How NOT to plan your next WDW vacation


Well-Known Member
Maybe there was no DVD in it and they guy that bought it say the Cash in it and could not pass up.. Thats like buying a lottery ticket. I'm tell ya, the whole thing stinks liike yesterdays diapers

I would think that is at least the case

If I am having a garage sale, and am selling DVDs, I am going to open them to check that the right disks are in there.

OK, so maybe this person did not do that.

However, if I am buying a DVD at a garage sale you KNOW I am opening it to see if the correct disk is in there, and if there are any scratches. The guy who bought it HAD to have opened the case. And if he did, then as others have said, 1,200 is a stack of bills.



Well-Known Member
Um, I'm gonna have to call "no way" on that...

It's very unfortunate if you loose a large sum of money like that, but hiding it in a DVD case? Really?? Dude might have done better hiding it under the mattress.
wow you guys are so cynical. i hope i never inadvertently sell my fiances stuff without asking and discover that there was an impossibly large sum of money in it and then come on here for support. i see i will get none.:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of the original "Ocean's Eleven" when they hide the money in the guys casket and they realize that he is being cremated.:lol:


New Member
Like most have said, I agree that it'd be kind of hard to stash that amount of money in a DVD case.

However, I have been stashing money away in dresser drawers, file cabinets, and all sorts of hiding spots, so that my wife won't get to it, specifically for Disney. She has a shopping/spending problem, and I know if I were to put it in our savings, that it would quickly disappear. As it is, the savings account that is supposed to be for our trip isn't all that much, and should be more, if it weren't for her "problem." I have several different hiding spots just in case she should come across one of my stashes.

But I won't be giving any of my money away at a yard sale, though!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but there is no way I believe that story. Just like Kristielc said, the money would have made the DVD case thicker then normal. It just seems to fishy to me.

I'm with you all the way - Who'd save all that money and then hide it at home in a DVD case - don't these people know about banks ????
Additionally, wouldn't you check that the right DVD was in the case before selling it - or the purchaser would do the same and the money would be there for all to see



Well-Known Member
I don't understand why people on this site are always so unwilling to believe anything without thinking there is some conspiracy theory behind it. :shrug:

Sounds perfectly plausible to me. I have bought movies at resale shops before and I must admit, I don't think I always open the case and make sure the right movie is there. People don't always do that which you think is the "obvious" thing to do. And as for "why not use banks"....I have stashed money away in the house, too. Not in a DVD case, but in a more secure place in the house, like the little safe next to our bed. I don't save it up in a bank. When I am saving for vacation funds, I stash the money in my safe in either a zip up bank bag or my special wallet that I only use on vacation. To me, it's too much of a hassle to take it down to the bank, just to go back to get the money out, when I can have it right there in the house ready to grab when it's time. Of course, this is just the spending money portion of it, since I have always payed for the bookings and the tickets with our tax refund, in the form of a check written and mailed to WDW.

But the point is, to me, the whole story is conceivable: stashing the money somewhere in the house (although I wouldn't recommend a DVD case), not checking the DVD before you sell it and not checking the DVD before you buy it. Obviously, I'm not saying that the best decisions were made here by the woman, but I can totally see how it could happen.


Well-Known Member
OK, so final payment would be due in November and he had $1200 saved for the trip....sure wish I could take two adults and three kids to disney for $1200!!!:shrug:

Sounds like maybe this is a fish story.

Or maybe this was the spending cash for the trip, hence the reason for saving up cash. Maybe he had the money to pay for the room and tickets, and would mail a check to WDW, and this money was the cash he was saving up to take in his wallet down there to buy souveniers, pay tips, etc.


Well-Known Member
If everyone from there are so nice then the guy who bought the DVD would have returned the money in fact he probably would have opened the DVD to see that he was getting Sin City and not Jumping Jack Flash and would have said "excuse me miss but there seems to be a but load of money in this DVD case and I beleive that it belongs to you"instead he probably hit the nickle machine at the nearest casio and is still there today. :drevil:

I also live in this area, which is just outside Detroit, so no, not EVERYONE is this nice or old school (just read about another church that has been stripped of all it's copper plumbing)! I saw this story on the news last night and even the news anchors sounded a little skeptical.

That said, I know older folks who grew up during the depression who do not trust banks one bit and keep their money hidden in various places so I understand the not keeping the money in the bank thing. I also know that whenever I have had a garage sale or taken things off to Goodwill, I ALWAYS check to make sure that everything is in the right box and check all pockets, drawers, purses etc for anything that may be hiding in there!


Well-Known Member
I want to believe it but something seems a little odd. Firstly, $1200 in a DVD case, no way but secondly, I think everyone would open up the case to make sure the DVD was in it before selling it. Even if she didn't do it, the buyer almost certainly would (and in plain view too)


Shenanigans!! I call shenanigans!! Too much wrong with their story as everyone have already pointed out. If the savings were for two years, it would have been small bills, 10's & 20's. Impossible not to notice, much less even close the case. You don't sell something of another without at least asking. And if the wife was having a garage sale, don't you think the hubby would have been interested in what she was selling. And don't you think maybe the wife would have asked if he had something he wanted to get rid of. Sounds like they are trying to get a free trip to me.

And if I'm wrong, along with nearly everyone else, I do deeply apologize.

CoasterKing :king:


If you were selling a DVD at a garage sale, wouldn't you open the case to check to see if the correct DVD was in there? Seems like someone would notice a little bulk behind the advertisements.

You know, that's kinda what I was thinking too. But having worked at Blockbuster for as long as I did, it's kind of a second nature now to check the box before returning it....:lol:


Well-Known Member
Shenanigans!! I call shenanigans!! Too much wrong with their story as everyone have already pointed out. If the savings were for two years, it would have been small bills, 10's & 20's. Impossible not to notice, much less even close the case. You don't sell something of another without at least asking. And if the wife was having a garage sale, don't you think the hubby would have been interested in what she was selling. And don't you think maybe the wife would have asked if he had something he wanted to get rid of. Sounds like they are trying to get a free trip to me.

And if I'm wrong, along with nearly everyone else, I do deeply apologize.

CoasterKing :king:
Perhaps he traded it in for $100 dollar bills. I just tried to fit 12 bills in a DVD case and I have to say that if you slip the money in between the jacket and the case itself you can do it easily without much bulk. I am wondering if that was the method used. It says, "inside the cover" but that can mean either in the case itself or what I described. That could also explain why it was not noticed. Someone mentioned that one would check the case to make sure the DVD was inside. If the money was stashed the way I described it, then it would still go unnoticed. I am not saying I believe or disbelieve the story, I am simply saying that it could be possible.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I could see it happening.... but not with anyone in my family.

If it did happen this way, I am sorry to hear of the loss, and hope that this person will find the money and return it.

But let that be a lesson to everyone else. Don't stash the cash in something that is not meant for cash. If you are dead set on hiding money from "Big Banking," "Big Brother," or whatever.... then diversify among several locations, so you don't lose everything! :eek:


Well-Known Member
I think it was Rodney Dangerfield, the late great comedian, who once said...

"I hide money in my underwear, my wife never looks in there.":(


New Member
I can say, that my mom still hides her vacation spending money in VHS cases (the old plastic ones that snap shut). She does this because she doesn't want my dad spending the money. And she also doesn't want him to know how much she spends on vacations!:D

Ooh! A new place to stash my dough. Thanks for the great idea!:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I haven't had a chance to read this thread yet but I'll tell you EXACTLY HOW to plan your next Disney World vacation.

I bought this copy of Sin City at a garage sale the other day and you'll never believe what was inside....


I had to return the DVD to the lady though cause it was scrathed and I am NOT paying $10 for a scrathed DVD, but I AM going to Disney this fall!!!! Yay, me!!!!


Premium Member
I actually feel quite bad for this family and it is more than possible that it could happen if you assume it was the collectors edition of the movie. The case is rather large and has a side pocket for the included documents. If the money was in that area you could easily see that the movies were in the right spot and not notice the money. You can see an image of the case on Amazon's website. Now take in to account that it was to be a Christmas-type surprise and even if they were staying on property they could get close to the amount needed by Christmas (maybe he was expecting a Christmas bonus to close the deal).

Gas - $430 ($4/gal, 26mpg)
Tickets/Accommodations - $1400
Groceries - $250 (staying in Ft Wilderness)
Misc - $400
Total: $2480

They were halfway to their goal. A few more months (aug, sep, oct, nov) and a Christmas bonus you might have made it. You don't have to pay for Ft Wilderness before you arrive you just have to pay one nights stay.

Times are hard here in Michigan for many families and I personally feel bad for them. What a heartbreaker to have hidden such as great surprise and to have to deal with the reality that you probably can't afford to go now. Or maybe I'm just feeling emotional because we are going down with a large group around the same time and everyone in the group is busy budgeting money in this economy to make it a successful venture.


Well-Known Member
Or perhaps we're not as stupid as those that we read about :shrug:

Exactly. It's easy to know what the smart thing to do would be, but it is an error to disbelieve a story just because you assume that everyone else in the world makes the same smart choices that you do or would do. There are several things about this story that don't represent the wisest choices that could have been made, but it's asinine to dismiss it as some sinister plot just because you would have done things the "right way" as opposed to the way these people did it. The newspapers are full of stories of people who did totally idiotic things...things that none of us "smart" people would do. Ever read the Darwin Awards? Like I said, not everyone else is as smart as some of us on these boards, and this particular story sounds perfectly plausible to me, once you accept the fact that we are all human and don't always make the most sensible or intelligent choices. And as one who stashes money in the house (instead of in the bank) and as one who doesn't always have the good sense to open the case before buying the video (although this story may be a good lesson to remind me to do so in the future), I have no problem at all believing this story.

And even if this guy was saving back 5 dollar bills, 10 dollar bills, 20 dollar bills, etc, there's no reason why he wouldn't take them up to the bank periodically, change them out for 100 dollar bills and then put them back into the stash. I've done exactly that, myself, before while saving up spending money for the trip. Having 16 100 dollar bills in the wallet is certainly alot easier than having all those 10's and 20's.

And it's perfectly plausible that he could have stashed the money in the plastic sleeve, between the DVD cover and the case, as someone else mentioned.

And on a final note, I can't believe how critical and unmerciful so many of you are in your judgements of others. The whole reason why you don't believe the story is because you don't think people would be so "stupid". I think it's a bit harsh to brand someone as being stupid just because they might have a brainfart on a particular day. I do stupid things and I'm sure each and every one of you here on this board do stupid things periodically as well. None of us are perfect and we all make errors in judgment. I think it's a bit harsh to classify someone as stupid simply because they may forget to check over the DVD's to make sure the one with the money isn't going to sale. Or because he doesn't check the DVD before he buys it. Or because they choose to save the money away at home instead of in a bank.

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