Horrible, Horrible, Ride / Attraction.


New Member
Test Track is the most boring ride ever. I prefer riding el Rio Del Tiempo over that thing. I would like to rename the "attraction" :


*except on rainy days.



Active Member
Originally posted by goofyfordisney
Is there, or has there ever been a Disney Attraction that you can't stand. One that you saw once, and no matter how little the wait, or how bored you are, you would not ever see it / ride it again?

Hall of Presidents. Unless I *really* need a nap.


Originally posted by craziebabie1
Everyone will probably beat me over the head for saying this, but for me it would be Small World. I know it will never happen, but that ride terrified me when I was a kid. I felt like the dolls were watching me. It scared me so bad, I have yet to go back on.

No beatings from me. I know that this is one of the classics and everyone should see it once but.....I will avoid it as much as possible. Probably went on it every time I went as a kid but I didnt go on it when we took our girls. They liked it but didnt want to ride it again. I'll probably have that song in my head now for the rest of the day!!!AGGHHHHHH!!!!!

Kali River Rapids is one I could do without also. It is so short for the length of time you have to wait. Again my kids really liked it but they wouldnt want to wait so long for it. Besides we have some great rivers up here and my buddies a whitewater guide so we get the real thing.

I would have rather seen Disney spend the money to overhaul 20,000 Leagues than spend the money on some of the things they offer now. Something about being a 7 year old boy and being able to tell your friends you went on a submarine. It was one of the ultimate thrills when I was young. I have others I dont care for as much and if these rides were loctaed anywhere else I wouldnt bother but the whole" Disney Experience" makes them special.

I do think that the addition of Mickeys Toontown was an excellent move. That age group does really well there. I also saw alot of older kids taking there younger siblings through and giving the parents a breather.


Well-Known Member
To all those who dislike IASW. When you become a parent of a toddler you grow to like it, no choice :lol: . We went on it 8 times this past trip. Yup, 8. Our son absolutely lives for it so we do it for him. Someone told me the same story many years ago and I thought, "No way in God's green earth will I ever do that!" Well, God's earth is still very much green and I'm doing it. I've a funny feeling some of you will remember this thread in a few years. :lol: :lol:


Originally posted by goofyfordisney
YES! Thank you for also noticing this. I got tired of leaning against the damn bars!

Maybe some spinning seats, like office chairs? :veryconfu

Just make sure I don't catch you sitting on those bars! :lol:


New Member
Snow White...awful! They should turn THAT area into the Character Greeting and bring back 20K LUS!!! Love the fairy tale but the ride lasts a millisecond and needs paint badly! ((Would rather have seen SW torn out for Pooh than Mr. Toad's WR!!))

Body Wars/Star Tours.......whiplash, anyone?

Does EVERYONE run through the theatre to bypass the movie at the end of the Maelstrom ride?! lol Sometimes we wonder if the Norwegian castmembers are offended....hmmmmm....

BUT we'd rather be stuck on the worst ride at WDW than be anywhere else!!



New Member
I am surprised no one has mentioned this, but I really don't care too much for The Country Bear Jamboree. If I have to ride it, like if my kid brother wants to ride, I will go on it. But otherwise, I really can't stand it. It needs a big makeover....BIG! I think it makes me fall asleep more than riding Hall of Presidents. LOL


New Member
Originally posted by smelly_cat_kez
IT'S A SMALL WORLD annoys me so much, i hear the tune and am singing it all day!!

I couldn't agree more! Although I would be a little sad if they took it away! :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneyfamily
oDoes EVERYONE run through the theatre to bypass the movie at the end of the Maelstrom ride?! lol Sometimes we wonder if the Swedish castmembers are offended....hmmmmm....

I doubt any Sweedish Cast Members are offended by this. Maybe the Norwegian ones are offended by it though since it is the Norway pavillion. ;) :D

Seriously though, I always see the movie. I think it's pretty good. Not the best movie in WDW, but still a nice break from the heat.


New Member
Originally posted by imagineer99
I'm not a big fan of that Six Flags Themed Land in the Animal Kingdom. What's it called again? Oh, yeah, now I remember...DINO-RAMA!

could'nt agree with you more. The first time we ventured in there, I thougt we accidently wandered off the park and into a neighboring county fair.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe no one has mentioned the MGM "backlot" Tram Tour!

That has to be the most EGG S U C K I N G attraction ever. A fake backlot tour among fake sets. And now they've bulldozed those fake sets. What do you see now?

Just ditch the trams have people walk directly to Catastophe Canyon, add some music and some pyro, and call it Tramtasic! Lame tourists will still line up to see it. And save a fortune in maintenance costs.


New Member
Originally posted by meeko_33785
I doubt any Sweedish Cast Members are offended by this. Maybe the Norwegian ones are offended by it though since it is the Norway pavillion. ;) :D

Doh! Nice catch Meeko. I hold the WDW record for being able to sprint from the entrance to the exit of the Norway movie in 2.1 seconds.


Well-Known Member
People don't skip the Norway movie because its bad. They skip it because, for some reason.. they put the "pre-show film" after the ride.. oops, and who wants to see the pre-show item after the show? I wonder why they did it that way.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Android
TT gets my vote. It has nothing to do w/ EPCOT.

Technically, it does because EPCOT is educational, and in this ride, you learn about what GM does to cars on the testing grounds to test new viecles.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneyfamily

Does EVERYONE run through the theatre to bypass the movie at the end of the Maelstrom ride?! lol Sometimes we wonder if the Norwegian castmembers are offended....hmmmmm....


hehe we do it all the time :lol: id looove to go to the real norway one day so i guess i should see the movie one of these days...ill make it a point to see it next time...maybe :rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TimeTrip
People don't skip the Norway movie because its bad. They skip it because, for some reason.. they put the "pre-show film" after the ride.. oops, and who wants to see the pre-show item after the show? I wonder why they did it that way.

:sohappy: good point...if they did it as an actual PRE-show, we'd have to watch it to get to the ride, but since it's not, why waste time watching a movie when clock's a tickin and there's places to see and things to do lol...if we have time to just take in the rides and shows and such we'd definitely do it but when you got antsy kids with you...better not


New Member
Originally posted by DDuckFan130
:sohappy: good point...if they did it as an actual PRE-show, we'd have to watch it to get to the ride, but since it's not, why waste time watching a movie when clock's a tickin and there's places to see and things to do lol...if we have time to just take in the rides and shows and such we'd definitely do it but when you got antsy kids with you...better not

Exactly! Lets see a show of hands. How many of you would stick around to watch that True Colors movie after Honey I Shrunk the Audience?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneyfamily
Exactly! Lets see a show of hands. How many of you would stick around to watch that True Colors movie after Honey I Shrunk the Audience?

oh geez :lol: that movie is so boring to me :brick: :brick:

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