How accurate is the Jim Hill report that the Dreamfinder may return to Figment?


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Lee said:'re wrong on that. Jim has EXTREMELY good sources at WDI.
And in this case, the refurb of JII....100% accurate.
The plan is there.
There is a budget in place for it.

Unless something throws it off's gonna happen. Personally, I'd rather see the money going to UoE or WoL...but that's just me.:rolleyes:

I'd say Energy was an obious choice if it wasn't for Ellen's popularity with the public. Energy may not be reaching it's OHRC but it has a very high capacity. It's park take is good.

JII on the other hand... People just don't go. It's actually very sad.

About Jim, I still think people around him have the connections, not him. Fabby comes to mind. It's.. just.. ugh.. long stories, but I don't want to think that people with power are fraternizing with "the enemy."

And saying what he says they do? That's just utter betrayal. In creative endevours you do not betray a project like that. Maybe it's because my background is theatre, but there is a very strong ethic to not betray the show to the public - even when everything is falling apart.

Which brings to mind - what has Fabby been up to lately?


mousermerf said:
About Jim, I still think people around him have the connections, not him. Fabby comes to mind.
Both, I think. I'm sure they made many connections jointly...and are probably still that way.

mousermerf said:
Which brings to mind - what has Fabby been up to lately?
From what I hear, living in Hawaii and working (I think) in the tourism industry somehow.
I figure, what with her fascination with Discovery Bay, she's looking for Vulcania down there.:lol:


Bravesfn1 said:
What rumors has he started in the past have turned out to be false? Why should I never trust him? I am not trying to argue or disagree with you, I just want you to clarify your point. I don't get what it is about him that makes people on this site go crazy. Because he posts rumors on the internet? Like that doesn't happen everyday. I am not saying you guys are wrong I would just like some explanation to why many people here can't stand him, rather than anti-Jim Hill posts.

Boy, were to start, just do a search on his name and you will find some interesting reading.

For me it is not if he is right or wrong, because we really don't know sometimes. But it does make for interesting reading. That is the funny thing about rumors, until something is open and you are visiting the attraction, you can't be sure what the final version will be like.

But I have to agree JII has been lacking for years, that whole area has, Epcot needs a serious make over. Maybe they need to call Ty in and let him bulldoz the place and rebuild it. :p And we will even allow him two weeks to do it.... :lol:


MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
What has Jim gotten wrong? Well, for one, I believe he posted over a year ago that the closing of the Carousel of Progress was imminent and it would be replaced by Toy Story alien flying saucers.

Now, that is just off the top of my head. I didn't go back and pull threads from a year ago - that is just the way I remember it. I could be wrong.

Edit: Here's part of the story The alien flying saucers was another story in the same general time frame :veryconfu


Actually, as I see it, it's hard to rate accuracy with the sort of things Jim writes.
Much of it is speculative and not concrete, like the CoP/Flying Saucers concept. It's a real concept that has been pitched, it just hasn't been approved and built. He wasn't wrong to say they were looking at it, but you shouldn't read into it that it is a done deal.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I admit, I read Jim's site daily. I take what we says with a grain of salt.. I would love to see Dreamfinder come back. Also, Lee, will the whole Imagination Institute overlay be taken away seeing the HISTA movie, which takes place in the Imagination Institute is obviously on its way out?


dxer07002 said:
I admit, I read Jim's site daily.
Me too.

dxer07002 said:
Also, Lee, will the whole Imagination Institute overlay be taken away seeing the HISTA movie, which takes place in the Imagination Institute is obviously on its way out?
Not sure. It's likely though..... since I don't see how the two would coexist very well.


This was my fave ride as a kid ....

Like I said - this was my favorite ride as a kid -- and I've seen the redo - and I love it... Does everyone hate the redo -- or am I an exception?:confused:


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The Imagination Institute seeme to first be an attempt at the pavilion's cohesion, but then started to show an interesting quirk - seemingly a replacement for Wonders of Life's "sensory" concept.

I think in both respect, it failed, and looked very hoakey and thrown together.


New Member
Hey all,

I have to say that somethings I read on Jim Hill's website do sound feasible, but I treat him like a weather person, they can call for Sunny sky's and end up with Thunderstorm's all day or predict a foot of snow and get a light dusting and then say we were lucky the storm moved in this particular direction. Until I see the weather or signs that say, "Imagineers at Play" or an "OFFICIAL WALT DISNEY WORLD" press release I take it with a grain of salt. So think about it that way. I would love to see them bring back Dreamfinder, it would be a nice addition to the attraction.


Lee, you have made me a very happy person today. :lol:

But seriously, this means a lot for Epcot. THe park has been lacking in my opinion since all the dark rides were destroyed. I love M:S, SSE, and TT, but other than that the park is a little barren. Granted I havn't been there since Soarin', but other than the big three there isn't a whole lot that I really want to ride. I hope this adds another "must ride" attraction to Epcot.


Well-Known Member
Disneian said:
Like I said - this was my favorite ride as a kid -- and I've seen the redo - and I love it... Does everyone hate the redo -- or am I an exception?:confused:

While I don't hate the current version of this attraction, and I never saw the second version, I still prefer the original overall. There was just something about it... a certain... panache, if you will. It's seems lacking in the current version. Besides, the new version is alot shorter than the original.


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There's an akwardness between Eric Idle and Figment. It's just.. strange. The ride doesn't seem to flow properly. It's as if parts are missing that make the story make sense.


Active Member
Buford said:
I've been told this (about Mr. Smith) is not so...........

I am the one that reported that but I need to rephrase this because there was a miscommunication about that and I don't want Dave's name to be damaged. When we spoke to him, he mention a certain possibility that we later recieved confirmation for. He did not state anything himself so please understand that! I just want to make sure that everyone realizes that that was our mistake, not Dave's.

Though Jim might not be credible in information at times, this story is completely legit. In fact, he didn't even reveal the best parts of the FULL story...:animwink:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
jedimaster1227 said:
I am the one that reported that Dave Smith confirmed this, because I spoke to him directly only 3 weeks ago when I first found out the official word. Though Jim might not be credible in information at times, this story is completely legit. In fact, he didn't even reveal the best parts of the FULL story...:animwink:

Not official.. Until Disney announces it... ... Right?? And Disney has yet to announce this, correct???


Active Member
dxer07002 said:
Not official.. Until Disney announces it... ... Right?? And Disney has yet to announce this, correct???

You're completely right on that! It hasn't been announced by Disney, but this news has been given to us over 20 times over the last three months and the details continue to be confirmed by more and more sources every day, so next to an official announcement when Nemo opens up at Epcot, that is the best we will get.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
I'd say Energy was an obious choice if it wasn't for Ellen's popularity with the public. Energy may not be reaching it's OHRC but it has a very high capacity. It's park take is good.

I'm glad you pointed this out, merf. UoE tends to get knocks on Disney sites, but the truth of the matter is Ellen (as a personality) is more popular now than she ever was. I don't think we'll see her disapear anytime soon. Just goes to show, things may go out of style, but then again they may come back in.


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