Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Sado posters like 1Foolishmuppet must be very insecure given that the majority of their contribution to the board is to attack rumour posters. Perhaps they despise the attention given to others and owing to their own lack of hot ________, can only make negative comments or offer rabid comment on the individual posters in an attempt to get noticed. It seems to be working.

The need to say I told so and the obsession with detail seems to me a damn site worse than the embellishment or otherwise of existing rumours, well hoo rahh. You know what, most of us take the postings on a rumour post as that, rumour. I’m a cynical auld bar steward, I don’t believe anything, so I’m really great. No?

Perhaps youll understand better when you grow up or perhaps you are just a boring plebe. But how does it feel to be in the sunshine for once?


New Member
No, ReDis claimed they were adding an entirely new scene. See here:

:wave: Here's a quote that's already been posted in this thread, too:

You missunderstand what I was saying. The attic scene was coming anyways, that never changed. The only thing that changed from RE-Dis' posts is the pop up ghosts. Re-Dis' post was rather vauge as to weather or not the pictures with the dissapearing heads wold be there along with the new pop ups or not. Thats they way I read it, but I guess that is up to inturpretation.

In the long run does it realy matter if Re-Dis is legit or not? It seems to me Re-Dis posts rumors in a rumors board and a lot of people jump on him for it. :shrug:


New Member
Sado posters like 1Foolishmuppet must be very insecure given that the majority of their contribution to the board is to attack rumour posters. Perhaps they despise the attention given to others and owing to their own lack of hot ________, can only make negative comments or offer rabid comment on the individual posters in an attempt to get noticed. It seems to be working.

Excuse me?? Call me just used a small handful of my posts to completely judge me as a person. Nice going. If you would've bothered to look through the other couple dozen posts I've made here, you'd see that I don't only post negative and/or rabid comments in an "attempt to get noticed." Thanks for judging me just because I don't contribute as much as some other people here. Means a lot....really makes me feel like I want to come back and post again.

Perhaps youll understand better when you grow up or perhaps you are just a boring plebe. But how does it feel to be in the sunshine for once?

I'm perfectly capable of figuring out how many years I've been alive, thank you very much, and it's certainly been long enough to be capable of rational thought. I'm also not so insecure that I need to go "flaming" just to get attention. If you'd like to believe that then be my guest, but don't publicly attack me in much worse ways then I ever did to anyone else here.

The need to say I told so and the obsession with detail seems to me a damn site worse than the embellishment or otherwise of existing rumours, well hoo rahh. You know what, most of us take the postings on a rumour post as that, rumour. I’m a cynical auld bar steward, I don’t believe anything, so I’m really great. No?

In the long run does it realy matter if Re-Dis is legit or not? It seems to me Re-Dis posts rumors in a rumors board and a lot of people jump on him for it. :shrug:

I'll answer these two at once.

No, it doesn't matter in the long run if he's legit or not. What I don't appreciate is when I post my view on the matter and people who treat ReDis and others like gods come and immediately shoot down my point of view because he has to be right and I have to be wrong. I'm not putting you two in this's others here. It's just frustrating and really disgruntling on top of everything else.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Excuse me?? Call me just used a small handful of my posts to completely judge me as a person. Nice going. If you would've bothered to look through the other couple dozen posts I've made here, you'd see that I don't only post negative and/or rabid comments in an "attempt to get noticed." Thanks for judging me just because I don't contribute as much as some other people here. Means a lot....really makes me feel like I want to come back and post again.

I'm perfectly capable of figuring out how many years I've been alive, thank you very much, and it's certainly been long enough to be capable of rational thought. I'm also not so insecure that I need to go "flaming" just to get attention. If you'd like to believe that then be my guest, but don't publicly attack me in much worse ways then I ever did to anyone else here.

I'll answer these two at once.

No, it doesn't matter in the long run if he's legit or not. What I don't appreciate is when I post my view on the matter and people who treat ReDis and others like gods come and immediately shoot down my point of view because he has to be right and I have to be wrong. I'm not putting you two in this's others here. It's just frustrating and really disgruntling on top of everything else.

I think your username describes you perfectly.:lol::lookaroun

BTW, I think I remember a while back Redis stated that there would be a new speck of dust added to the ballroom scene! Well I looked last week, and there was no new speck of dust! Redis has been debunked! He's very inacurate indeed. :rolleyes: :lol:

Dr Albert Falls

New Member
Original Poster
jt04... you said

"He explained why they were not used. Case not closed, ReDis not debunked."

But ReDis did NOT say they weren't used. In fact, on this very thread he re-asserts that they WERE used!

The 2-faced pop-up ghosts were moved to the graveyard and were used to replace the old pop-ups (most of which were scrapped). The day/night changes were scrapped due to concerns about kids, though many of the affects (the bat audio) are now used for both day and night. All other statements I made were absolutely correct, and these were also correct although they changed and I discussed them as plans for the HM were changed during the refurb project.

Have fun!


Well-Known Member
jt04... you said

"He explained why they were not used. Case not closed, ReDis not debunked."

But ReDis did NOT say they weren't used. In fact, on this very thread he re-asserts that they WERE used!

He is not saying they were "used" as in "made a part of the guest experience", but rather "used" to replace the old effects which are no longer there (proven fact). That is what started the debate as to if the double sided masks are actually there and we were awaiting verification from a CM. But I strongly suspect the scarrier masks have by now been permanently removed and are now going to "pop-up" at an entirely different HM in the future. Bwaaaahahahah:D


Well-Known Member
Unless you've already ridden the new HM it is difficult to debunk what you ready on here. I was at the HM the day it openned and was in the 2nd group to go in the doors. You can believe me that I was very excited to experience all of the effects that members on this board have posted. While I was very happy with the upgrade I was still saddened to find out that most of the "official upgrades" were untrue.

I truely believe that some of these new members posting these things were actually banned members from the past coming back and trying to stir things up on the boards. Just my opinion about all of this.


Account Suspended
I'm not quite sure what you all are debating... but the attic was a replica of DL's attic with some slightly different placement of props and of Constance herself. There is no way that wasn't the planned attic from when it closed as the whole room has been reworked to fit the lighting and props.

Constance is where the bats used to be.


Well-Known Member
Unless you've already ridden the new HM it is difficult to debunk what you ready on here. I was at the HM the day it openned and was in the 2nd group to go in the doors. You can believe me that I was very excited to experience all of the effects that members on this board have posted. While I was very happy with the upgrade I was still saddened to find out that most of the "official upgrades" were untrue.

I truely believe that some of these new members posting these things were actually banned members from the past coming back and trying to stir things up on the boards. Just my opinion about all of this.[/quote

You are 100% correct. And if ReDis is ever "debunked" I expect he would also be banned. And rightfully so. But that has not happened.

Rufus T Firefly

Well-Known Member
You are 100% correct. And if ReDis is ever "debunked" I expect he would also be banned. And rightfully so. But that has not happened.[/quote]

Why should he be banned? He always posted in the rumors section. And at the end of his posts, he would remind us to take it with a grain of salt.


Well-Known Member
You are 100% correct. And if ReDis is ever "debunked" I expect he would also be banned. And rightfully so. But that has not happened.

Why should he be banned? He always posted in the rumors section. And at the end of his posts, he would remind us to take it with a grain of salt.[/quote]

Because posting rumors you know to be false will get you banned because that is how the owner of this web site chooses to run things. It helps keep the "Rumors" section credible and interesting. Glad I could explain it to ya.


That is what started the debate as to if the double sided masks are actually there and we were awaiting verification from a CM. But I strongly suspect the scarrier masks have by now been permanently removed and are now going to "pop-up" at an entirely different HM in the future. D

That's the flaw right there.
Since they are not there now, it is easy to say that they were once there but have been permanently removed. That takes all objectivity out of the issue, and replaces it with a "he said-she said" type of situation.
Multiple sources have confirmed that the heads are the same ones as before, and are not (and never were) double sided.
I fail to see how just because ReDis said it, it must be so. Especially when all signs point to him being flat wrong on the issue.:shrug:

1FoolishMortal said:
No, it doesn't matter in the long run if he's legit or not. What I don't appreciate is when I post my view on the matter and people who treat ReDis and others like gods come and immediately shoot down my point of view because he has to be right and I have to be wrong. I'm not putting you two in this's others here. It's just frustrating and really disgruntling on top of everything else.

Well said. Saying it is so doesn't make it that way, and differing opinions should not result in attacks. Everyone feel free to believe what they want, and let the facts speak for themselves.:wave:

Rufus T Firefly

Well-Known Member
Because posting rumors you know to be false will get you banned because that is how the owner of this web site chooses to run things. It helps keep the "Rumors" section credible and interesting. Glad I could explain it to ya.[/quote]

Thanks for explaining it to me. But, I have yet to see anyone here banned because they started a rumor about a fifth gate or a monorail extension.

Isn't this the rumor section? :shrug:


Active Member

Most of the rumors could be found on other sites prior to them being posted here...

No, this is not the only Disney site that I read - though I do find it to have some of the most reliable information available.

Everyone can keep going on beleiving that ReDis is a Disney employee sent to the world wide web to plant information, or that he is an imagineer. I on the other hand will continue to beleive that this is the rumor section, nothing less and nothing more.

It is very true that anyone can post rumors here, however those people must also realize that what they post is open to detailed scrutiny and criticism - thus is the nature of a discussion forum.

Okay, then, I'll give you links to at least one thing that we first heard from him here that was never announced anywhere else:

This was the first time that those new "character autograph books and program" were reported.

So there!


Well-Known Member
Because posting rumors you know to be false will get you banned because that is how the owner of this web site chooses to run things. It helps keep the "Rumors" section credible and interesting. Glad I could explain it to ya.

Thanks for explaining it to me. But, I have yet to see anyone here banned because they started a rumor about a fifth gate or a monorail extension.

Isn't this the rumor section? :shrug:[/quote]

Because both of these examples have been discussed by management and will again in the future. Same as the HP rumors, they were grounded in truth. Now if someone was to post a rumor such as the monorail was being removed to make room for a 5th gate, that would obviously be somone just being malicious and they would risk being banned. Glad I could explain (again).

Rufus T Firefly

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry jt104, but I'm having trouble following you. You have consistently defended Redis throughout this thread and now you want him banned. :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry jt104, but I'm having trouble following you. You have consistently defended Redis throughout this thread and now you want him banned. :veryconfu

Don't be twisted. I don't want ReDis banned unless or until he is proven to be posting false rumors. Now some say it was verified that there were never any 2-sided masks but I have yet to read that post from a credible source.

Rufus T Firefly

Well-Known Member
Don't be twisted. I don't want ReDis banned unless or until he is proven to be posting false rumors. Now some say it was verified that there were never any 2-sided masks but I have yet to read that post from a credible source.

It sounds as though you're upset because you fell for the rumors hook, line and sinker.

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