HOT INFO! Timekeeper to be Monster's Inc. Stage Show (pics!)


Active Member
Starman1128 said:
I disagree

I'll go alert the media.

Starman1128 said:
This the same WDI that made Stitch's Great Escape?

Yes, and no. It's true WDI as a whole created it, but it seem to be tied heavily to management's ideas, hence the fact it's not been well received. Though I might add: despite what the general internet consensus seems to be, there are people who enjoy SGE.

Starman1128 said:
Most of the good imagineers got layed off in the past few years.

Have they? That's up to interpretation.

Starman1128 said:
Space Travel shown in Tomorrowland is NOT possible today. We cannot even go past the moon yet much less traveling to other planets.

What's impossible? Is it that it is impossible, or that no one has done it yet?

Starman1128 said:
TTA: Sure its possible now but it has not been implemented yet

Actually, transport system based on similar concepts have been installed.

Starman1128 said:
COP: This show is just showing how we make progress as we move through time and to be optimisitc about what the future holdss.

A show about progress, showcasing progress that has already occurred, and to top it off, it ends in today, not the future.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
I'll be the first to speak up about what I see as mistakes.

In the same way that you haven't seen imagineer boy have anything positive to say about changes, I don't think I've ever heard you think of anything as a mistake. From PM's with you, I know that you aren't an extreme Disney apologist and you know exactly what you are talking about, but if someone only saw your posts, I could see how someone would think that way :wave:


Active Member
Starman1128 said:
I don't know why you folks keep calling people like me and Imagineer boy "minor fanboys" or whatever.

It's because you are!
And guess what, I am too!
The difference lies in how we approach things.

Starman1128 said:
I could turn around and call you an appologist for poor management at Disney and I bet you wouldn't like that too much would you?

Go ahead, it wouldn't bother me.

Even so, I don't apologize for management, I look at their decisions logically, for a business perspective.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
In the same way that you haven't seen imagineer boy have anything positive to say about changes, I don't think I've ever heard you think of anything as a mistake. From PM's with you, I know that you aren't an extreme Disney apologist and you know exactly what you are talking about, but if someone only saw your posts, I could see how someone would think that way :wave:
Whether you feel that my posts show it or not, I have discussed mistakes made by Disney. I don't feel those mistakes are paramount to most discussions on the board, nor do I believe they have had a major affect on the parks.

I do appreciate the sentiment of your post. :wave:


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Whether you feel that my posts show it or not, I have discussed mistakes made by Disney. I don't feel those mistakes are paramount to most discussions on the board, nor do I believe they have had a major affect on the parks.

That's the thing. To some people these mistakes have had a major affect on their park experience. It's all a personal thing.

wannab@dis said:
I do appreciate the sentiment of you post. :wave:

I'm glad you understood that sentiment :)


New Member
Connor002 said:
What's impossible? Is it that it is impossible, or that no one has done it yet?

Deep Space travel is impossible at this point in time. We do not yet have the technology for long space travel.

connor002 said:
A show about progress, showcasing progress that has already occurred, and to top it off, it ends in today, not the future.

You have a virtual reality game system and talking oven at home???


Is it 5:00 yet?
To this new attraction...I say don't knock it until you try basically no one will know what it will be like until it is completed (except for the ones that designed it). So there really is nothing to discuss...:wave:


New Member
So let's talk Tech...

So, assuming:
1. There IS a MI ride going in to Tomorrowland
2. It WILL use some existing tech in a fabulous new stage show.
3. It will utilize the theater Timekeeper is in.
4. It's safe to assume it won't be another "same ol' same ol'" show.

What do you think the show's tech will consist of?

(I just don't see the point of debating the merits of MI going into Tomorrowland... If it does, it does. Screamscape (, a great site for theme park news) recently commented that THEY had been hearing any MI ride was slated for the Studios, but they only have rumors to go on just like anyone else outside Disney.

Anyway, I think it would be amazing to see them take the amazing 3-D movies they can make (Mickey's Philharmagic) and add the in interactivity of Turtle Talk, making a truly immersive, interactive show. One where the show, the effects, all can be difference every time. THAT would generate repeat viewings, and something truly unique unlike any other 3D show in the world. The more I think about it, the more I think it seems like the next step for that technology.

What do y'all think the show's tech might consist of?


Well-Known Member
If I like the attraction or not personally is irrelevant - I'm just psyched that the MK is getting another theatre-type attraction to suck people in and keep them in the same place for a set period of time. More people suckage is great.

Now, if I enjoy the show myself enough to visit it repeatedly (like I do VOTLM), that'd just be the icing on the cake.



Account Suspended
We do have to remember, the average length of time between visits for most WDW guests is 2-4 years. Even the most enthusiastic fan typically only goes once a year.

Those of us who go a lot, tend to realize the limitations a park has in producing new and repeatable attractions, and are ok with that. Last Tuesday the friend who went with me was like "Seriously, merf, I appreciate you bringing me... but can we go on a ride or see a show?" as i'm so used to just wandering around because I enjoy it.

So, to most folks it'll be worth repeating every few years. The Canada film is STILL new to so many people. It serves a purpose though. Tomorrowland has so many lines and crowds, the TTA helps to keep folks happy, but another show or attraction that has a high capacity and air conditioning will help overall too.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
So, to most folks it'll be worth repeating every few years. The Canada film is STILL new to so many people. It serves a purpose though.


And that's how I feel about a lot of attractions.


New Member
there have been a lot of thoughts posted about how MI does fit into tomorrowland and I personally agree with them... im too lazy to go back and quote but whomever talked about MK as the kids park definetly had a good point...
according to disney training each of the parks has an overall theme that can be described with one word. I forget epcot's but Studios is Action, DAK is Adventure, and MK is FANTASY regaurdless of what land you are in the theme is fantasy and the personality of each land comes from what surrounds you the architecture, the sights, the sounds... once you enter the attraction you're away from all of that and you're there to enjoy that attraction...
maybe MI isn't futuristic but the technology used by disney in everything it does seems especially futuristic when you compare it to the mom and pop amusement park down the street from where you live...
really i just dont understand why people are so upset about this, it makes me wonder how some would react if there were an actual problem that really affcted their day to day lives instead of something seeming a little out of place in DISNEY WORLD... but thats just me


Well-Known Member
phillipsa9 said:
there have been a lot of thoughts posted about how MI does fit into tomorrowland and I personally agree with them... im too lazy to go back and quote but whomever talked about MK as the kids park definetly had a good point...
according to disney training each of the parks has an overall theme that can be described with one word. I forget epcot's but Studios is Action, DAK is Adventure, and MK is FANTASY regaurdless of what land you are in the theme is fantasy and the personality of each land comes from what surrounds you the architecture, the sights, the sounds... once you enter the attraction you're away from all of that and you're there to enjoy that attraction...
maybe MI isn't futuristic but the technology used by disney in everything it does seems especially futuristic when you compare it to the mom and pop amusement park down the street from where you live...
really i just dont understand why people are so upset about this, it makes me wonder how some would react if there were an actual problem that really affcted their day to day lives instead of something seeming a little out of place in DISNEY WORLD... but thats just me
potentially Epcot's is "Discovery"

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
No offense... but I haven't seen many times where you actually LIKED an idea or thought a rumored change was good. Thankfully, the majority of guests don't have the same viewpoint as you do. (I'm not exactly sure what that viewpoint is, but it's always negative.)

If you do a good search, you will find plenty of changes rumors that I liked. I can't think of many now, but one for example that I can think of was an old rumor that came about that the Indy stunt show in MGM was going to be replaced by a stunt show based off of the POTC movies and that would give the go ahead to build an indy ride later on in the future. I was very excited about it in my post on that thread. It may not be happening, but oh well, its an example.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
We do have to remember, the average length of time between visits for most WDW guests is 2-4 years. Even the most enthusiastic fan typically only goes once a year.

Those of us who go a lot, tend to realize the limitations a park has in producing new and repeatable attractions, and are ok with that. Last Tuesday the friend who went with me was like "Seriously, merf, I appreciate you bringing me... but can we go on a ride or see a show?" as i'm so used to just wandering around because I enjoy it.

So, to most folks it'll be worth repeating every few years. The Canada film is STILL new to so many people. It serves a purpose though. Tomorrowland has so many lines and crowds, the TTA helps to keep folks happy, but another show or attraction that has a high capacity and air conditioning will help overall too.

Excellent post. :D It's nice to see a well-balanced reply that doesn't just whine, "There's nothing good to do anymore!" while ignoring that 99.999% of Guests don't visit WDW several times a year.


Well-Known Member
imagineer boy said:
If you do a good search, you will find plenty of changes rumors that I liked. I can't think of many now, but one for example that I can think of was an old rumor that came about that the Indy stunt show in MGM was going to be replaced by a stunt show based off of the POTC movies and that would give the go ahead to build an indy ride later on in the future. I was very excited about it in my post on that thread. It may not be happening, but oh well, its an example.
Have you ever been excited about a WDW change that was actually going to happen?

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