 posts.

The turnstiles went down b/c they were not bringing in enough money. The outcome was not good but Disney took a shot at keeping it alive.

I beg to differ. They were bringing in plenty of money. The problem is that Disney thought they could be making even more money if they allowed locals into the area (who wouldn't pay for admission). Instead they got parents dropping their kids off at the "mall"; which killed the "for adults" atmosphere. So the adults left and the kids didn't buy alcohol (surprise, bars make money by selling alcohol to adults!). In other words, management was both greedy and stupid and they killed the area through their own ineptitude. Someone got the bright idea that running eateries was much harder than leasing space, so they spent the next 5 years trying to destroy the area as quickly as possible so they could justify building something else and leasing the land. When they finally accomplished their goal, they quickly realized the economy had tanked, they had killed the golden goose and nobody was interested in leasing.

A concrete eyesore for years created entirely by Disney's greed and incompetence.


Wow. Look at the view. You can see where West Side phase 2 never happened BECAUSE THEY COULDN`T FIND ENOUGH 3RD PARTY VENDORS.

So what do they do? Remove a paerfectly good concept for alternate guest entertainment that cost too much in their eyes to run, and took the cheap option to attempt to drag more footfall into Westside. And what happened? Virgin pulled out.

Way to go TDO.

Yeah, because Virgins corporate restructure has ANYTHING to do with TDO..

West Side phase 2 has not moved forward because r&d determined that FAMILIIES couldn't get easy enough access to West Side via PI as it was.. and most were staying in the marketplace area.. the new path SHOULD help with that mental barrier..

The clubs profitabilty was not there anymore. Clubs were an 80's-90's thing compared to today. They aren't nearly as popular, which is why church street has struggled... BTW, 2 clubs at Citywalk are closing after this summer to be replaced by upscale DINING from 3rd parties.. Just thought you should know that Disney isn't the only one changing these things around.. So is Uni..

Even Walt himself would have closed PI and AC if they weren't turning a profit after YEARS of attempts to fix it.

Stop blaming TDO because they are moving forwards, plussing the area, and making PROGRESS.... Maybe it's YOU thats stuck in the mud?

And martin, sorry for picking on your here.. i just hate the midset in general.. it's not just you..


Well-Known Member
West Side phase 2 has not moved forward because r&d determined that FAMILIIES couldn't get easy enough access to West Side via PI as it was..

Hmmm... Who to believe about why West Side phase 2 wasn't built... You... Or everyone else, plus common sense?

And if you're basing this opinion on surveys Disney conducted, we all know they manipulate those to get the results they're looking for.


New Member
More free foot traffic entices one to try something that otherwise turned them off with the pay to play at PI. Get them in and and let them see what they are missing strategy. Disney is a Big Company and they like Big Profits (double digits Nets on investments etc) as do the shareholders.

From personal experiences I saw the pre and post turnstile safety differences.

Don't get me wrong I would want the pre turnstile removal environment back in a heartbeat. But, that is not happening. The majority of of moves/changes/updates have to be profit driven. Are there right and wrong moves...YES. Do teams fail to hit the mark, YES. Will PI come back, NO. So I see HW coming and get excited. I still have hope for AC but it does not look good.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yeah, because Virgins corporate restructure has ANYTHING to do with TDO..

West Side phase 2 has not moved forward because r&d determined that FAMILIIES couldn't get easy enough access to West Side via PI as it was.. and most were staying in the marketplace area.. the new path SHOULD help with that mental barrier..

The clubs profitabilty was not there anymore. Clubs were an 80's-90's thing compared to today. They aren't nearly as popular, which is why church street has struggled... BTW, 2 clubs at Citywalk are closing after this summer to be replaced by upscale DINING from 3rd parties.. Just thought you should know that Disney isn't the only one changing these things around.. So is Uni..

Even Walt himself would have closed PI and AC if they weren't turning a profit after YEARS of attempts to fix it.

Stop blaming TDO because they are moving forwards, plussing the area, and making PROGRESS.... Maybe it's YOU thats stuck in the mud?

And martin, sorry for picking on your here.. i just hate the midset in general.. it's not just you..

I used to make many of the same points and more and then I realized I was dealing with a cult and gave up.:lookaroun Although I have learned also to laugh at the rantings of some. Very entertaining!:sohappy:

You are right. Take solace in that.

As for the pictures, that is the best and most well placed expansion pad I ever ever seen on Disney property away from the MK area. It is amazing and I can't wait to see what they build.

The new path will open up the entire area and people will be amazed at the dynamics of DTD in the future. It will exceed all expectations if the new offerings are compelling enough. I don't think the can spend too much and not see a great return.


Even Walt himself would have closed PI and AC if they weren't turning a profit after YEARS of attempts to fix it.

Name one thing they did to fix it....
Nope. Pure fiction.

And sir, please refrain from using Walt's name in the same sentence as closing the AC. That is blasphemy. Walt knew Show comes before Efficiency, and that it ain't all about the money.

Closing the AC is pure stupidity, and demonstrated TDO's disgusting slavery to the bottom line at the expense of guest happiness and Disney magic.
Everyone involved should be immediately sacked and reduced to begging for food by the roadside.

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