

Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
I took me a long time to finish the last few chapters.....

As Speck gets older, her mortality is becoming much more of a impending reality, she can no longer take the multi-mile walks that we used to take on a daily basis. The summer heat is especially getting harder on her, I make sure her "longer" walks are early in the morning, or later at night. She still loves to play, but the boundless energy she used to have has diminished to a few minutes here and there of makes me look back and think "Where did all of the time go?"
((Hugs)) to you and Speck.
We have an 11-year-old Golden Retriever who is fighting arthritis and hip problems. I can't remember what life was like before her - she's so much a part of our lives now.

Safari Giraffe

New Member
speck76 said:
I took me a long time to finish the last few chapters.....

As Speck gets older, her mortality is becoming much more of a impending reality, she can no longer take the multi-mile walks that we used to take on a daily basis. The summer heat is especially getting harder on her, I make sure her "longer" walks are early in the morning, or later at night. She still loves to play, but the boundless energy she used to have has diminished to a few minutes here and there of makes me look back and think "Where did all of the time go?"

I know what you mean. When they get older you just have to look at their abilities different and love them just the same. They are still the great companions that you always knew. My dogs drive me crazy sometimes, but I can't imagine not having them here with me. They are like my children.


New Member
Nemo14 said:
((Hugs)) to you and Speck.
We have an 11-year-old Golden Retriever who is fighting arthritis and hip problems. I can't remember what life was like before her - she's so much a part of our lives now.

I know! Our pets are more than just pets, they are family!

*huggles all*


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
I took me a long time to finish the last few chapters.....

As Speck gets older, her mortality is becoming much more of a impending reality, she can no longer take the multi-mile walks that we used to take on a daily basis. The summer heat is especially getting harder on her, I make sure her "longer" walks are early in the morning, or later at night. She still loves to play, but the boundless energy she used to have has diminished to a few minutes here and there of makes me look back and think "Where did all of the time go?"

Is she having trouble walking? Poor Midnight can hardly move unless she has her arthritis medicine twice a day. She still thinks she is a pup and loves to run and play, but really pays for it afterwards. How can you say no to a dog who wants to play catch and walk in the woods? :(


Well-Known Member
Nemo14 said:
((Hugs)) to you and Speck.
We have an 11-year-old Golden Retriever who is fighting arthritis and hip problems. I can't remember what life was like before her - she's so much a part of our lives now.

Our Lab will be 13 in October and I've had her longer than Princess #2!
Rimadil twice a day keeps her moving.


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
Is she having trouble walking? Poor Midnight can hardly move unless she has her arthritis medicine twice a day. She still thinks she is a pup and loves to run and play, but really pays for it afterwards. How can you say no to a dog who wants to play catch and walk in the woods? :(

no....she just gets tired.

I had her in last year for some issue, and they did an X-ray......the good news is that her hips are in great shape.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
speck76 said:
I took me a long time to finish the last few chapters.....

As Speck gets older, her mortality is becoming much more of a impending reality, she can no longer take the multi-mile walks that we used to take on a daily basis. The summer heat is especially getting harder on her, I make sure her "longer" walks are early in the morning, or later at night. She still loves to play, but the boundless energy she used to have has diminished to a few minutes here and there of makes me look back and think "Where did all of the time go?"
aw...that makes me hurt...

*huggles* to both you and Speck


Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
aw...that makes me hurt...

*huggles* to both you and Speck


I don't want to think about the what lurks at the end of this road....she has been with me for almost 1/3 of my life....I have often been "alone" in my life, but never felt lonely before....much in part due to her.....I feel I may be lost without her :(


New Member
speck76 said:

I don't want to think about the what lurks at the end of this road....she has been with me for almost 1/3 of my life....I have often been "alone" in my life, but never felt lonely before....much in part due to her.....I feel I may be lost without her :(

*Big huggles*
Awww…and that hurts me. You do have people that do care about you! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
speck76 said:

I don't want to think about the what lurks at the end of this road....she has been with me for almost 1/3 of my life....I have often been "alone" in my life, but never felt lonely before....much in part due to her.....I feel I may be lost without her :(
Well there's always the option of getting a new one to love...sure it won't be Speck, but it will help keep you company.


Well-Known Member
I have thought of that......well, not exactly that, I have thought of getting an additional dog.....but it does not fit well into my life right now...and I don't want Speck to feel left out of the attention the puppy would get (require) while being trained.

I want one of these....eventually



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Aw...look they're driving a car! They're cute!

I don't blame you about not wanting to have speck feel left out. But friends of my mom and dad just got a new puppy and they have an older one right now too. They seem to be getting along fine. (So far). But if it doesn't fit in with your life, which you are a busy guy, I know, then you shouldn't do it yet.

Just how old is Speck anyway?


Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
Aw...look they're driving a car! They're cute!

I don't blame you about not wanting to have speck feel left out. But friends of my mom and dad just got a new puppy and they have an older one right now too. They seem to be getting along fine. (So far). But if it doesn't fit in with your life, which you are a busy guy, I know, then you shouldn't do it yet.

Just how old is Speck anyway?
I have had her 9 years.....she was between 3 and 8 months old when I got 10.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
it is when you have a "dog of advanced age" :(
Crap...that's what I was afraid of. Lally is turning 9 this year so she's getting up there :( She's not very active, but now with the two other dogs, she tries and plays with them. She runs after them but with her weight and all that, she can't keep up. *sigh*


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
speck76 said:
I have had her 9 years.....she was between 3 and 8 months old when I got 10.
aw...poor Speck... :(

my dog's getting close to that too...although I think she either 8 or 9...I don't exactly remember. It's sad to think that someday they won't be with you anymore.

Safari Giraffe

New Member
speck76 said:
I have had her 9 years.....she was between 3 and 8 months old when I got 10.

If she is in good shape and no problems with her hips, she should be around for a couple more years atleast.:)

P.S. Stay away from the books about dogs! Try not to think about how much time you have with her. Instead think about the here and now and live each day to the fullest with her.:)


Well-Known Member
The critters in our lives love us unconditionally - warts and all - and forgive us everything. Through the years, we've had both dogs and cats - currently, we have one dog and two cats - and I miss every one of the ones we've lost. The best we can do is love them while we still have them.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
figmentmom said:
The critters in our lives love us unconditionally - warts and all - and forgive us everything. Through the years, we've had both dogs and cats - currently, we have one dog and two cats - and I miss every one of the ones we've lost. The best we can do is love them while we still have them.
Very nice words Mary. And oh so true... :)

Safari Giraffe

New Member
figmentmom said:
The critters in our lives love us unconditionally - warts and all - and forgive us everything. Through the years, we've had both dogs and cats - currently, we have one dog and two cats - and I miss every one of the ones we've lost. The best we can do is love them while we still have them.

Very true.:)

Are you feeling a little better today? Make sure you take care of yourself and rest.:kiss:


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