Well that's the end of that then lol
Merida was out riding a horse today. So, I guess that wasn't the end of that. lololol
LOL. what an embarrassment.
Between the abandoned look of the park, the horse getting tangled up, the character panicking and running away in horror....not a good look for Disney. #shouldhavestayedclosed.
She didn't panic. There was no screaming or yelling. The horse was panicked and getting off a panicked horse is what you're supposed to do as soon as you can.
But nice spin!

Because I don't watch the parades usually I'm not sure if Merida usually rides the horse or not but from the multiple videos I watched yesterday she seemed very uncomfortable on the horse and the horse also seemed uncomfortable so when you add the balloon to the mix just not good.
And the way she scrambled away also makes me feel like she was kinda pushed to get on the horse when maybe she did not feel comfortable. Horses can tell these things.
She seemed comfortable to me. She was smiling and waving to people. She road the nearly-bucking horse like a champ. She dismounted quickly without a huge dress tripping her up. Total professional.
The horse was fine until it sensed something entangling its legs. So, yeah, horses can sense those kind of things.