Holy Moly!!! - Pirates Water Park


New Member
Scruffy said:
P.S. I feel sorry for Scott Sherman for being ripoff by Mr.Hill. One thing to take an artisit drawing, but to leave his name off it and later at the bottom tell people that he drew it. It was in very poor taste. I really hope Mr. Hill still away from Mr.Sherman's site in the future to make stories.

Ummmm...wasn't that resolved already? Have you even read the last two pages of this thread?


Well-Known Member
wdwmagic said:
Yeah a lot of stuff recently on the web has been coming from that online portfolio. http://www.scottshermandesign.com/html/otherprojects1a.html

Its interesting that JHM are no longer bragging that they are the first people to show the world that concept art. That line has now been replaced with some text stating that the autor of the art was Scott.

I think it's a stretch to base an article around a piece of artwork in someones portfolio. Concept designers at WDI produce lots and lots of these kind of things, often without it ever having a chance of being actually produced.

Anyone else notice the scene 10 rehab photos, you know, the scene when the guys are chasing after the women, the one that was made 'sucky' to be politically correct?

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Guys, can we please cool down with the Jim Hill bashing? It's ok that many people here aren't fond of the site (myself included), but could we please be mature about it? I'm happy that they fixed their mistake and gave the artist credit.


Active Member
Legacy said:
So he brags a bit and gets some of his facts wrong... so what? The guy has a limited staff and writes a regular column based around facts.

This article shows that the columns aren't based on facts, but from information that have been 'turned' into facts. If you manipulate information, on purpose or by accident, and then say, 'Oh I got the facts wrong' doesn't mean you had any facts to begin with. I'm not getting at you, or Jimhill, I enjoy 'some' of the columns, just don't think everything is written with the writer thinking everything is as true as can possibly be.

Oh, and I'm not saying anyone here mentioned has deliberately lied or even lied at all, just mentioning this incase anyone wants to accuse me of slander by the written word, I don't have any facts to back me up ;)


New Member
Cory... I guess the biggest thing is that I personally know some of the things are just flat wrong. I personally know people who are/were huge factors in some of those stories/concepts and have been told by them that Jim's info is complete and utter hogwash.

I don't agree with the comment (made by someone here... it's not on this page and I forgot to cut'n'paste it) that "everyone loves JHM"... I think a large portion of people here know it's crap.

Jim Hill... NEVER
Jim Korkis... FOREVER!

If you want research and discovery... go with JK any day!


Well-Known Member
Scruffy said:
Oh, that Jim Hill. So good at telling lies that he builds articles around them. He basially takes public knowledge and makes a story about it. For example, the Disney Decade article. We all know about the Disney Decade, if I had the time I could write a story about how these never made attractions were to happen at WDW.

P.S. I feel sorry for Scott Sherman for being ripoff by Mr.Hill. One thing to take an artisit drawing, but to leave his name off it and later at the bottom tell people that he drew it. It was in very poor taste. I really hope Mr. Hill still away from Mr.Sherman's site in the future to make stories.

LOL, in an article last week Hill said something was a "mute point". :)

Take out the psudo-clever "Why for?" terminology, and most articles at JimHill could be written by anyone who could read a press release.

At first blush I enjoyed his site and had some respect, until I realized he's no more a Disney insider than your average board poster here.



New Member
Poncho1973 said:
Cory... I guess the biggest thing is that I personally know some of the things are just flat wrong. I personally know people who are/were huge factors in some of those stories/concepts and have been told by them that Jim's info is complete and utter hogwash.

I don't agree with the comment (made by someone here... it's not on this page and I forgot to cut'n'paste it) that "everyone loves JHM"... I think a large portion of people here know it's crap.

Jim Hill... NEVER
Jim Korkis... FOREVER!

If you want research and discovery... go with JK any day!

Well..thanks for expressing your views a little more clearly this time Poncho. All I can say about your accsations of Jim's stories being wrong is that Jim is a great guy and that if you think that you have the correct version of a story as compared to what he has written, then you should get in touch with him. Despite what you might hear, say , or think, Jim actually is interested in publishing truthful and accurate stories. So, drop him an e-mail and let him know your side of the story. His e-mail is stadlerhill@mindspring.com. Don't want to talk to Jim? E-mail me at cory@jimhillmedia.com and I'll be glad to pass on the info.
I think Jim Korkis is great too. He and Jim are still great friends. I wish he was still able to write for us.


New Member
I think this idea is AWESOME! :sohappy: DW has already had 3 water parks going at one time. River Country was just not that appealing compared to TL and BB. Everytime I go to a BB or TL, its always been crowded, regardless what time of year it is. I just think this is an incredible idea and would be very successful.

If you build it they will come!!


New Member
I think WDW will get a new water park before a new theme park. From what I hear, all of the water parks are always filled.


Active Member
Lynx04 said:
I think WDW will get a new water park before a new theme park. From what I hear, all of the water parks are always filled.

They're always mad during the summer months. I think a new water park would be perfect and be profitable, unli a new themepark at this time.


New Member
PhilosophyMagic said:
If the WDW waterparks are popular, perhaps this could replace River Country in that area! Makes sense being near MK anyway, and perhaps another park would be helpful in the northern area of WDW.



Account Suspended
Is it just me, or is it strange that Mr Sherman would post the image on his page if its just a design in its blue sky phase? Doesn't that scream "someone steal me, I'm not trademarked!".

I would guess in order for Disney to let him post it, either
1) Its been shot down
2) They are going to build it for sure
3) He never presented it to them

I can't think of any way it could be anything else, and Disney let it be posted on the web. If they were considering it, they would buy the rights to the art and tell him not to post it.


Active Member

yes, this is true, but it would still cost a lot of $$ for WDW to refurb RC into a waterpark like these sketches show (i understand that it wpnt be exactly the same), so i think its something disney should consider greatly before doing this, maybe save uo for a 5th gate b4 doing this.:D


Active Member
Thrawn said:
Is it just me, or is it strange that Mr Sherman would post the image on his page if its just a design in its blue sky phase? Doesn't that scream "someone steal me, I'm not trademarked!".

I would guess in order for Disney to let him post it, either
1) Its been shot down
2) They are going to build it for sure
3) He never presented it to them

I can't think of any way it could be anything else, and Disney let it be posted on the web. If they were considering it, they would buy the rights to the art and tell him not to post it.

The only reason I think it *may* still be on the drawing board is that the drawing itself can't be that old. The big clue is the Pirates logo. It's clearly the logo from the Pirates movie, which came out last year. And, I don't think that Disney would have given the go ahead if the movie had not been a such big success (try to imagine a Country Bears water park based on what flop that movie was... now there's your River Country replacement).

On the other hand, Mr. Sherman may have gone out on his own, presented to Disney, they knock it down, then it shows up online.

Say, anybody thought of emailing the guy and asking him what the real story of the artwork is? I'm sure his address is on the site. Wouldn't it be great if he had done it on his own and never presented it to Disney? That would knock the feathers right out of Jim Hill's article and all the facts that his "WDI inside sources" provide.


New Member
Ah... Who doesn't like a good Jim bashing?

Well.. I, for one, don't understand it.. Heres the way I see it...

I spend most of my time on different Disney sites... WDWMagic, LaughingPlace, AnimatedNews, Mickey News, my own site (DisneyInformer.com).. The list goes on and on... If somethings announced (say, a new ride), all the sites have it up in an hour.. they all just take content from themselves, and from Disney press sites... I'm not saying this is perticularly bad- I know exactly whats going on in the parks from behind my computer...

But, Jim (though he may not always be right) always has a fresh outlook... Sure, he's not always 100% correct. But, its a welcome change to things like "The tile in the bathroom near Dumbo was changed" (ok.. I'm exxagerating, obviously).. He has a new story every day, so of course he needs to streatch things that could be summed up in a few words into a full article. But, thats what he does best...

As long as Jim keeps writing, I'll keep reading. As much as I like Disney news, its nice to have a site that has interesting stuff about Disney that everyone already hasn't talked about to death.


Premium Member
Gregory said:
obviously).. He has a new story every day, so of course he needs to streatch things that could be summed up in a few words into a full article. But, thats what he does best...

Right, they are stories. It's each to their own. I know that personally I prefer the raw facts, but I know others like things to be wrapped in a more story-telling style, which is fine. That's the great thing about the Internet, the ability to choose how you receive information. :)


Well-Known Member
I have the perfect themesong for this water park......Click Here for sugar Bowl Half time

I think the whole Jim hill media site is a great way to learn something before you get back to hitting your head on the wall...... or im my case goof off when no one replied to any of my posts.....

But... The whole thing on the iamge... it would make sence he posted these images without thinking.. their used to be hundreds of universal IOA images that are now gone on there.....

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