Here come the mermaids


Well-Known Member
Could be cool. Or not. Purely selfishly, I hope they don't up the "scare factor" of the ride. My girls would love to see mermaids. Not so much if they go into attack mode.


Well-Known Member
yeah, because they waited 40+ years to get the mermaid parts they've been waiting for.. :rolleyes: this is all movie tie-in and nothing but.

That's not what I meant.
Mermaids are and have always been associated with pirates. They won't be seen as "characters from the franchise". It's not like they're adding Donald to Mexico.

The MaD Hatter

Well-Known Member
POTC is one of favorite attractions ever. I'll reserve final judgment until I see what they do for myself, but my initial reaction to this news is "Yay!"


Premium Member
That's not what I meant.
Mermaids are and have always been associated with pirates. They won't be seen as "characters from the franchise". It's not like they're adding Donald to Mexico.

Just because something may be from the same 'universe' doesn't make it fit and not be contrived.

What's the motivation behind this change? A drop in POTC's popularity? A perception that POTC is stale? Or simply tying the franchises together more?

They already mangled the gist of the attraction with the Jack Sparrow addition.. and now they are going to screw up the prologue of the attraction.


Well-Known Member
Oddly, I heard they are adding Ariel into the attraction as the Mermaid. Something leftover from the opening of Art of Animation section...


I just hope this is the final addition, I love the movies and I love the ride but separateley. If they add mermaids, fine. I just hope that's it. The ride is a classic on it's own, I hope they know how great it is without a lot of add ons, and hopefully like soemone said earlier, nothing will be removed!


Well-Known Member
Personally, I love the idea. These types of additions are just what Pirates needs to keep it current IMO. I'd love to see it get updated with new things from time to time. Just as long as they don't change any of the classic scenes, and the new additions fit with the look and feel, I have no problems with it.

IASW is a totally different thing however...


Well-Known Member
That's not what I meant.
Mermaids are and have always been associated with pirates. They won't be seen as "characters from the franchise". It's not like they're adding Donald to Mexico.

You're right about this -- although for me, seeing Johnny Depp (even in Jack Sparrow costume) or the film-specific version of Davy Jones doesn't immerse me in the attraction -- it distracts me from it. I'm sure the mermaids will be less obtrusive. I suppose my objections are more toward the general idea of needlessly cramming non-organic characters into an attraction after the fact (e.g., Donald in Mexico), than to the mermaids in particular. Unless, of course, they're putting Ariel in POTC. Then I shall vigorously renew my objections.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Just because something may be from the same 'universe' doesn't make it fit and not be contrived.

What's the motivation behind this change? A drop in POTC's popularity? A perception that POTC is stale? Or simply tying the franchises together more?

They already mangled the gist of the attraction with the Jack Sparrow addition.. and now they are going to screw up the prologue of the attraction.
Well, that is one person's opinion. And while you certainly have those who agree, the vast majority feel otherwise as is evidenced by the continued popularity of the attraction.


Well-Known Member
"Don't mess with success"

Too bad they gave up on that awhile ago...

While I'm not saying this will for sure turn out to be a good adition, I'm just trying to keep an open mind about it until it actually happens.
This notion that nothing should ever be changed or upgraded is ridiculous.

Sure there have been some awfull changes, like Living Seas and Under New Management, but if you were to avoid any change, there would never have been Star Tours 2.0, the Disneyland Space Mountain refurb in 2005, MK's Haunted Mansion refurb, among MANY others that have enhanced the ride experience tremendously.

If you were never to mess with success, everything would look like an outdated mess. Like CoP does (even that has had a lot of changes, just not any recent)

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