How many days for you - part 8


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Well-Known Member
15 Days!!!

On this day in 1999, the first official FASTPASS was issued.

Fun facts:

It was issued at Animal Kingdom for Kilimanjaro Safari.
Originally there were six FASTPASS machines located centrally at the front of the park.
A glitch in the early stages was that the machines also accepted expired park tickets thus some people were getting mutiple FASTPASSES at once.
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Mr Starky

Active Member
I envy you all. I haven't been to the parks since November of 2005 and I don't see having any hope of going anytime soon. One thing after another has wreaked havoc on life. The wife and I could certainly use 10 days of vacation. It seems that when it rains it pours, and with us it has flooded. For those of you who pray, we can certainly use it. In any event I enjoy looking at your pictures and videos. It offers me a few moments to reconnect with that feeling of HOME... I think you all know what I mean. I wish you all a perfect vacation season. Hopefully we will be able to join you all in that soon. Say hello to Mickey and Minnie for us. Tell them Bill and Rosa say hello.. :) No really they know us... ;) Lol....
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