Horrible, Horrible, Ride / Attraction.

Originally posted by thedisneyfan
At the very top, Sounds Dangerous with Drew Carey! What a waste of $500! Gee let's see....replace a very popular attraction with enduring comedy (Chevy Chase and Martin Short), great audience participation, and great movie making feeling for MGM Studios with America's most annoying has been TV star! Oh yeah and it's all in the dark!

:hammer: :brick: :brick: :hammer:

:snore: :snore: BORING SHOW:snore: :snore:


New Member
When i heard AE was closing...i literally did a dance...
i hated that attraction... Ellen's energy adventure also runs a close second to my hatred of AE...all Ellen's was good for was a nice cool, 45 minute nap in a very slow moving car with WAY too many people jammed in to far too narrow seats. i dont remeber who said it but i also think office chair type things would be GREAT in Circlevision stuff. All that leaninf on those silly lean-bars hurts my ovaries... :eek:


Active Member
Originally posted by WDMike

Nonsense. Walt was about offering a quality product, and making a profit on it. So much so that on regular intervals in the studio's early years, Walt would go weeks without paying his animators, just to keep the business afloat. Walt never had a problem with having higher costs than the competition, so long as the quality of the product reflected the value of the increased cost. When Disneyland opened, it cost more to get in that a standard amusement park. But wouldn't you rather go to Disneyland than, say, Miracle Strip in Panama City Beach?

While you make an almost valid point about the quality of the product provided by Disney, do you really think that Walt intended for the prices to shoot so high that the average family couldn't afford* to visit the World? I think not...or at least, I truely hope not.

*To clarify - by afford I mean being able to spend the $$ without having to clean out their life savings or go into debt up to their eyeballs to pay for the privelege.

I'm also pretty sure that Walt didn't have irrelevant details like CSR's sales commissions factored into his pricing plan...



Speedway. Easily the most boring ride. You can hear kids complaining, "That's it?" as they get off. It's got nothing to do with Tommorowland only that you hope it's gone by tomorrow. I understand that it's there for the kids but these days even the kids expect a little jolt not a guided snooze. :snore:


Well-Known Member
The only attraction in WDW that I have been on only once and choose never to go back on is Body Wars. What a piece of junk! I know alot of people don't like Universe of Energy, but personally I enjoy the attraction. I think alot of attractions at Epcot and MGM need a serious makover.


my 2 cents worth

since 1978 we have been to WDW 38 times with 227 daily entries into the park. not a record or anything but not bad since we lived in new jersey and now memphis, tn. i gave the numbers only to stress that we LOVE WDW (especially my youngest daughter, now 23, and I). we were just there in august (mission;space is great).

however there are 2 rides that we have been on that have been absolute major disappointments:

1) in MK the mike fink keel boat ride - we went on this only 1 time in may of 1978. now i'm a major davy crockett fan, being born in 1950 and up with the disney crockett. the day we rode this ride it was a warmer than usual florida late may day but it was ungodly hot inside the keel boats.....terrible ride

2) in EPCOT the living seas - we were in it the week that it opened and we've been in it several times since, maybe 7 or so, and i am always amazed that for all the money disney spent on this and for all the hoppla over both its opening and even today in their current commercials promo-ing it the living seas is really very disappointing. i can't really put my finger on it but i always come out of living seas with a feeling that the time i spent in there just took time away from my enjoying some other attraction.


Active Member
Snow White's Scary Adventure - bring back the original version.

Rafiki's Planet Watch - Every time I've ventured over that far there is nothing going on. The train ride over there is nauseating and there is little to see on the way. :snore:

Affection Section - Give those poor petting zoo animals some shade. PLEASE.

Body Wars - nauseating

Leave A Legacy - Although not an attraction, they look like memorial tombstones and ruin the view of Spaceship Earth.


oh yeah!!!!

you wrote << Rafiki's Planet Watch - Every time I've ventured over that far there is nothing going on. The train ride over there is nauseating and there is little to see on the way >>

we went on this for the 1st time when we visited this August. i rate this very low as well.
the train ride serves no purpose since there is nothing to see (change the path of it and make the stupid train ride somewhat interesting by passing the rapids of thru the outskirts of the safari or something and not just look at animal holding pens/buildings and overgrown bush). the walk along the path is boring but okay....the education building i found to be interesting in itself (please change the sound booths so that each booth has a different story to tell and maybe you could add a video to go along with the sounds) but i think the interest effect of it is greatly diminished by what you need to do before and after getting there....the petting zoo is okay for very little kids and that is as it should be......the path back again boring and finally after a LONG wait the terrible train ride back.....

this is one that disney could have left out except i think it goes along with what i think they have to do in providing research and positve benefits for wildlife in order to meet the requirements made of them in order to have the animals in the safari.....

does/can anyone else have knowledge of and/or explain this little known requirement placed upon disney before they received approval to have AK?


Well-Known Member
Tarzan Rocks!!! ~ First/last/only time I went to see it one of the male monkeys was making eyes at me. Needless to say I'm not gay so I flipped him off. Haven't gone back since.

Making of Me ~ I got that kind of education all through school...Don't need the Disney version of it.

Indy Speedway ~ If they want it to be Tomorrowland futuristic then make the cars burn natural gas or something. Then at least they'd have SOME furutistic aspect to them.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by noname70:
Body Wars-does anyone ride this anymore?
Originally posted by Blake
One of my favorites!:animwink:

I love the ride!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep the ride in place (although an update would be fine by me)

Originally posted by thedisneyfan
At the very top, Sounds Dangerous with Drew Carey! What a waste of $500! Gee let's see....replace a very popular attraction with enduring comedy (Chevy Chase and Martin Short), great audience participation, and great movie making feeling for MGM Studios with America's most annoying has been TV star! Oh yeah and it's all in the dark!

Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!! Drew Cary move aside :fork: :fork: :fork: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a waste of valuble space!:mad: :mad:
:fork: :fork: :fork:



Captain Eo......didn't like it....I mean it was creative (hey its a Michael Jackson video) and it was what I thought i would be. I loved the show that it replaced (can't remember its name) which was the original 3d show at Imagination (it was moved to the theatre in MK where Lion King replaced it) and I wish it was back. You can understand why disney whet with the Capt. Eo thing to capitalize on MJ's popularity back then and also the business decision to change the shows periodically (although you could build a business case that they do not change it ofter enough to realize the effect of changing the show) to bring in more fannies to this attraction. hey how about this.....showcase your new show(s) with alternating times of previous shows (i.e. the new show is played say everyhour with every 4th hour a playback of an older show).

and i'm sorry but I thought the Tarzan Rocks show did just that ......it ROCKED....outstandingly so.

I do agree that it is time to update the indy cars and i wish they would bring back the skyway.....i really miss that.

the peter pan, snow white and pooh rides are really dated...and that it some of the beauty of those rides.....they are a throw back to what was so wonderful about disney before it went HI-TECH.....but they can use some revisions.... make the rides longer (perhaps multi-level the rides - i know peter pan already is) and/or perhaps make them multiplexed so that if you go into the right side that ride is different than the left.....but something to make the hour or so wait at times worth while. maybe 1 side the original way the ride is done and the other more interactive.....however the ability to access either side needs to be randomly done otherwise wait lines on one side will exceed those of the other side.


New Member
Dumbo and it's clones (but then they are not exactly aimed at my age group)

Indy Speedway

I'm amongst the group that like Tarzan Rocks, and I've never thought a monkey smiling at me was a gay on pickup.

Regaring Conservation Station - I've met some great cast members here, and the talks they give are interesting. I quite like the rickety old train as a change of pace. But this is the advantage of having a two week trip, you can enjoy things at a different pace.
Spaceship Earth

What in the world where they thinking when they came up with this horrbile ride. This is the only disappointment I have experianced with a park. We went on this one years ago, we couldnt even get through the ride with out it stopping at least 6 times. And thats not a cool thing when you have a small child with you.
And i have to agree about the Living Legacy walls....they are an eye sore!



New Member
Re: Spaceship Earth

Originally posted by MagicalDreamer
we couldnt even get through the ride with out it stopping at least 6 times.

Could be that six parties with special needs were getting on and off. I believe this is the main reason for the ride stopping.


Active Member
What ride would I be happy if they closed? None. I find it really rude to be happy about the destruction of an attraction that is loved by a lot of people. :mad:

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