Most people aren't following tens of thousands of people - people have tens of thousands following THEM. It's not a bidirectional thing.. it's uni-directional.
Twitter is deeply misunderstood here in both it's use and value.
I didn't assert that anyone follows "tens of thousands of people"; I said "hundreds or thousands of other people." And maybe your comment was meant to be made more generally, but since you specifically quoted my post, I'm assuming that part of it was at least directed at and in response to what I said in particular.
In any case, if by "people" we're talking about members of the general public, as opposed to public figures or corporations, then "most people" are neither following tens of thousands of people, nor do they have tens of thousands of people following them.
A substantial number of Twitter users -- and by that, I mean average, non-famous, flesh-and-blood individual persons -- do have hundreds, or even more than a thousand, other Twitter accounts that they follow. Just a cursory check of the Twitter accounts of a dozen people I personally know -- friendly acquaintances from work and school, though none I would consider close friends -- produces a range of 250 to 1200 in the "following" category, with one peaking at close to 3000. So... "hundreds or thousands of other people."
Most of these people have far, far fewer followers, which is to be expected -- they're not in the pubic eye themselves, and the vast majority of the athletes/actors/musicians/politicians that they follow didn't reciprocate/#followback -- so their own followers are almost exclusively people they personally know.
(In contrast, where actual "famous" people are concerned, the following/follower ratio is typically reversed -- their "followers" number is usually much larger than their "following" number.)
So yeah, I do understand how Twitter is used; I just don't find the same value in its overuses that some others do. Having a different opinion of something's utility is not the same as "deeply misunderstanding" it.