Home today from French Quarter so disappointed!


New Member
I just returned home today from a 7 night stay in the Port Orleans French Quarter (1st night in Port Orleans Riverside) and I am so bothered by my experience. First let me say I have been to Disney 7 times since 2000 and have only stayed 1 time onsite which was last year in a 2 bedroom at OKW. I have always been intrigued by staying onsite but always had a difficult time spending so much money when you can get such beautiful accommodations elsewhere for so much less. I always rent a car so the Disney transportation was not critical to me. All that being said my family and I decided to spend a week at the French Quarter. I have been told this is one of the nicest moderate resorts. Based on what I have seen this will be my last time ever on Disney property. For the amount of money a moderate resort costs (175 - 199 per night for my stay) it needs to be much more current. From the old look of the rooms, lack of ac controls, (still like an older motel with just a window unit with no wall mounted digital thermostat), and just the general upkeep of the room. I was in building 1, room 1207 and the location was fine. Everything is a short walk and the grounds are very pretty. Once again though if I were to be picky there are cigarette butts all over the ground. I feel they put a lot of care and maintenance into the landscaping and walkways but miss the little things like cleaning up old cigarettes. Considering you can get an offsite hotel for a similar price that has a much more modern feel that also has the beautiful grounds a Disney hotel can offer I will choose to do this next time. I am not kicking Disney for their parks, grounds, cast members, or transportation. They have gotten that down to a science, but take a page from Marriott or Hyatt's book and get current with the rooms and make it feel like a "Resort" room and not a 1980's motel room. I am sure some of you may disagree and tell me I am missing the "theme" that French Quarter is trying to achieve but I do feel you can still offer a "theme" and the luxuries of a more modern room.


Well-Known Member
No I didn't contact the management. After witnessing 2 rooms (POFQ and Riverside) in similar shape I assumed it is what it is. Secondly, I think posting my complaints on as many Disney forums as possible is absolutley critical. That is the whole point of message boards to share with people your positive and negative experiences. This is why so many people use these boards.

Yes, but management does not monitor these boards, and unless they are informed, nothing will be changed for the better.

My brother and his family have been to POFQ twice in the last 3 years (POR once) and are planning a 3rd trip there - I showed him this and he says that your instance is rare (in his opinion) and should have been reported immediately and they would have moved you to a better room.

In my experience, people would rather come home and complain anonymously on message boards than taking some little bit of responsibility and reporting issues to management and getting things handled properly.
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Account Suspended
Not if the resort wasn't going to do anything about it. We can say theorhetically he should have been bumped to a nicer resort after this one failed to meet his expectations (that's actually completely true and can happen) but we know it doesn't always happen.

I've gone to the front desk at a resort and asked for a manager and been handed a guest complaint card to contact guest communication - at the Grand Floridian.

So yes, he should write Disney about it, but posting it here isn't a bad thing. It gets the message out, lets others have more realistic expectations and to learn how to handle the situation.
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I'm surprised by this thread. I can't believe the OP had such a bad visit. I also can't believe he didn't go and demand the room be cleaned, or he be moved to better quarters.

I do have to say, that when I stayed there I was surprised that it wasn't BETTER for the money. The pool was down. The table service restaraunt had closed. And the rooms really weren't better than an ALL STAR. And the busses were slower than the ALL STAR as well.

But it was very clean. I really enjoyed the foodcourt. I liked the boat to DD. The grounds were beautiful. And my wife was happy that it didn't scream DISNEY at her. I enjoyed my stay. I just thought it was pricey for what it was.

I never made it over to RIVERSIDE here there was a bunch of neat stuff to do, including a TS restaurant.

I probably wouldn't stay there again, I'd opt for CORONADO. But I had just as nice, if not better time at POP.

I will say I've had nice rooms for less of property, but hated being off-property. I like the Disney perks and I use them. And I don't like renting a car or depending on outside transportation.

But really, if you have a problem, you need to demand that it be fixed right away. No matter what hotel you stay at. I've had problems and they've always been fixed. My motto is that mistakes happen and as long as they get fixed, I'm okay. But if they don't, look out.

And no matter what, you SHOULD post your experiences, good or bad. Getting the word out is always good. Even if POFQ managers aren't reading someone is. Whether it's a different Disney manager, or a potential guest who decided to take their business elsewhere.
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New Member
I'd let WDW know about your experiene. We had a bad experience at CSR in Dec. '06. My husband won't go back no matter how great the discount code. Things should be kept up regardless where you are staying. We do grand gatherings, my brother and his wife like staying off property, we like staying on property.

First and foremost, I love Disney and will always go there when I can.
HOWEVER, I have also had bad experiences and when I do complain, I usually get another sales pitch - for example, in '03 when we had a problem with out room at the Poly, they offered us 10% percent off our room with next trip. I'm sure with 10% percent, they're still making money, and, again it was a ploy just to get us back.
Like I've said, customer service at Disney is not like it used to be and there are other companies that Disney could learn from.
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Active Member
I just checked the AAA site and couldnt find anything there about curved shower rods and modern rooms.....no really....was there that big of a diffrence between the OKW rooms and POFQ. I understand wear and tear but the basic design of those rooms are like CBR arent they? I could understand if the name of the place was the Contemporary and it was themed to Fort Wilderness this would not add up to the modern theme. If pay per view movies are so important stay home and tune in and keep a eye on the digital thermostat on the wall. Now as far as the cleanleness of the room I have had spotless rooms and some that could use a swifter or 10......
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If pay per view movies are so important stay home and tune in and keep a eye on the digital thermostat on the wall. Now as far as the cleanleness of the room I have had spotless rooms and some that could use a swifter or 10......

Could not have said it better myself. Hotel rooms are crap shoots as far as cleanliness. You got a bad one...we all have.
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New Member
One area that WDW needs to concentrate on is cleaning up the cigarette butts that are on the ground at the resorts.
They are not only in the designated smoking areas but also at the end of the outside stairways, some of the walk ways, and other places where people throw them before going inside.

The WDW resorts should clean these on an hourly basis, if possible, but at least twice a day.

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New Member
Sorry it was such a bad experience.

We are set to stay at PO Riverside in November with friends of our with 5 kids so that is really our only option unless we go up to a deluxe resort. If they don't go we are torn on switching to another moderate resort. Deluxe resorts just seemed to$$$$. Though I did see that some of you earlier in this thread mentioned a % off code for some deluxe resorts??? Where did you get them? If I could get the rooms cheaper I would defiantly switch. Should I make a separate thread for that question ??

Thanks for any help any one can give!
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
i struggled and struggled with the a/c in my coronado springs room until i figured out they were on a motion detecter. my last trip i called as soon as i got in my room and had maintenance override the motion switch as i wanted it running all the time. i applaud disney for trying to be kind to the enviroment, or maybe they're just being cheap, i dont know, but they should tell guests things like this.

You know what also helps? A balloon tied to a string to a chair.
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santa's surpriz

New Member
You are right, POFQ is not a deluxe resort. IMO, it does offer the best moderate experience. I have stayed there on occasion and swear I will not stay any where else on WDW property.

It is disappointing that you feel your experience was negative. I hope that it did not affect the rest of your trip. As far as not as not having AC digital controls, I feel that is a bit extreme. The cig butts on property, I think it is unfair to pin that on mousekeeping. There job invlolves more than following around people who neglect to adhere to the smoking designated areas of the resort. That is a matter of rude, inconsiderate guests staying there.

I hope that others can look beyond this incident, bc I do feel that it is isolated. There are many members here that love POFQ and will continue to do so.
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New Member
Original Poster
I just checked the AAA site and couldnt find anything there about curved shower rods and modern rooms.....no really....was there that big of a diffrence between the OKW rooms and POFQ. I understand wear and tear but the basic design of those rooms are like CBR arent they? I could understand if the name of the place was the Contemporary and it was themed to Fort Wilderness this would not add up to the modern theme. If pay per view movies are so important stay home and tune in and keep a eye on the digital thermostat on the wall. Now as far as the cleanleness of the room I have had spotless rooms and some that could use a swifter or 10......

Thanks for the constructive feedback. It is people like you that make this board invaluable. I guess next time I go to POFQ I will bring my AAA guidebook and my SWIFTER (Swiffer) to tidy up the place.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry you had a bad experience, eddie. We have never had a bad experience at any of the 5 resorts we have stayed at. We are actually staying at POFQ in August.
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I get what you're saying - and i understand why you posted around the net. People tend to get protective of Disney, as if pointing out the flaws are somehow insulting them personally. When i got checked into an uncleaned room recently at Pop i knew i had to take photos to show how bad it was lest i come back here and say it was bad and be torn to pieces as just being a negative nelly.

Don't feel bad for reporting a bad experience. If it was bad, it needs to be known so that improvements can be made.

Really nicely put Merf! :wave:

I know POFQ is a highly popular resort and all and maybe the OP's expectations were a little high but just let the poor guy post his opinion because he was disappointed..remember guys, he's just disappointed in the hotel not in you personally :lookaroun
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Well-Known Member
To be quite honest, I have never really noticed the cigarette butts around the resorts. I generally do not stare at the ground every step I make. That is just negligent upon guests part, not the resorts. As long as I have a clean room, quiet, fun and nice, I am pretty much happy.:)

I think some on here are taking eddie's dislike way too personal. It was the resort he had the problem with, not other members. If Eddie wants to stay off property next time, it is his peroggative. I enjoy staying on property and feel more connected when I do, some may not. Let's not lynch him for wanting to go elsewhere.
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New Member
Thanks for the constructive feedback. It is people like you that make this board invaluable. I guess next time I go to POFQ I will bring my AAA guidebook and my SWIFTER (Swiffer) to tidy up the place.

It's ALWAYS a good idea to bring along your AAA guidebook...you never know when you are going to need it (and I am being 100% serious about that).

As far as the room not being clean, you should have contacted management. It's too late now to change your experience, and you could have had a better experience had you just contacted the management. I usually am a very understanding person, but when it comes to a hotel room, I'm not afraid to call housekeeping if something isn't right- like unchanged sheets in the room when we first check in.

Just because some hotels have the curved shower curtains (which I do think are very nice) doesn't mean that EVERY hotel must have them. Three years ago, my family and I drove across country and basically stayed in a different hotel room in a different city every night for almost a month. We saw some great rooms for wonderful prices and some crappy rooms for horrible prices. Though once we got to WDW, I felt like I was at 'home' at CBR.

If I were you, from now on I would just stay at hotels that you feel are up to your standards. It will make your vacation more enjoyable.
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