Horrible, Horrible, Ride / Attraction.


Active Member
Originally posted by DDuckFan130
hehe we do it all the time :lol: id looove to go to the real norway one day so i guess i should see the movie one of these days...ill make it a point to see it next time...maybe :rolleyes:


I usually skip the Norway movie because it takes so long to get in there! You get off the boat from that fantastic ride, then you stand around for ages (my first trip we waited over 20 minutes before those doors opened!), then they let you in for a film!

I will watch it occasionally, though...when I haven't waited too long after the ride. It's kinda funny.....the style is all jumpy, like a travel documentary made in the style of a horror film. More like a Who's Line is it Anyway game than an attraction. Little boy...quiet museum....empty boat....STORM! RAIN! VIKINGS! :lol: :p


New Member
Originally posted by Tiggerish
Actually, AE is the one ride I would never go back on. I must be especially susceptible to suggestion, but I was absolutely terrified by the "encounter". Walking out of the attraction, I was beating my husband about the head for putting me through it, because he was the one who wanted to go on it. :hammer:

I totally agree with you. I just went on it for the first time in May this year because the friend I was there with made me do it. I was never really interested in going, but he talked me into it. Well by the time I got out of there I probably gave him 15 bruises. 10 of which were for making me sit in the front row! If the ride were staying, I would never ride it again.

Miss Tinkerbell

New Member
Hey everyone hi to you all as a newbie......

IMHO i think the worst ride ever has to be "the great Movie Ride" the most up to date movie is "indiana jones" then "alien" i thought this had been refurbed..... and when i went on it a week ago it hasn't changed a bit!..... they should really think about getting rid of this dated attraction.... and sorry to say it but "the pirates of the carribean" needs a dust down too.....

Ms Brer Rabbit

New Member
Well, as much as I love all the attractions at WDW, there are some I can't stand.

It's A Small World: Went on it when I was 9, never rode it since. I've got this frear of dolls and that ride...doesn't help.

Tower of terror: Now, I know y'all are gonna be all "WHAT??" over this, but I'm just not into the whole "going up to a great height, enjoying the view, and crashing down uber-fast" thing.

THAT GODFORSAKEN GO-KART THING IN TOMORROWLAND!!!: Need I say more? Dumb thing...makes that area smell like a Jiffy Jube.

and finally...
The Wonders of Life Building: Oogh, that place shows me how it must feel to be inside a middle school health class textbook.


New Member
I could do without Peter Pan's Flight in Fantasyland. I see people waiting for 90 minutes for it... and for what?... a 1 1/2 minute ride. That attraction is wayyy too short and is my least favorite in Fantasyland. They should replace it with the Pinocchio attraction that's in Fantasyland at Disneyland.

I could also do without Indy Speedway in Tomorrowland. I could ride go-carts around here if I wanted to.

The Country Bears in Frontierland I skip all the time.

Ellen's Energy Adventure in Future World needs to be shut down and replaced.

El Rio de Tiempo at the Mexico pavilion should be destroyed.

Kali River Rapids in AK should be longer. It's the shortest rafting ride I've ever been on. The one at IOA is a lot better.


Well-Known Member
These responses really suprise me. Some of the classics and my favorites people hate. It is interesting to hear other peoples opinions.

I could care less if the Indy Speedway was gone...


New Member
Let's see:

AK - Dinosaur - I really don't think this ride is great. Oh I am just so scared riding in a bumpy vehicle in the pitch black when all of a sudden a dino appears and they start blowing you with air. How many of these same scenes do you get, oh look it just another dino trying to come after the vehicle. I'm dunno with the dino.

EPCOT - Living Seas & El Rio Del Tiempo -
To start Living Seas, open the ride back up and put more sea creatures in the tanks.
El Rio, enough said, burn the pyramid down and begin again.

MGM - Backstage Tour - for the exact same reason that is listed above by another poster. This is one boring ride.

MK - Astro Orbiter and Indy Speedway -
AO is boring, boring, boring. Rode once out of many times visiting, never bothered to ride it again.
Indy Speedway - stinks up the Tomorrowland area and really doesn't go with the theming.


It's a Small World - - I know, it's a classic. So is "The Exorcist". And I have a hard time sleeping after experiencing both. Those dolls are just plain spooky. Beyond that, the ride's just not that fun. It's kind of like being puched in a shopping cart through Macy's at Christmas time. Lots of shiny clothes that no one ever wears and after 5 minutes you just want to get out. I feel obligated to take my kids on this one everytime we go to WDW and I am sure I will be paying for it in terms of therapist bills in years to come.

Indy Speedway - - What a waste of prime real estate. And that track takes up a lot of it. Why is this ride in Future World anyway? Go-carts were never futuristic, not even in the 60s.

Hall of Presidents - - Who is this for? By the time a kid is old enough to understand the significance of this attraction, he/she is way too cool to be seen anywhere near it.

Astro Orbiter - - The ride is not the problem, it's the ride to the ride. Central Florida is not the place to see how many people can be crammed into an outdoor elevator. If you are fortunate enough to survive the elevator ride up without feeling queezy, you get to be spun around sevaral times on the ride before you get sent back down the same elevator. Please, build some stairs.


Active Member
Originally posted by Hadjii
I agree with the posters who chose Indy Speedway. Never been on it, never will. Boriiiinnngggg.

Hum, never:eek: Strong word, almost as stong as horrible.:lookaroun

I think the post should be titled "Rides and attractions I don't like" rather than "Horrible, horrible (etc).:)

My reasoning is that every single ride and attraction at WDW has thousands of people who love it.:cool:

I think many of us without young children tend to look but not see. Take Fantasy Land for example. Small World and Peter Pan are both enjoyed by the little ones. The excitement of the children brings smiles to their parents faces. :D

Tomorrow Land's Indy Speedway (at the edge of Fantasy Land) is something I would not care to ride again but I love to sit and watch a little child "driving" with mom or dad or GM or GP "helping".

I am guessing many of you who would "never" ride this or that, such as the Indy Speedway, will if/when you have small children.:wave:


New Member
I am guessing many of you who would "never" ride this or that, such as the Indy Speedway, will if/when you have small children.:wave: [/B][/QUOTE]

Nope. You guessed wrong. I have brought my children and although they have enjoyed it I am still not interested in going on. Just not the type of ride I enjoy. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion right? Have a great day.


New Member
This is a really sad thread. Do you know how nasty and hard to please some of you sound? Practically all of the rides you are calling "horrible" are somebody's favorites and have much to recommend them; they took the Imagineers a great deal of time and effort to create. I have to agree with the few who have chimed in to point out that the least ride at WDW is better than all of most other parks combined!Lighten up folks!


I don't think it took the Imangineers too long to think up Indy.

And I also don't think that any of the above posts are losing site of the fact that these rides are created, for the most part, for kids, and that they appeal to different people differently.

Horrible is a 'strong' word. So lets change the title of the post to "Not-so-fun, Not-so-fun Ride/Atrraction". Now, having done so, fess up jojoyner - which ride/attraction do you hate? You must have come to this post for a reason. I suspect you are suppressing your feelings here, so let it out. I know it's Disney, but you can't love every ride/attraction. Which one is 'not-so-fun'.


OK, let me get you started. El Rio de Tiempo in Mexico. That's just not fun. I remember the first time I went on it, I thought the boat was taking me to the real ride. What a disappointment. When I went last year, I thought maybe it was just me, so I took my 4 year old son on it. He hated it too. In fact, we have replaced the "Santa Clause will not bring you any toys next year" threat with, "If you don't listen, you're going to have the ride the Mexican boat when we go to Disney next year". Works every time.


New Member
I think they need to do something with the Living Seas...BORING
and that god aweful Body Wars...talk about motionsickness combined with traveling through the body:hurl: :hurl: :hurl:

on the other hand I love the Universe of Energy.


New Member
Originally posted by Lee
Nothing comes close to being as bad as the Indy Speedway.

They should rip that abomination out of the ground ASAP.

Loud. Smelly. Waste of space.:hurl:

Do I ever agree with that. I absolutely detest the smelly, loud, boring, cheapo attraction. It's way out of date. Nowadays, kids ride ATVs, go-carts, and the thrill of driving is gone for them.

I look forward to an innovative attraction in place of the Speedway.


Well-Known Member
As far as the Indy Speedway is concerned, I loved it when I first was able to drive it, then it got boring, then for Grad Nite my friends and I rode it and it was a blast racing with them...I have mixed feelings for it, but I definitely think that instead of totally removing it they should update it just like you guys want so many rides updated, why not this one...if they made it at least look like autopia in DL that would make so much of a difference...in my opinion :D

and El Rio Del Tiempo...hey why not do something with the 3 Caballeros? I love that movie (maybe that has to do with the fact I'm a Donald fan :lol: ) but anyway it's set partly in Mexico and by using that movie in SOME parts, not all, that can at least appeal to kids...the problem I have with this ride is that it has too much stuff for such a short ride. Mexico is too vast a country to stuff all that they stuff so little. they should just concentrate on certain aspects, like elaborating more on "el dia de los muertos" and the nightlife in Mexico city maybe or cancun/acapulco or the aztecs...i dunno, stuff like that...the way norway concentrates maelstrom on the vikings, which is a familiar part of norway's heritage...don't know if I made much sense but yeah those are my 2 cents :D

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