How do YOU deal with that rude park guest?


Well-Known Member
Now I know who to cut in front of! ;)

Other then throwing Cheetos at them, I don't know what to do to the rude guests. I generally try to let it roll off my back.

I think it could be kind of fun to treat line cutters as though they smelled soooooo bad they were in fact helping us all out by getting out faster to spare the rest of us from holding our nose so long.

"hey what do you think your..... OH..MY.....GOD, WHAT IS THAT? DID YOU FALL IN SOMETHING? okay okay whatever go in front and get that stink as far away from me as you can! PLEEAASSEEE!"

and with star wars weeks coming up maybe nudge a buddy " and I thought Tauntauns smelled bad."


New Member
There was the time my husband, teen daughter and I were in the Plaza Restaurant having lunch. The table behind us was then seated with a couple and their two young boys, perhaps ages 4 and 6. Suddenly the younger boy started screeching that high pitched type of scream that makes you jump. After 10 minutes of this my daughter asked the parents nicely if they could make him stop. They said he was just having fun and we must not like kids if it bothered us. In fact the father was encouraging the screaming. Everyone in the restaurant was relieved when they finally left. We wish Disney would train their staff and permit (even encourage them) to remove obnoxious customers like this so others don't have to deal with their rudeness. If your kids can't behave and be quiet in a table service restaurant, go to McDonald's.


Well-Known Member
I think it could be kind of fun to treat line cutters as though they smelled soooooo bad they were in fact helping us all out by getting out faster to spare the rest of us from holding our nose so long.

"hey what do you think your..... OH..MY.....GOD, WHAT IS THAT? DID YOU FALL IN SOMETHING? okay okay whatever go in front and get that stink as far away from me as you can! PLEEAASSEEE!"

and with star wars weeks coming up maybe nudge a buddy " and I thought Tauntauns smelled bad."
You made me think if that scene in Anchorman, when Brian Fantana puts on that Sex Panther cologne to try and woo Veronica Corningstone.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Once I was on Pirates of the Caribbean and some dame in front of the boat started taking phone pictures with flash. I complained aloud about it, and the guy in front of me joined in. The dame paid absolutely no attention to us and kept taking the damn pictures. I kept hoping her phone would fall in the water. :mad:


Active Member
Usually I overlook the rude people except for one case last year. A man came into the icecream parlor on Main and continued to loudly yell and curse at his kids. My husband stopped the man from his rude behavior and after a few min. Of conversation with my husband, he apologized for his rude public behavior.


Well-Known Member
I think the only two occassions when I would have to say something is if anyone directly confronted us, I don't go out of my way to create a problem, but I'm not going to shy away if you come at me with one.

Also, if it involves a child. Sorry, but if someone thinks that pushing in front of a child so you can see the parade/fireworks better is an acceptable thing to do, then they deserve to be taken down a peg or two.


Well-Known Member
We turned in a rude guest last year to security! He would be easy for security to spot in a crowd! Just look for a younger guy, tattooed up, shirtless, smoking, riding in a scooter, cussing at everybody within ear shot about ice cream. He was one of the rudest I have ever seen out in the real world, much less Disney World. He got all bent out of shape at the Dole Whip girl! He wanted cups of ice cream in a drink cup and wanted it at a discount for his kids. He was yelling at the poor girl that she was an f-idiot! The guests around him were all staring at him like really dude? He then started in on all of us, yelling to his wife (also in a scooter-smoking too) “honey this is bs" "What the f... are you looking at? "! I have nothing against scooter/wheelchairs.(even though I ripped my toe nail off on a lady’s wheelchair that stopped right in front of me last year, in the dark, in front of the castle) Thank God for motorized vehicles for the people that really are in need to get around. But, both of them needing a scooter? Their kids hanging off them? Really folks? Scooter or no scooter this guy was a big jerk! We all felt so sorry the little girl that he lit into. She was almost in tears. My family gets upset with me when I go all “teacher” and want to get on to people like that! Too many years in the public school system I guess! It is so hard sometimes to stop myself from telling perfect strangers, teenagers especially "Hey stop that!!" or "Watch your mouth!" LOL!
My family does the same thing when they know my teacher voice is about to come out. My DD has walked down the aisle at a store, just not to be next to me and she's laughing the whole time, as I use the teacher voice to tell children that 'Wal-mart is not a play ground and to go back to their mother."


Well-Known Member
I go at very uncrowded times of the year, and unfortunately there are still plenty of rude people. As someone above mentioned, at least if your ride is ruined by someone continuously taking flash photos or filming with an iPad, then I can easily get on again within minutes.

As for the theaters and sitting in the middle, once you've been in a couple of theaters it's easy to see that rushing or pushing to enter first is the dumb thing to do. If you enter in the middle of the crowd, you'll usually get the center seats. When I go the theaters are often only 30% full so most people can get a good seat without going all the way to the end, and that's completely acceptable, but yeah, it's still a bit annoying when a family of 7 plop down in the middle of your row and you have to step over their legs and feet.
I don't step over their legs. I step on their feet. If they are rude enough to sit before they were supposed too, then they must not mind getting their feet trampled.


Active Member
I've noticed that at any theme park simply saying, "MY BAD, DIDN'T MEAN TO BE IN YOUR WAY!", much louder than necessary not only puts unwanted attention on the offender but, sometimes causes a bit of embarassment for them as well. My favorites are the ones that cut you off or run into you and then shoot you the dirty look like it was your fault. I normally laugh at those...loudly. I've also noticed that if I throw out my military instructor voice, it gets TONS of attention.


Well-Known Member
My pet peeve use to be while trying get out of the Magic Kingdom there is always the group that is stopped dead center in the middle trying to regroup their group, thus splitting you up from yours while trying to get around them.:mad: Granted you learn to stay put and let the madness ensue around you while delightfully munching on popcorn.;)

I hate those people! It's bad enough when you're stuck behind the slowest people on the earth, but I just get so mad when people just STOP for no reason at all. If it's one person, I'll be somewhat fine with it, as long as I don't run into them. But if it's a massive group of people that just think "Hey let's stop and block as many people as we can whilst looking at the characters." I get so ticked off and "accidentally" bump into them. Hard. ;)


Well-Known Member
Here's a few phrases that have come in handy for me:

"Excuse me, your ipad is blinding me so I'm just going to squeeze in front of you"
"Actually I staked out this parade spot an hour ago so there wouldn't be anyone tall in front of me but you're welcome to stand next to me."
"Do you need help using your camera? I noticed you had the flash on by mistake which isn't allowed and will give you really crappy photos."
"Do you mind keeping quiet? Some people have not heard this before."
"Whoa, I almost ran right into you! Whoops, I guess I didn't expect you to stop right there."

It's a passive aggressive approach but I don't feel like I'm rude and it often gets the point across and the behaviour to least for the short amount of time I have to spend with the obnoxious strangers. There was a point in my life where I would be too embarrassed to say anything and I would just sit there annoyed but now I speak up, feel better and quickly move on to enjoy Disney.
I remember one time when some teenage line jumpers were making their way to the front family-by-family. (You could tell they weren't legit because they would pause before each group and consider their next step; also, the giggling.) My mom and I were leaning lazily against the queue railings, registering the line-jumpers coming our way but continuing our conversation without mentioning them.
As soon as the teens got in front of the family behind us ("our friend is up there" *giggle giggle giggle*), we each raised one leg--BAM!--and held it against the opposing railing. It was so coordinated, you'd have thought we planned it, but I guess I'm just my mother's daughter. ;) The message was clear: you shall not pass! (...unless you have a good reason and verbalize it.) The teenagers, cowed, shuffled their feet and stayed put.

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Last time I was at Alton Towers here in the UK (albeit many years ago), there were signs all around saying that anyone caught queue jumping would be chucked out immediately. But queueing is what we Brits do best! :p

Seriously, I wonder if an insta-ban approach would work.

As for the main topic, fortunately, I've rarely encountered rude guests at the parks, well not rude enough for me to take notice and action. Guess I've just been lucky.


Well-Known Member
Last time I was at Alton Towers here in the UK (albeit many years ago), there were signs all around saying that anyone caught queue jumping would be chucked out immediately. But queueing is what we Brits do best! :p

Seriously, I wonder if an insta-ban approach would work.
It seems to work very well for every other amusement park on the planet. :)


Well-Known Member
I have to admit I was kind of a line jumper once. I was getting on Splash Mountain with a friend and we showed our Fastpasses to the CM at the start of the line up and somehow by the time we got to the bend next to the train stop where you first go "underground" we had lost one! We explained to the CM there (an older man) and he said that if we had one FP than one of use could go through and the other could go to the end of the line. I said it was our last day and last ride (all true btw) and we wouldn't have time to go through and asked if my friend could wait there while I back tracked and looked for the lost FP. He said no because she would be blocking the line and said, "You can either show me a FastPass or get out of line. This isn't a hang out." All this time there was not one other person in the FP line so we hadn't been holding anyone up at this point.

We walked back in the line to look for the FP and asked people in the line if they had seen any on the ground. We got all the way down the steps and still no FP. We did see a group of people we talked to earlier at lunch and told them what we were doing and they told us to ride with them so we cut in.

There was probably about 60 people behind us. I felt guilty but figured at least if we had fun riding with these guys I would get over being upset about the lost FP. I'm sure the people behind us weren't thrilled but I figured that there were only two of us and it would have worked out to the same # of seats anyway since there were 7 of them and the 3 little kids said they would squeeze in one seat together instead of sitting separate with their parents so we still all only took up one boat.

When we got to the same CM I was planning on just ignoring him but he said, "Oh I guess the phantom FastPass was never found! Who would've thought?" I just replied, "Oh well, lost a FastPass, gained some friends."

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