How Long Does It Take You To Get To Disney World.


Original Poster
I ask this as i read on the boards all the time about hitting parks as soon as you arive shoping and having fun.
but i travel from england and it takes in total for us 24 hours to get to walt disney world.

leave bristol drive to gatwick 2-3 hours if i am lucky with no london trafic,
then into the airport and have to wait for 2 more hours, flight to washington about 6 hours, clear american customs 1 hour then a stop over and connecting flight via ted thats another 1 hour waiting and a flight to orlando via washington 2 hours,get our bags and get a car to drive another 1-2 hours and finaly drive to our villa 1 hour.
and do not forget we are 5 hours in front of you:snore: so as you can see total traveling time 21 hours add a few problems at it was 25 hours door to door last time. and this time we are going on north west airlines and i have been told we have a 4 hour stop over.

so what is the best and worst traveling times for the rest of you guys.


New Member
We used to drive 8 hours 1 day, stop in Raleigh, NC., visit relatives; drive 9-10 hours the next day, only to be exhausted for a day. Now we love to take the AutoTrain. We drive 3 hours to Washington, DC. The train leaves at 4, have a nice dinner, go to bed, and wake up 16 hours later in Florida, at Sanford, which is half an hour outside Orlando; wait for our car. We have been in the parks as early as 11..well rested and ready for magic!!
We like going in November...although we did do December this year. We are going back to our November tradition only because it is less crowded.


Active Member
Since you did the door to door thing, ride to O'Hare or Midway airports in Chicago 30-40 minutes, 2 hours at the airport, 2 1/2 hour flight, grab bags then to WDW resort (this can take 1 - 2 hours). Total time when flying, 6-7 hours door to door.

When we drive from Chicago, leave house 3:00 AM, arrive Macon, Georgia 14 hours later overnight in a hotel. Leave Macon at 9:00, arrive WDW resort approx. 3:00 PM (with a 1 hour stop at Ocala, FL welcome center). Total drive time approx. 20 hours.


New Member
We travel from Wiltshire in UK, but fly with Virgin Atlantic, who go Gatwick to Orlando direct. Door to door therefore about 15 hours.


Active Member
When we're driving from PA, it takes us about 13 hours (my dad goes very fast :lol: ). But if we are flying out of Dulles or BWI, it takes about 1.5 hours to get there, about a 2 hour flight, and then about an actual hour until we arrive at our resort, so about 4.5 hours if we fly...


Active Member
About 12 Hours from ol' KY by car (with me driving...maybe 10 j/k) and an hour and a half to Orlando [much preferred!]


Well-Known Member
Two and a half hour flight, and then however long it takes to drive to WDW. We usually drive though from upstate NY so it takes two days -give or take depending on traffic/construction on the highways. :wave:
I live in Ashford, Kent, UK. I leave my house about 6 and get a 12 o'clock GMT flight from Gatwick with Travel City Direct. After about a nine hour flight we arrive in Sanford at 5.00pm EST. So about 16 hours door to door (after getting the car keys and the villa keys and driving to either Davenport or Southern Dunes)

Don't flights leave from Bristol to go Florida?


New Member
disneydude2000 said:
I live in Ashford, Kent, UK. I leave my house about 6 and get a 12 o'clock GMT flight from Gatwick with Travel City Direct. After about a nine hour flight we arrive in Sanford at 5.00pm EST. So about 16 hours door to door (after getting the car keys and the villa keys and driving to either Davenport or Southern Dunes)

Don't flights leave from Bristol to go Florida?

Couldnt you go straight to Orlando?


New Member
flying from england too soon! driving from devon up to gatwick day( holiday starts here!) before flight stay over in hotel to get a good sleep fly from gatwick direct to orlando with virgin then magiacl express to disney resort! long way but not much participation! let everyone else do the work


Well-Known Member
If we fly - 3-4 minutes to the airport, 3 hour direct flight, 45 - 50 minutes to get car and drive to WDW.

If we drive - 22 hours straight through! :snore:


Park History nut
Premium Member
Far too long - check in at Manchester around 7am, fly around 10am, 8-9-10 hours later land at MCO (or stack for 45 minutes like last time and run the afternoon storm gauntlet from holding east of KSC into Orlando - now THAT`s an E ride :lol: )

Then reclaim baggage, walk, surrender baggage, survive the `remain behind the line` at US Customs, take the peoplemover (ahh... Jack Wagner...), claim baggage again, find the first switchback line of the holiday at the rental car desk, FINALLY get the keys (National - are you listening?), get the car, find yet more roads have been built that arn`t on the map, avoid I-4 at all costs, smile when driving under the archway and finally check in - around 14 hours after check in at Manchester. Start to unpack, quickly unpack, throw the cases on the shelf and head out to see Fantasmic for the first time (last visit) or Wishes for the first time (next time!) - remembering that to us, the show is starting at 3am. Ugh!

Safari Giraffe

New Member
Couple of hours by plane. Less than an hour to the resort.

Depending on the hour to get settled in your room.:rolleyes:

Then it's off to the "Magic".:)

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