COP MUST STAY! enough with these rumors already, cop is a disney classic, if they want to start getting rid of old rides, how about taking hall of presidents away? I have been to wdw over 30 times in my life and i have never once stepped foot in the hall of presidents, but i must do cop atleast once every trip, all they need to do is update the ride, and update the building, they dont need to take this beautiful attraction away especially if all theyre going to do is replace it with some cheap pixar attraction with a couple of cardboard cutouts and a few tv screens, enough with disney replacing these timeless attractions for cheap unimaginative ones that hold no place in people's hearts like the ones they replace (ex. mission space instead of horizons? seriously?) I mean if I knew disney was going to make a valiant effort and give us something new that was worthy of replacing cop then i probably would have no problem with it, but if all they are going to do is play it cheap and give us a bunch of tv screens or something then i'd rather them just leave it alone, even in its current state... it doesnt make the park a "museum" like some other people have said, if anything it just feeds those wonderful nostalgic feelings that we all repeatedly go to disney to experience, but anyway bottom line is disney should just update cop, not replace it, it DOES NOT NEED TO BE REPLACED! especially with another pixar attraction, i mean whats the point of renaming a whole section of mgm to pixar place if tomorrowland is where all the pixar attractions are going to be?.......leave cop, update it, and update it right, make the building not look like a maintenance building and move on! if they want to add a new attraction to mk then how about givin the 20k plot some love? too many will miss cop, NOONE will miss an empty plot of land