How many days for you - part 8


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Will do. Last summer we went earlier in the summer (mid June) and did Sedona first. Temps just touched near 100. Anaheim was actually cool at night and in the mornings (upper 50s and low 60s). Never got above the upper 70s in DL. Looks like its going to be much hotter this year. Its been a scorcher in the desert SW this year!!! Hope the kids can handle it. I think people who say, "but its a dry heat," have never been to this region. 110 is HOT!!!!!

Reminds me of our Arizona, Nevada, SoCal trip of 2003...shades down when we landed in Phoenix, 116 in Vegas, and well above that in the Death Valley area. Coastal Cali felt downright cool ... although, the chilly Pacific deserves much credit for that. As one of our pilots put's like breathing in the end of a hair dryer. :eek:
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