Ah... Who doesn't like a good Jim bashing?
Well.. I, for one, don't understand it.. Heres the way I see it...
I spend most of my time on different Disney sites... WDWMagic, LaughingPlace, AnimatedNews, Mickey News, my own site (DisneyInformer.com).. The list goes on and on... If somethings announced (say, a new ride), all the sites have it up in an hour.. they all just take content from themselves, and from Disney press sites... I'm not saying this is perticularly bad- I know exactly whats going on in the parks from behind my computer...
But, Jim (though he may not always be right) always has a fresh outlook... Sure, he's not always 100% correct. But, its a welcome change to things like "The tile in the bathroom near Dumbo was changed" (ok.. I'm exxagerating, obviously).. He has a new story every day, so of course he needs to streatch things that could be summed up in a few words into a full article. But, thats what he does best...
As long as Jim keeps writing, I'll keep reading. As much as I like Disney news, its nice to have a site that has interesting stuff about Disney that everyone already hasn't talked about to death.