Home today from French Quarter so disappointed!


New Member
I just returned home today from a 7 night stay in the Port Orleans French Quarter (1st night in Port Orleans Riverside) and I am so bothered by my experience. First let me say I have been to Disney 7 times since 2000 and have only stayed 1 time onsite which was last year in a 2 bedroom at OKW. I have always been intrigued by staying onsite but always had a difficult time spending so much money when you can get such beautiful accommodations elsewhere for so much less. I always rent a car so the Disney transportation was not critical to me. All that being said my family and I decided to spend a week at the French Quarter. I have been told this is one of the nicest moderate resorts. Based on what I have seen this will be my last time ever on Disney property. For the amount of money a moderate resort costs (175 - 199 per night for my stay) it needs to be much more current. From the old look of the rooms, lack of ac controls, (still like an older motel with just a window unit with no wall mounted digital thermostat), and just the general upkeep of the room. I was in building 1, room 1207 and the location was fine. Everything is a short walk and the grounds are very pretty. Once again though if I were to be picky there are cigarette butts all over the ground. I feel they put a lot of care and maintenance into the landscaping and walkways but miss the little things like cleaning up old cigarettes. Considering you can get an offsite hotel for a similar price that has a much more modern feel that also has the beautiful grounds a Disney hotel can offer I will choose to do this next time. I am not kicking Disney for their parks, grounds, cast members, or transportation. They have gotten that down to a science, but take a page from Marriott or Hyatt's book and get current with the rooms and make it feel like a "Resort" room and not a 1980's motel room. I am sure some of you may disagree and tell me I am missing the "theme" that French Quarter is trying to achieve but I do feel you can still offer a "theme" and the luxuries of a more modern room.


Thanks for the constructive feedback. It is people like you that make this board invaluable. I guess next time I go to POFQ I will bring my AAA guidebook and my SWIFTER (Swiffer) to tidy up the place.

It just seems to me like you want to complain about this looking at your grip here and on allears. Did you just join here to simply complain? I would say that Mr. Skinner is a lot more valuable than you are considering his 1000 + post compared to your 7. He is not the only one that made a comment at you. Get over it.

I understand your complaint about the cleanliness of the room but beyond that you have nothing to grip about, so if you are that unhappy please stay off the property in your more "modern hotel".
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New Member
eddie4545, feel free to post your opinion whenever and wherever you want, and after a few hundred, maybe hcphish (The Grand Arbiter of Taste) will find them worthy.
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Active Member
I love POFQ but last month when I stayed there the experience was less than stellar. The room was not totally clean when we got there. The door was crusted with mold which, being a Floridian I know happens, but if you wipe it and clean it, it doesn't grow as bad as it was. The restroom didn't seem as clean as I'm used to and there was still papers and stuff left from the the previous guests. We got in late so I didn't complain. I was just tired so I went with it.
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hcphish (The Grand Arbiter of Taste)

Don't you forget it. :wave:

I am somewhat sorry that he had a bad experience, but come on, digital thermostats in a moderate resort. For crying out loud he even said in his OP that he knew people were going to disagree...I happen to be one of them. He mentions nothing of asking mangement to assist in cleaning his room a little more or picking up the cigarette butts. We all know how easy it is to access management and how much they are willing to accommodate your needs, just ask. Who knows maybe he did. It was his experience and not like anything I have ever experienced being at Disney.

Getting back to your post my concern was why he decided to go after someone who was a premium member for quite some time with a lot of posts when there were plenty of jabs at eddie4545 prior to that.
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New Member
He sounds like one of those people who is mad about spending more for a disney resort so they try to find things to complain about the whole time they are there. If you were that unhappy you should of contacted management instead of trashing the resort on every disney site out there.:p
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New Member
Why does every post here have to turn into some lynching mob? I never even read a post after I post (unless I start the post) because I know it will be nothing but either ignored or bashed and I don't know which is worse.

Everyone has a valid opinion so bashing people is never the MATURE way to handle a situation. Discuss please but do not make it a personal attack. Didn't anyone learn that in Debate class in high school?

I also agree about this resort. I stayed there before it was "remodeled" so I don't know what it's like now. I was there probably about 7 years ago or so? Pure guess. The reason why? I hated it and I'd like to forget it. We had to stay here because the Poly was booked for one of the days during our trip.

The desk staff totally overlooked our request for a room close to the lobby and buses (I know it's not a guarantee but we had a wheelchair and two very obviously old people with us). I was traveling with two disabled grandparents. My grandfather refused to leave the room because it was a 20 minute walk pushing him in a wheelchair and walking with my grandmother to get anywhere. They both stayed in the room for the day, which made me feel horrible but it was only one day out of 14 so it was ok.

The worst part? My small son and myself trying to find the room at 11pm. It took us over 45 minutes. The place was deserted and we went back to the lobby twice for directions. No one offered to lead us and I was crying profusely. It was just too much for me to handle. I couldn't get out of that place fast enough.

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Active Member
While I can understand some of the frustrations in the OP, it is not good form to go on site after site after site and trash this particular experience when Disney was not given an opportunity to right what they could about the room, like the cleanliness issue, and so many of the complaints were personal preference issues, such as the lack of pay per view and wall mounted temperature controls. You pay a premium to stay in the park, and the rates are what the market will bear. It's not a personal affront to me to criticize Disney, and believe me, I have. But if you aren't going to complain about it when something can be done, don't go home and trash it online everywhere you can on these kinds of issues.
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Well-Known Member
I love Port Orleans. It's easily in my top 10 WDW resorts despite being a moderate. Almost Top 5. I have stayed there at least 10-15 stays since 1991 (I should also say that I have stayed at every WDW resort with the exception of a few DVC props and the ASMovies), most numerous times.

That said, you must be realistic as to what you're paying for and what you get. There are far better options for your money off-site. Always will be. Two summers ago there were rooms at the Ritz Carlton Grande Lakes, which makes the Grand Flo look like a dump for $199 a night.

You are paying for location at WDW ... and not all resorts are equal there either.

I stayed at PO in January for $99 and was quite pleased, although the room (last refurbished in 2003 was starting to show obvious wear with furniture and carpeting), but a buddy stayed there a week earlier and paid almost $250 ... an absurd rate.

I can honestly say that no Disney resort is worth whatever the rack rate is. If I don't get a discount of at least 25% (and usually higher) I won't stay.

Rooms are not maintained to the levels they need to be or once were. Across the board the rooms are made to look clean, but not actually be clean. Take a look at common surfaces in your room and you'll see this half-assed approach to cleaning. And these rooms take quite a beating with all the kids. But most guests aren't looking at all the dust on the nightstand or the mystery stains on the comforter or walls. They don't see that cereal under the bed, along with a brochure from three months ago. So long as they get towel animals, most of WDW's clientele is happy.

But if someone truly has a problem with a room they should bring it to management's attention immediately -- and before unpacking. If the concerns aren't taken care of, they should demand (politely but firmly) to be moved to another room, or -- in extreme cases -- another resort.

Also, some good advice here (and with hotels anywhere) is to ask when the rooms were last renovated. Disney's CRO won't give you this information, you'll have to call to the front desk of the resort you're thinking of booking directly. I wouldn't feel comfortable at most Disney resorts if they haven't had work done in more than 4-5 years (tops).

For example, while Pop Century is the 'newest' value, it has rooms that were built in 2000 and opened in 2003. All Star Music was thoroughly renovated in 2006-07 and Sports was just completed this February. They would be the best choice for a 'new' value room. The absolutle worst would be Movies, which opened in 1999 and hasn't had any rehab since.

And an FYI, but CBR and Boardwalk Inn are both scheduled for rehabs soon.

Hope that helps somebody.
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New Member
My main question has always been...What happens to those rooms where the previous guest requests a Late Checkout?

Just how thoroughly are those rooms cleaned when the people who occupied them before leave later than those who check out before 11 am? Is that why so much trash is left behind? Does housekeeping thoroughly clean the room including dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing bathrooms and changing linens on the beds...or do they just do a quick once over, changing towels and making the beds without changing the linens because they have to have it ready for the next guest checking in as soon as possible? :veryconfu

Whenever we check into a hotel I ALWAYS turn down the beds immediately. I can't tell you how many times one or both beds looked like they had been slept in....including blood and god only knows what on the sheets.....and yes it happened to us at a Disney Value hotel. We checked in after midnight. I felt terrible for the housekeeping staff who had to come and change the sheets for us at that time of the night. Needless to say, I tipped them far better than I did the daytime staff during our stay.

It's just another thing to think about.

Maybe Disney, as well as other hotels, is getting far too concerned about a quick turn around and don't give their very underpaid staff the time to properly clean a room.
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New Member
Just because the resort is themed, it shouldn't mean that the rooms should be subpar ammenity wise. If the resort was truly themed to the French Quarter there'd be strippers, drunks, and bars all over the place. How does throwing in a curved shower curtain rod and maybe a fridge or a microwave hurt the theming? I understand that there are different levels of resorts on property but why would Disney not want to atleast keep their resorts comparable to the same level of resort you could find off-site? There's really no good reason why you shouldn't be able to find the same type of ammenities at a Disney moderate resort that you'd find at an offsite moderate resort. I guess the fact that people will come regardless of what is offered will keep the rooms from being what they could be.

Refridgerators are in all moderate resort rooms at no charge. Microwaves are usually available on request. All that had to be done was request it from the front desk. Some of the resorts do not allow any kind of cooking in the room, which I kind of agree with. Would not like to be next to the room where they are cooking fish all night. As to the strippers, drunks & bars, that would be an interesting concept for Disney, however you find this in every major city in the world.
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New Member
While I can understand some of the frustrations in the OP, it is not good form to go on site after site after site and trash this particular experience when Disney was not given an opportunity to right what they could about the room, like the cleanliness issue, and so many of the complaints were personal preference issues, such as the lack of pay per view and wall mounted temperature controls. You pay a premium to stay in the park, and the rates are what the market will bear. It's not a personal affront to me to criticize Disney, and believe me, I have. But if you aren't going to complain about it when something can be done, don't go home and trash it online everywhere you can on these kinds of issues.

I just finished reading this thread and was thinking exactly the same thing. I am sorry the OP felt they had a bad experience but I don't feel their post was in the spirit of constructive criticism. I mean how can you have been that uinhappy and not said anything at the time?? I don't get it.:shrug:
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New Member
The French Quarter was remodeled [refurbished] in 2004. It was under reconstruction in May of that year. It's the first year that we visited and stayed at the Wilderness Lodge instead.
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I had a similar conversation with my sister not too long ago. She would rather stay off site whereas I consider that sacrilege! I love staying on site and the thought of staying offsite makes my heart sink and my blood boil! I know that there are nice hotels off site but the WDW properties are part of what makes my holiday!

My sister just doesn't get why I would want to stay at what she considers an overpriced hotel when I could get a "much nicer one for the same price" :fork:

I just smile pityingly at her sigh theatrically and say "Poor you, you just don't get it, do you?"

It leaves her speechless everytime!:lol:
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Active Member
Those of us who hang around here often know which members comments are reliable and those who are not. We also know who's comments are 99.9% complaints or negative comments against Disney. Thats all I have to say about that.

I did read a post of the OP's on another site (also with a VERY low thread count) and it mirrored his concerns exactly. Maybe now that he is a member of all these different sites he can use their recourses for what they are best meant to be and look at the photos and reviews of all the resorts. Let me help you get started. POR also has the same A/C units as seen here http://www.wdwrld.com/porroom.html . If he redirects his attention to planning in the future he could find a resort experience that fully meets all his expectations and hopefully he will have a positive experience with The Walt Disney World Resort.

One other thing.. I apologize in advance for any errors in grammar or spelling.
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To the OP:

Thanks for posting your opinion. Personally I find it valuable to hear all sorts of opinions.

I will also say in this open forum that I think it is too bad that some others feel that when you post an opinion that you are asking them to personally attack you. (No I am not speaking about people that just posted their own experience or made suggestions of how to improve the experience).

I may be in the minority but I feel that you can have a valid opinion whether you have posted 10 or 10,000 times. I hope you keep up with visiting and posting to the forum.
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Active Member
To the OP:

Thanks for posting your opinion. Personally I find it valuable to hear all sorts of opinions.

I may be in the minority but I feel that you can have a valid opinion whether you have posted 10 or 10,000 times. I hope you keep up with visiting and posting to the forum.

No one said he didnt have a valid opinion. But when you see someone that has joined the same day as his origional post on not only this site but others and basically complained about the same things it makes me wonder if he is really here to discuss all things disney or just to try and spread his disgruntled view of one trip. He says he has been to Disney before 7 times but only joined the same day as his origional post. On one site he joined and posted during his stay and it was an extensive post. To me this time would have been better spent talking to the front dest of the resort he was in rather than a internet forum with people hunderds of miles away. I would even venture to say that if he was so displeased with the resort why didnt he look into moving back to OKW where he has been pleased on 7 prior trips.
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No one said he didnt have a valid opinion. But when you see someone that has joined the same day as his origional post on not only this site but others and basically complained about the same things it makes me wonder if he is really here to discuss all things disney or just to try and spread his disgruntled view of one trip. He says he has been to Disney before 7 times but only joined the same day as his origional post. On one site he joined and posted during his stay and it was an extensive post. To me this time would have been better spent talking to the front dest of the resort he was in rather than a internet forum with people hunderds of miles away. I would even venture to say that if he was so displeased with the resort why didnt he look into moving back to OKW where he has been pleased on 7 prior trips.

Actually I read quite a few posts that pretty much said that he was just complaining and that he must be the kind of person that is never pleased by anything.

My point is that there seem to be a lot of personal attacks when someone offers an opinion about something Disney that is less than praiseworthy.

There were also a lot of posts that offered differing opinions or constructive suggestions.

I think this is a great forum, but since I have joined I have seen posts become less and less friendly. Just because his first post on this and other sites was about a disappointing experience does not necessarily mean the OP has never been to them before or is just trying to attack Disney.

I know the first time I posted I was not experienced in what to expect and I received a very rude response to something I posted (I cannot remember the exact circumstances). I did however receive a PM from someone that said the rude poster was a troll and had been kicked off the boards before for other rude messages. That made me feel okay about coming back.

So I think we should give the OP a break. They did not post anything that breaks the rules and they should be able to give an opinion without feeling attacked.
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New Member
There is a huge jump in ammenities when you go from moderate to deluxe. I had always stayed at WL so I was a bit dissapointed the first time I stayed at a moderate. They do feel like motels. But, I'd stay at a motel on property before I'd stay anywhere off property. The older the kids get the less time we spend in the room. I'd rather use the difference to fly down or stay longer.
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New Member
There is a huge jump in ammenities when you go from moderate to deluxe. I had always stayed at WL so I was a bit dissapointed the first time I stayed at a moderate. They do feel like motels. But, I'd stay at a motel on property before I'd stay anywhere off property. The older the kids get the less time we spend in the room. I'd rather use the difference to fly down or stay longer.
Really...? See, I just didn't think so. Sure there is a slight improvement, but more in location than anything else IMO. I've stayed at the Contemporary, the Polynesian and WL, and I don't remember thinking there was that huge of a "jump...":shrug:
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