Home today from French Quarter so disappointed!


New Member
I just returned home today from a 7 night stay in the Port Orleans French Quarter (1st night in Port Orleans Riverside) and I am so bothered by my experience. First let me say I have been to Disney 7 times since 2000 and have only stayed 1 time onsite which was last year in a 2 bedroom at OKW. I have always been intrigued by staying onsite but always had a difficult time spending so much money when you can get such beautiful accommodations elsewhere for so much less. I always rent a car so the Disney transportation was not critical to me. All that being said my family and I decided to spend a week at the French Quarter. I have been told this is one of the nicest moderate resorts. Based on what I have seen this will be my last time ever on Disney property. For the amount of money a moderate resort costs (175 - 199 per night for my stay) it needs to be much more current. From the old look of the rooms, lack of ac controls, (still like an older motel with just a window unit with no wall mounted digital thermostat), and just the general upkeep of the room. I was in building 1, room 1207 and the location was fine. Everything is a short walk and the grounds are very pretty. Once again though if I were to be picky there are cigarette butts all over the ground. I feel they put a lot of care and maintenance into the landscaping and walkways but miss the little things like cleaning up old cigarettes. Considering you can get an offsite hotel for a similar price that has a much more modern feel that also has the beautiful grounds a Disney hotel can offer I will choose to do this next time. I am not kicking Disney for their parks, grounds, cast members, or transportation. They have gotten that down to a science, but take a page from Marriott or Hyatt's book and get current with the rooms and make it feel like a "Resort" room and not a 1980's motel room. I am sure some of you may disagree and tell me I am missing the "theme" that French Quarter is trying to achieve but I do feel you can still offer a "theme" and the luxuries of a more modern room.


Well-Known Member
Well there are few things to consider, that have yet to be mentioned. One: the majority of cast members who are cleaning your rooms are immigrants from poorer countries. There standard of living is far different than what we are blessed to have here. I don't think they are bad workers they just have different standards of living. Truthfully, most come from countries that barely have clean drinking water, do you think they are going to know the difference between a M&M and a prescription pill??? Sure it should be picked up either way, but when you have 50,000 cast members its hard to stay on top of all your employees. Basically Disney needs all the help it can so they can't be as picky as they were 25 years ago.
The main difference from the first time I went to Disney to now is the customer service, is just not the same. Its still better than most, but its not what it was. Just ask any cast member who has been there more than 20 years if they like it better now or than, bet they will say the latter. Who wouldn't, the company was smaller and had a work force that was treated like family. A company of 50,000 just can't create that atmosphere, like a small company can. Basically its up to the managers of these employess to put the clamps down. There's no reason that a manager shouldn't inspect these rooms daily. Not everyroom, but at least one or two rooms in each employees section. If the room is deemed dirty they need to have a penalty. Besides thats there job to CLEAN the room. Not straighten up,but clean. Sounds like a quick and easy solution to a growing problem.
Lastly Disney renovates its hotels about every ten years, truthfully it should be every five. If vegas can do it, so can disney.
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Active Member
Well, I think the OPs complaint was that they paid $200 a night for what amounted to a motel style room. I don't think anyone can disagree with that complate, because its true.

On the clean issue, I agree that the OP should have said something at the time, and or write Disney about it, and I don't get what they think they are achiving my only posting their complaints on websites.

As far as people saying "you get what you pay for" I disagree. I have stayed on site many times and the place I had the most issues with was GF. I made the front desk aware of every issue I had and each one was resolved. (That's why I think the OP should have spoken up while they were on property). Still each time I had to call the front desk (or walk from my room to the front desk in one case) takes away from the magic and all the issues were avoidable. They all added up to us deciding that we probably won't stay there again. Still I realize that sometimes things happen and most people who stay there have a wonderful experiance. I just wasn't one of those people.

Service there has become a mixed bag. Some CMs are awesome and went out of their way to give us some extra magic while others made me wonder where the magic had gone to...
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The Mom

Premium Member
I think there is a big difference between complaining about lack of amenities, and lack of cleanliness. I would expect a different level of amenities depending upon price paid at WDW, but I would not expect ANY properties to be dirty, I don't consider that to be nit-picking.

I can also understand how many people might be surprised to discover that at WDW and other high demand travel areas you can pay $200/night for a room that is not much plusher than a "no-tell motel" But it is not unreasonable to expect a room to be clean.

I would not make a fuss if I were only staying one night (unless it were absolutely disgusting) but if I were staying for a few nights? I would be at the front desk until I had a satisfactory answer, much to my family's embarassment, I might add. :lookaroun
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New Member
I think there is a big difference between complaining about lack of amenities, and lack of cleanliness. I would expect a different level of amenities depending upon price paid at WDW, but I would not expect ANY properties to be dirty, I don't consider that to be nit-picking.

I can also understand how many people might be surprised to discover that at WDW and other high demand travel areas you can pay $200/night for a room that is not much plusher than a "no-tell motel" But it is not unreasonable to expect a room to be clean.

I would not make a fuss if I were only staying one night (unless it were absolutely disgusting) but if I were staying for a few nights? I would be at the front desk until I had a satisfactory answer, much to my family's embarassment, I might add. :lookaroun
:lol::lol: Sounds a little too much like me!
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Well-Known Member
This thread has gotten a bit out of control. Are most people mad at the OP for making the complaints on various web sites or complaining period? People do have a right to their own opinions. Maybe he took this one a little bit to the extreme, especially for a first post, but he is entitled to voice his concerns. Should his rrom have been cleaner, maybe. Should he have voiced his concerns to POFQ management from the start, definately. So, let's give him that advice and move on.

Have magical day!!:)
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Active Member
I'm not, and I dont think anyone else here would have had any discussion on the OP if he had of stuck to the issue of a clean room. I expect a clean room and think that the grounds shouldn't look like a giant but can. The thing with this post was in the complaint of the lack of "a curved shower rod" and "digital wall thermostat". If he had said "I would have liked to have seen a curved shower rod and maybe even a wall thermostat" the whole tone of this thread would have been different IMO. The main reason that these rooms are considered "Moderate" is because the cheaper cost to build and maintain.
The A/C units are a standard unit with built in controls to lessen the labor cost of installation and a wall plug configuration. The size of the bathroom also would not allow a curved shower rod or it will be hanging over the water closet. I personally am pleased with the amenities of the rooms in the moderate range but think about it. Disney dosent want you in your room, they make their money from souvenirs, food, and activities of which you cant do in your room. Thus the reason for the lack of pay per view or on demand movies. Back in the late 80's the in room TV was a total of about 3 channels all of which was either Disney weather, the "Do It All At Disney" guide(the predecessor to the top7) and a resort info channel. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, mine happens to be that his room was as not as clean as it should have been and that he didn't do his research prior to planning his trip. He apparently had heard of the ___ears.com website as he posted to their discussion board. Their photos of PO clearly show the A/C unit under the window.
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Well-Known Member
For me, the most important thing in a hotel room, on or off property, is knowing I am in a clean room. If my room is not up to what I consider clean, I will contact management to make sure it is cleaned or I am moved.

I agree that Disney really does not want you to be in the rooms. Their TV channels are few (we like a movie before bed and they do not have movie channels) but for the amount of time we spend in the rooms, it is fine. We are out early and back late. I have stayed in 3/4 of the mods and have been happy with them all. We have also stayed in 2/4 of the values and have been just as happy.

To each his/her own. I may like Pop, and others may not. I loved Coronado, and have heard of many who did not enjoy their stay there. That is why Disney makes so many different experiences...something for everyone.

If the OP wants to stay off property, so beit.
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Well-Known Member
For me, the most important thing in a hotel room, on or off property, is knowing I am in a clean room. If my room is not up to what I consider clean, I will contact management to make sure it is cleaned or I am moved.

I agree that Disney really does not want you to be in the rooms. Their TV channels are few (we like a movie before bed and they do not have movie channels) but for the amount of time we spend in the rooms, it is fine. We are out early and back late. I have stayed in 3/4 of the mods and have been happy with them all. We have also stayed in 2/4 of the values and have been just as happy.

To each his/her own. I may like Pop, and others may not. I loved Coronado, and have heard of many who did not enjoy their stay there. That is why Disney makes so many different experiences...something for everyone.

If the OP wants to stay off property, so beit.
I don't think the problem is that the majority of us think that the OP shouldn't stay off property if they would like...I think (besides the uncleanliness of the room, which we all seem to be in agreement that he should have gone to managment to complain about first and foremost) that the main problem was the OP had options to check out if the room would fit his tastes by checking them out on the internet prior to going.

Just doing a little research on his hotel room, he would have found out some of the information of the other things he complained about. Like that the shower didn't have a curved rod or that the bedspread might not have been to his liking. Like I said in my first post, I've heard the rave reviews of PO and haven't stayed there b/c I don't like the look of the room. It doesn't mesh with me. But once again, I've done the research and found those things out. I always research those kinds of things about every trip b/c I'm spending a lot of money. I want to make sure I'm satisfied with everything I'm spending it on.
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Secondly, I think posting my complaints on as many Disney forums as possible is absolutley critical. That is the whole point of message boards to share with people your positive and negative experiences. This is why so many people use these boards.
But when you see someone that has joined the same day as his origional post on not only this site but others and basically complained about the same things it makes me wonder if he is really here to discuss all things disney or just to try and spread his disgruntled view of one trip.
Negative experiences are what drive a lot of people online (even if just to lurk); that's how I found TripAdvisor, other sites. After joining and posting, I stayed. Perhaps the OP will do the same here. If not, I still welcome the opinion---good, bad or indifferent. FWIW.
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New Member
Original Poster
Well thank you to the people who have interpreted my post as it was meant, a complaint about an experience that was in my opinion unacceptable. However, to the people who have absolutely slammed me I am amazed, you would think I made a direct attack on your family! You particular people need to learn how to react appropriately to criticism. It is just an opinion and contrary to what you apparently believe, Disney World Inc. will not go belly up because of my 3 posts on the internet. Secondly, to answer the burning question everyone seems to have, I have been lurking on these boards for years and have used them for a lot of valuable information. My stay at POFQ pushed me to finally register on 3 sites and post my thoughts and concerns. Lastly I am extremely disappointed in several of the posts by the long term posters and the sense of entitlement that they feel they have. For these people that call themselves “true” Disney fans you seem to have lost your way. IMHO Disney makes me remember my childhood and a simpler time. All I want to do is share and experience the same joy I had and still have for Disney with my children. For those few that tell me to never come back onsite, or stay home with my movies and AC you need to get that frustration out some other way and get some real joy back in your life, and not the “fake” joy you try to portray on these sites.
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Active Member
Now as far as the cleanleness of the room I have had spotless rooms and some that could use a swifter or 10......

Thanks for the constructive feedback. It is people like you that make this board invaluable. I guess next time I go to POFQ I will bring my AAA guidebook and my SWIFTER (Swiffer) to tidy up the place.

I was referring to the fact that I too have had rooms that could use a little more cleaning. Thanks for correcting my spelling of Swiffer and my apologies to P&G. :wave:
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Well thank you to the people who have interpreted my post as it was meant, a complaint about an experience that was in my opinion unacceptable. However, to the people who have absolutely slammed me I am amazed, you would think I made a direct attack on your family! You particular people need to learn how to react appropriately to criticism. It is just an opinion and contrary to what you apparently believe, Disney World Inc. will not go belly up because of my 3 posts on the internet. Secondly, to answer the burning question everyone seems to have, I have been lurking on these boards for years and have used them for a lot of valuable information. My stay at POFQ pushed me to finally register on 3 sites and post my thoughts and concerns. Lastly I am extremely disappointed in several of the posts by the long term posters and the sense of entitlement that they feel they have. For these people that call themselves “true” Disney fans you seem to have lost your way. IMHO Disney makes me remember my childhood and a simpler time. All I want to do is share and experience the same joy I had and still have for Disney with my children. For those few that tell me to never come back onsite, or stay home with my movies and AC you need to get that frustration out some other way and get some real joy back in your life, and not the “fake” joy you try to portray on these sites.

Eddie, I think everyone can agree that they'd like you to enjoy your time at Disney World. I'm sorry POFQ didn't meet your expectations, especially regarding the cleanliness of your room. There's no reason for you to put up with an unclean room in *any* hotel you're staying at, and I strongly urge you to attempt to resolve it immediately. Most reputable hotel chains, and *especially* Disney, will work surprisingly fast to resolve the situation to your liking. As far as the amenities go, I think you may have had expectations that weren't necessarily in line with the level of resort you stayed in. As many others have said, these were things you could have researched ahead of time, but you certainly shouldn't be criticized for not doing that. This was your first stay on-site, and and its true that when compared to similarly priced off-site hotels, Disney Resorts typically offer fewer amenities.

That said, most people here love the on-site for many reasons. For me, personally, I can't fathom staying offsite. It just doesn't feel like Disney. The theming is unmatched, as is the ambiance, and convenience. I've never had an issue with cleanliness at a Disney Resort, so don't let your first time turn you off to the idea completely. At night, being able to take a stroll along Magnolia bend at Riverside, or down to the beach at the Polynesian, or along the Boardwalk after everything has closed is my perfect time at Disney, and having to take a cab, or drive back to an off-site hotel would spoil that for me.

I understand your motivation for posting a negative critique to such a wide audience. You spent a significant amount of money to stay at a Disney property, and now you're emotionally charged that it didn't live up to your expectations. I understand that, and posting probably made you feel better, the same way its natural for people to feel better after "venting." Like I said above, staying on-site is special, and you said yourself that you decided to go for it after reading all of the reviews here (the same people you're venting to) for POFQ. Unless you're convinced we're all wrong, or crazy (maybe?), wouldn't you agree that staying on-site deserves one more shot? Try a new resort, try going at a time when you can get a deal on a Deluxe, just give it one more shot.

We can all agree you had a less than magical experience, but wouldn't you also agree that its probably the exception, and not the rule? :king:
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Well-Known Member
Whenever we check into a hotel I ALWAYS turn down the beds immediately. I can't tell you how many times one or both beds looked like they had been slept in....including blood and god only knows what on the sheets.....and yes it happened to us at a Disney Value hotel. We checked in after midnight. I felt terrible for the housekeeping staff who had to come and change the sheets for us at that time of the night. Needless to say, I tipped them far better than I did the daytime staff during our stay.

You gotta be kidding?!?!

You check into a room at midnight and find your sheets have blood on them, which is a very serious thing that can cause illness (not to mention just the fact it is disgusting) and should never happen, and you feel bad for them having to do THEIR JOBS and you tip them?!??!

Wow. That's really the nicest thing I can say.
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Well-Known Member
We can all agree you had a less than magical experience, but wouldn't you also agree that its probably the exception, and not the rule? :king:

I have to chime in here and say that after spending hundreds and hundreds of nights in WDW resorts since 1981 that the rule at WDW is inconsistency rules.

Someone can have a nightmarish experience at one resort, in one building and two rooms away someone can have the polar opposite.

But that, in and of itself, is a huge concern because WDW should be consistently great with CLEAN, WELL-MAINTAINED rooms and grounds. No excuses. No grading the Mouse on a curve.

I've had my own great, magical experiences (being the first in a new room or a renovated one or a free upgrade to a suite or concierge) and I've had the opposite, including very, very bad experiences at CBR, CSR, Yacht Club and Dolphin that all resulted in numerous moves, refunds and, in the YC case, a move to the GF.
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Account Suspended
I have to chime in here and say that after spending hundreds and hundreds of nights in WDW resorts since 1981 that the rule at WDW is inconsistency rules.

Someone can have a nightmarish experience at one resort, in one building and two rooms away someone can have the polar opposite.

But that, in and of itself, is a huge concern because WDW should be consistently great with CLEAN, WELL-MAINTAINED rooms and grounds. No excuses. No grading the Mouse on a curve.

I've had my own great, magical experiences (being the first in a new room or a renovated one or a free upgrade to a suite or concierge) and I've had the opposite, including very, very bad experiences at CBR, CSR, Yacht Club and Dolphin that all resulted in numerous moves, refunds and, in the YC case, a move to the GF.

You have to be willing to speak up and deal with getting a lot of flack back at first - I'd say 7/10 times CMs assume a guest is trying to get something rather then thinking the guest has a real problem that is Disney's fault.

Lots of people aren't willing to stand up for themselves. I'd say the absolute worst is having a CM who wont do jack about a situation, then asking for a manager, and having that CM try and not get a manager - because they know they'll be in trouble for not having just taken care of it in the first place. CM's who know they're in the right LOVE getting managers because it gets the "bad" guest out of their hair.

A lot of people are intimidated when those situations happen and end up trudging back to a dirty room forlorn and giving up.
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New Member
Actually I read quite a few posts that pretty much said that he was just complaining and that he must be the kind of person that is never pleased by anything.

My point is that there seem to be a lot of personal attacks when someone offers an opinion about something Disney that is less than praiseworthy.

There were also a lot of posts that offered differing opinions or constructive suggestions.

I think this is a great forum, but since I have joined I have seen posts become less and less friendly. Just because his first post on this and other sites was about a disappointing experience does not necessarily mean the OP has never been to them before or is just trying to attack Disney.

I know the first time I posted I was not experienced in what to expect and I received a very rude response to something I posted (I cannot remember the exact circumstances). I did however receive a PM from someone that said the rude poster was a troll and had been kicked off the boards before for other rude messages. That made me feel okay about coming back.

So I think we should give the OP a break. They did not post anything that breaks the rules and they should be able to give an opinion without feeling attacked.

I agree with you about the forum. A lot of the people seem to be very clicky, not very accepting of new members, etc. It's a shame, because that is not what we are here for. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. They obviously were not happy at the resort, and yes, maybe they should have taken it up with the front desk and not here. But that does not give anyone the right to be rude. If they want the forum to themselves then they should have closed it to new members.
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Active Member
I agree with you about the forum. A lot of the people seem to be very clicky, not very accepting of new members, etc. It's a shame, because that is not what we are here for. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. They obviously were not happy at the resort, and yes, maybe they should have taken it up with the front desk and not here. But that does not give anyone the right to be rude. If they want the forum to themselves then they should have closed it to new members.

I dont think its that members here dont want new members. Its that they dont want people to join just to complain about something. He himself said that he has been a lurker here for years and only joined to post about his trip.
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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Im only to happy that this board provides information and a place to whine and moan and talk about toeing the wet sprocket that needs replaced on the HM. As for cliques, thats what a posh mouse button does when you push it.

Beyond that opinions are like arses, everyone has one, but its not nice to have someone elses thrust in your face. With the odd exception.:drevil:
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