Horrible, Horrible, Ride / Attraction.

For me, it definitely had to be Journey Into Your Imagination (Without Figment). The original was my favorite attraction at Epcot, and Figment was always my favorite character. I hadn't read anything about the rehab, so the first time I rode it afterwards was a complete surprise. I was practically crying by the time we got off, and I refused to ever get on it again.

I think that's the only Disney attraction I have ever refused to ride.


Premium Member
Hey! I like Sounds Dangerous! It's pretty good!

My hate list-

Tomorrowland Indy Speedway-Oh, this is exciting. Barely any theming at all, and they need to take off that darn track! And the wait times are so horrible. Just rip it out and put in the Autopia from DL without the track or Aquatopia from TDS!

Universe of Energy-Old and new. Both were boring. Bulldoze it down! I'd PAY to see it go down.

Wonders of Life-Same with UoE. Body Wars is the worst simulator on planet Earth.

El Rio Del Tiempo-I need not say more.

The Living Seas-I just hope Nemo can find his way here.

Tarzan Rocks!-Oooooo, wow! A bunch of people riding around on rollerskates and a flying act. And the band and singers are visible. That is such a great show!

The Magic Carpets of Aladdin-Did we really need a third Dumbo in the park?

ALL CircleVision movies-Worst things ever to be designed. NO SEATS!!! How is that an enjoyable attraction?

Snow White's Scary Adventure-Too scary for the kiddies, too boring for the teens and adults. How is that a great ride to ride twice?

Space Mountain-You all will hate me for saying this, but I hate this coaster. Too rough, and it jerks you around a lot. And you can see the track, and there's the fact you think you're going to hit your head somewhere in the ride on that darn track. Where is DLP's version???? I've been on it, and it is the best SM out of all of them.

Living With The Land-DON'T even get me started there!


Well-Known Member
Ya know what? I'd rather be stuck on a ride i dont like at WDW then the best ride at a local amusement park. Its just the idea of escaping into another world.


Well-Known Member
my "i don't care to do it again, but i will just because it is disney" attraction list...

Tarzan Rocks
Body Wars
Star Tours
Space Mountain - too tall, (6'9") kept thinking i was going to hit my head - got whiplash from ducking all the time...
Sounds Dangerous
Living With the Land
Magic Carpets of Aladdin
Primeval Whirl - WAY TOO JERKY
Triceratops Spin
Snow White's Scary Adventure... just painted wood sitting still with loud noises...
Spaceship Earth - only for tradition... but GEEZ its so boring
EL RIO DEL TIEMPO... it is like the Mexican kids in Its A Small World grown up.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PhotoDave219
Ya know what? I'd rather be stuck on a ride i dont like at WDW then the best ride at a local amusement park. Its just the idea of escaping into another world.

I agree with you there. Even riding the worst WDW attraction is a lot better than not being at WDW at all.


Active Member
I can't say there are any rides that qualify as "horribe, horrible" rides that I won't ever go on again and would be happy if they closed.
I do skip body wars and star tours all the time, but that's only 'cause they give me motion sickness, not because I think they're bad rides.
And while I do prefer many of the older rides to the ones that replaced them (JII, Horizons, WoM to name a few), and if it were up to me MK and EPCOT would be frozen in time from somewhere in the 1980's (but I'd want Splash Mtn added, too, of course), I still enjoy going on all the rides, and I'd rather see Disney just keep adding to their parks rather than removing or redesigning old rides.
Maybe it's the nostalgia in all of it for me, but even what some people consider the "lame" rides in WDW are great for me.


Well-Known Member
Of the ones I've been on cuz sadly i havent seen them all yet and ive been more than a dozen times in my short 18 years of life but anyway this is my list

-Tarzan Rocks
-Festival of the Lion King
-El Rio del Tiempo...sorry fellow latinos i wont do it...i wont! :lol:
-Tomorrowland Speedway...lately ive been bored out of my mind with that cuz geez why not? i think it should be updated at least to look like autopia in DL which looks a lot cuter...what we have here reminds me of the old blue clunkers we used to have for strollers

and last and CERTAINLY LEAST...

Doug Live!...:brick:



New Member
Originally posted by Lee
Nothing comes close to being as bad as the Indy Speedway.

They should rip that abomination out of the ground ASAP.

Loud. Smelly. Waste of space.:hurl:

Agreed...except that the noise does remind me that I'm @ the MK. :lol:

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
I do agree with a few others here, even the one's I dont care for, hey.....i'm still at the World. That being said.....

1. Alien Encounter. Dont even think I did it last year. No regrets either. See ya
2. Jungle Cruise. I'll do it once every trip but that's about it. Would'nt mind seeing it go.
3. Tarzan Rocks. Never seen, never going too. The title alone is a turn off.
4. Current Journey. I love Eric Idle, but the original was great.
5. New Tikki Birds show. From what I hear the birds Rap now. As if Rap was'nt bad enough, i'd have to listen to an audio. bird do it. No thanks.
6. Body Wars. Remember when that used to have LINES ?
7. Swiss Family Tree House.....huh...where's my chainsaw
8. Splash Mountain.....nahhhhhh, just wanted to see who was paying attention
9. Whatever that stunt car show they're putting in MGM is. Were going to be deprived of the Osborne light's this year. And i'm sure it will be the same show every time.


It's kind of depressing me seeing so many votes for Living With The Land. I love, and would be absolutely heartbroken to see it go. I've always been sort of a science and environment geek, so it's my kind of thing.

I like Sounds Dangerous and El Rio Del Tiempo, too, but wouldn't bee overly sad to see them go. I'd trust that they could utilize the space better.

And, a very highly used phrase on this site, "Just my two cents."


Beauty and the Beast show at MGM!

This one has to go. Bad acting, bad choreography, and bad Costumes. This ones worst than Tarzan Rocks, which at least has Jane as some "eye-candy":animwink: . Generally the Disney shows are not that bad, but this one is unbearable.

Just my 2¢, you don't have to agree. But please tell me I'm not the only one.



Originally posted by Sulley

This ones worst than Tarzan Rocks, which at least has Jane as some "eye-candy":animwink: .


Belle isn't too bad looking, herself, at least not when I saw it. ;) I happen to really like the Beauty and the Beast show, though.


New Member
Swiss Family Treehouse. I think the tram ride in the parking lot is better than this attraction.

It's Tough To Be a Bug. The air blowing on my legs in HISTA was novel and imaginative. Ramming the sharpened end of a broomstick into my spine is annoying.

Other than that, most of the stuff Disney does is pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sulley
Beauty and the Beast show at MGM!

This one has to go. Bad acting, bad choreography, and bad Costumes. This ones worst than Tarzan Rocks, which at least has Jane as some "eye-candy":animwink: . Generally the Disney shows are not that bad, but this one is unbearable.

Just my 2¢, you don't have to agree. But please tell me I'm not the only one.


These two shows are actually two of my favorite attractions at WDW. I love the music from the movies though and love seeing the films come to life. Actually, IMO, Beauty and the Beast keeps getting better and better. When I saw the show this Summer the cast was phenominal. The dancers pulled off a lot of the moves that I had never seen other casts of the show pull of as well and Belle and Gaston were great- especially Belle. If you haven't seen it in the past few years, I recogmend seeing it again. They've really stepped up the show in the past few years.
Sounds dangerous is definitely bad, but It's A Small World (in my opinion) is beyond terrible. It will be a cold day in hell before we ride that thing again. Those freaking tiny dolls....oh great, now I have the freaking stupid song in my head.....AAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!
Originally posted by antoinebusby
Sounds dangerous is definitely bad, but It's A Small World (in my opinion) is beyond terrible. It will be a cold day in hell before we ride that thing again. Those freaking tiny dolls....oh great, now I have the freaking stupid song in my head.....AAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!

Yeah IASW gets on my nerves too! I also don't like Primeval Whirl, and Body Wars. But at the same time, I think it would be terrible if IASW closed, it wouldn't be the same place without it. But I would not miss Primeval Whirl or Body Wars.


Well-Known Member
I still do these because my wife likes them, but I don't like:

Small World. I did as a kid, but now can't stand it.

CoP since they changed the theme song.

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