Haunted Mansion has 2 stretching rooms...


New Member
I think you're right about track B being the car storage area.

As for the stretching rooms... they do not make the wait time shorter! Think about it!! Regardless of the number of stretching rooms, the doombuggies can only accomodate so many people in such a period of time. The double rooms just allow more people to wait inside the mansion.


Well-Known Member
WE know that the wait is shorter but to the average unknowing guest, they think they are getting more bang for their buck and are therefore happier. And that makes everyone else happer.....(okay I might be pushing it there...) Is that clear as mud or what?


New Member
I have a system for getting into the HM ride area fast. When entering the foyer if you stand directly in front of the fireplace you will be close to the doors to either of the stretching rooms. There is one on either side of the fireplace. Once inside, the exits from either room are also behind the fireplace -- meaning that if you enter the left stretching room the exit will be on the right wall, and vice versa. Another way to tell where the exits are in the stretching rooms is to look for a small red light about halfway up the paneled wall. That is where the panel will open. I believe it is a sensor for the door. Also the panel in the left room will slide open from right to left, and the right room's panel slides left to right.

Now I've done it -- I've gone and given away all my secrets! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by stitch62678
That is not entirely crazy. As a matter of fact that is quite a good point made. It seems like a good place to go it it did start storming because other rides might have a place to go when it rains or when the weather gets pretty bad.

That is a good thought...good job on bringing that up...

Thanks for the comments

Welcome to the Boards!!


New Member
You're welcome.

Now that I know of some secrets on how to get on the ride quicker (at least try to) I get to try it when I go down this summer. I don't know how many times I rode HM while I was there in December...but I do know it was more than once...

At least people can be in the AC while watching the room stretch...even if it doesn't help the wait time...


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Lee
And in Paris, too.
But who's counting.

Hey, did you ever see Lion King 1 1/2? The Virtual Safari is the funniest HM thing I've ever seen. If you choose the right option, you get to go in a Timon & Pumba version of the Stretch Rooms... but I won't spoil the ending. ;)


Account Suspended
Originally posted by stitch62678
WHAT ABOUT TOKYO? Does anyone know if it moves in that one...or is it stationary like at WDW...
Stationary there. ;) And HKDL doesn't have one... among other things. lol.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bigfatdonna
You have to be joking. How can you NOT hear the condescending tone in the opening remark??! I mean just see, Tigsmom and DDuckFan130 posts quickly following to see that I wasn't the only one that "got it".

Don't worry Merlin. I'm not mad at ya. Couldn't you tell that I was only playing around too?!:animwink:

Well, you're right I didn't get it. It's just that I need a smiley to reassure me :rolleyes: . But I'm glad we're all friends again...group hug! :D


New Member
I believe the reason there are some rides in one park but not in another park is because they might want people to travel there to see if it is any different. But this is just what I thought.

Look at Space Mountain in Paris, its different from WDW's...but who knows...a different intrepretation maybe...


New Member
Originally posted by Bill
Hey, did you ever see Lion King 1 1/2? The Virtual Safari is the funniest HM thing I've ever seen. If you choose the right option, you get to go in a Timon & Pumba version of the Stretch Rooms... but I won't spoil the ending. ;)

I have. I really thought that it was funny the way they set up their version. I still get a kick out of it even though I've seen it tons of times...


New Member
I found the blueprints of the Haunted Mansion online... It has 2 streechy rooms....

Did you know the Disneyland one was a escalator?

Anyway, I believe Test Track Track B is the car holding area.

And I think it heads from the no-antilock skid area all the way to track B.


New Member
Where did you find the blueprints? I would like to see them...It would make for an interesting time to look and see how they planned to build it...


Park History nut
Premium Member
Originally posted by stitch62678
Where did you find the blueprints? I would like to see them...It would make for an interesting time to look and see how they planned to build it...

There are some sometimes on ebay, and there is a mail order company you can order a lot from (I have) - PM me if you want the address (Don`t want to advertise on the boards!)


New Member
There are many attractions that have identical rooms...Most, if not all of them have been covered..ex. mission space, dinosaur, test track, ToT, and my favorite The Haunted Mansion. I can assure any non-believers, it DOES have two rooms as I have experienced both of them many times. I would also add that if you have experienced the attraction more than once, chances are you have been in both of them whether you realize it or not. (That shows that the rooms have served their purpose well if you didn't know.:slurp:
Also, if you want to be the first out of the room, make sure you line up under the picture with the woman holding the umbrella as that is the hidden door.
NOTE: Just keep in mind that you still will be instructed to move to the "dead" center of the room.

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