How much do you spend????


Well-Known Member
While this may be a very personal question, we were curious if anyone would mind sharing how much they spend annually on Disney visit(s).

We budget over 10% of our annual gross income for our single, 12 night visit. This includes hotel, tickets, food and spending money.

Is this way out-of-line when compared to others participating on this site?


Well-Known Member
While this may be a very personal question, we were curious if anyone would mind sharing how much they spend annually on Disney visit(s).

We budget over 10% of our annual gross income for our single, 12 night visit. This includes hotel, tickets, food and spending money.

Is this way out-of-line when compared to others participating on this site?

We always budgeted about a thousand dollars per person for a seven-night stay - that included round trip air fare from New York, a moderate resort, tickets, counter service meals, and spending money. We aren't ones to spend lots of money in sit-down restaurants, and our kids never ate enough to justify the expense, anyway. :ROFLOL:
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Well-Known Member
That seems about right. It is hard to tell for me because we use DVC but if I were to add the maintenance cost for the year plus airfare, tickets, food, etc. I arrive at about 8.5%. However, that is for a seven or eight night stay as opposed to twelve.If you add those days I would probably be a little over 10%. The only budgeting rule that I have for disney is that I plan to spend about one hundred dollars per day per person. That includes food and souvenirs. I usually have a little extra because we usually do not do TS meals every night and we do not buy much. However, when we have kids I would imagine that number might change. :wave:
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we usually go twice a year, and spend about $4K for 7 days...then another 4K for 11days during the free dining season. ths sept when we go, i'm going to do the bounce back offer to save more money.
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Well-Known Member
I'd say about 7.5 - 8% of our income goes toward a 12 night deluxe hotel stay with the dining plan, 10 day park hoppers, souvenirs, gas, hotels for the trip there/back, and assorted other expenses.
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Well-Known Member
Our upcoming trip next month it looks to be about $100 per person, per day. So with about 8 days thats $3200, we also have a day driving down, and back, in that cost. With rising gas cost thats going to add another $55-60 to the trip, than what we had thought it might be when we planed it.
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Well-Known Member
We don't budget we spend whatever is costs.
If I had to guess we spend approx 15000 a year. Included, dinning, AP, deluxe resort stay, and our DVC.
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Well-Known Member
For my wife and I, staying at Port Orleans Riverside for 8 nights, with the basic dining plan and a one day park pass (we had 5 days left over from last year's ticket), the total for our package was about $2100. Then, we brought almost $2,000 with us for spending money for everything else: gas, lodging on the way there and on the way back, tips, souveniers, etc. Out of all the spending money we brought, we came home with $1.18.
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Well-Known Member
I usually go as cheap as I can, otherwise I couldn't afford to go once a year to meet up with my friend...fortuntely we have some folks on the inside, so when we have our annual reunion we can actually take part fairly comfortably. This upcoming trip I'll be sharing a room in Pop with her for 8 nights, and I've spent $500 for splitting the hotel room and airfare from Detroit, and have budgetted another $600 or so for food for 9 days (mostly CS) and shopping money.
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New Member
While this may be a very personal question, we were curious if anyone would mind sharing how much they spend annually on Disney visit(s).

We budget over 10% of our annual gross income for our single, 12 night visit. This includes hotel, tickets, food and spending money.

Is this way out-of-line when compared to others participating on this site?

Too much.............:fork:the devil made me do it....
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Well-Known Member
Our last trip for DD18 & me - 7 day/6 night with a MK tower view at the Contemporary, Dining plan, air fare came to just over $3800.00, and I took $1000.00 in spending money (about 1/3 of our spending was for Christmas gifts & I paid for one TS meal OOP since we did the California Grill, using 2 TS credits).
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That is definitely more than us. But everyone does it differently, and that's ok. We usually stay 5 nights (DH & I, plus 4 young daughters) and spend about $2000. we go about once a year.

We fly for free (my husband works for an airline) and get discounted Disney hotels. We don't visit every park every visit.

But my oldest turns 10 this year, and our youngest will be 3 next year, so I know the cost is going to start rising for us!
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Active Member
That's more than us, too, if you look at it as a percentage of gross annual income. But I think that's also a misleading stat since we all use the rest of our income for different things, good, bad, necessary, unnecessary. If I didn't spend so much on unnecessary things and paying back debt, I could use a bigger percentage of our income. But alas...

This trip is going to run about 3 - 4% of our (really, my hubby's) gross annual income. We got the AAA discount on the hotel room, staying five nights, flying Southwest to save $$ but having to drive 90 miles to do that (gas is $3.55 around here!), on the dining plan, baby goes for free.

But this is the last trip we're taking for a while since we're moving about 10 days after we come back.

EDIT: Since none of you actually know me, I'll tell you what we spent: $450 on airfare for three; $3385 for five nights at the Poly, 6 day tickets w/ park hopper MYW plus dining.
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Well-Known Member
Regrettably, we haven't been since summer of 05. :(

We're within driving distance and 7-days, six nights runs us between 2-3K, depending on the hotel we're using in a given year.
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New Member
For myself and my 2 boys (8 and 13) for 8 nights at POR, with DDP and rt airfare out of Wichita via AirTran, I'm spending about $3400 if no discounts show up help me out a bit! That's also not including spending $$, but the boys have their own, so my additional spending $$ doesn't have to be tons!! To folks around here, I'm spending a ton on my trips, but it sounds like I'm somewhere in the middle overall around here! YAY!!

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This upcoming trip is approx. $6000 but that does include dining. We are flying Air Tran so the airfare was about $700 for the three of us. My children usually have Disney gift cards that we give them for spending, plus my Mom buys us Disney Dollars every time she goes to the mall and sends them in cards and letters :) I also try to limit myself in spending money as the limit the hotel gives you before charging your card the first time...
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New Member
Let's see, last year (all prices approx.):
$2100 for 6 roundtrip tics from Spokane, Wa.
$7000 for 2 rooms at POR for 10 days, DDP, and park hopper tickets (5 adults 1 child age 6)
$4000+ for souviners (inc. stuff for family that couldn't come)
$13,100 total.

Our Christmas trip in 2005 was about $11,000 for 10 days staying at the Contemporary (the difference is 5 people instead of 6 and during the holiday). Included meal plan, park hopper tickets,cMVMCP tickets, and - of course - Christmas gifts. Child was 5.

Our first trip (2003, 4 adults, 1 child) was about $8500 as we stayed in a crappy hotel, ate meals outside parks, rental car, park hopper/no expire tickets, and child was only 2.

We spend alot but we live on the other side of the country and like to come home with really cool stuff. Hubby has a nice leather jacket, a cool big Mickey tie-fighter figure (from SWW 2007), not to mention the shirts, pins, hats, cups, mugs, stuffed figures (pal Mickey, Stitch, Minnie, etc.), smashed pennies, jewelery (earrings, charm bracelets), pens, autograph books, and ride pictures.

We save for at least a year. 1st trip was supposed to be once-in-a-lifetime. Our Christmas trip happened because we wanted to see what all the hoopla was about and had a totally magical experience. Then we decided that my FiL would love WDW (he did!). And recently, DH began talking about doing SWW in 2009. Would also love to do the Disney cruise and MNSSHP someday. We even have Characters picked out from the movie Hercules.

But it's not how much we spend, it's the memories we make.
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