Haunted Mansion details begin to emerge


New Member
I am done with this. Eaither you are all a bunch of young kids or your a bunch of adults that don't know the meaning of classic and nastalgic.

As my quote says. The "NEW" Disney is killing Disney

And apparently you don't know the meaning of "dictionary" or "spell check."

The plot of the HM has been cast member and fan generated over the years. The Imagineers had no plot ever set in place. Try reading the book about the HM that Imagineer Jason Surell has written. Maybe that will clarify this "nastalgic" attraction for once and for all.


Well-Known Member
I was looking closely at the picture, and it looks like there are going to be some floating candleabra's.

I'm wondering a bit about something in the pic. It seems obvious that the buggies would go on the outside of the scene, on "our side" of the bannister in front.

But then again, the guy's arm is reaching through a kind of doorway, with ridges cut into the top, like stairs. In the dark, no one would see that, and it wouldn't be needed. Makes me wonder if the buggies actually pass on the OTHER side of the bannister, more THROUGH the scene rather than past it.

That would make the ridges on the doorway make a bit more sense... You'd see the ridges as the buggies approached and passed through the door.


Well-Known Member
Ok, let's not feed the flame war..

Back on topic - cool picture!


Sorry for adding to the "OTness". Merf, how do you get these emails with this type of information? I agree that this scene looks awesome. Does anyone know what all the different colored dots are doing in the picture?

Also, the lower picture looks like Doombuggies going through a hallway with some chandeliers.


Head Mouse, let us examine a few things....

1) Notice what it says on DoomBuggies' main page.... "An Unofficial Tribute to...."

2) Ignoring the fact that DoomBuggies is made of fan-fiction, where do they even mention the spiders in their supposed story? In fact, do a search for "spider" or "spiders" and you won't find anything to do with that room. You are making up a story where none is to be found. And instead of giving your standard "look it up for yourself" response, how about you actually post here what it says (story-wise) about the spider scene.

3) You seem to keep saying that "every Disney fan knows there is a story to it" but in case you haven't noticed, you are the only one here who thinks that. And I can almost guarantee that should you go on any Disney forum, you'll get the same response.

4) Never before have I seen one person so against change. Even a certain general here wasn't this bad. Guess what? Change is good. How can you be opposed to them "bettering" the scene by going for some cheap spiders you can buy in any party story near Halloween to an elaborate effect (who's worst case scenario will be "as good" as the spiders).

Now, before you answer that, here are a few excuses you cannot use.
"Nostalgia." Sorry, Disneyland's opened first. And "nostalgia" doesn't mean keeping cheap effects and not updating it. "Walt wouldn't like it." Sorry, Walt wasn't even around when HM was made. Plus, he was the one who said that he doesn't want the attractions to become museums. "It's the principle." What principle.... the principle of keeping cheap effects? The principle of discouraging Disney from actually spending money on refurbishments?

This does NOT apply for Disney. they do not build attractions without a story. Even the old sky way had a story to it. If I remember correctly it was a futuristic transportation from Tomorrowland but in Fantasyland it was a magical "flying" experience transportation.
Again, you don't seem to understand the distance between "theme" and "story." A story has a beginning, middle & end. "Themeing" has nothing. Attractions like the Dumbo-style-rides, the AK trails, the old skyway, Living with the Land, etc have no stories to them. Other attractions, like Space & Thunder Mountain, PotC (pre-refurb), HM, etc have fan-made stories. In reality though, these attractions just have themes, no official story. The perfect example is Kali. Yes, it has the theme/message to it about deforestation, but it certainly has no story to it.

Real mature.:rolleyes:


Le Meh
Premium Member
I'm wondering a bit about something in the pic. It seems obvious that the buggies would go on the outside of the scene, on "our side" of the bannister in front.

But then again, the guy's arm is reaching through a kind of doorway, with ridges cut into the top, like stairs. In the dark, no one would see that, and it wouldn't be needed. Makes me wonder if the buggies actually pass on the OTHER side of the bannister, more THROUGH the scene rather than past it.

That would make the ridges on the doorway make a bit more sense... You'd see the ridges as the buggies approached and passed through the door.

That may just be an opening for access. However,given that the bannister closest to us is just a single long bannister, it would work on the other side as well.


Account Suspended
I assume the orange dots above his arm are for a bank of lighting instruments. Maybe it's the access walkway? Like the structural elements of the room that they're working around? Who knows why it's jagged..

I want to say the bannister wouldn't have detail on it unless that was the guest side. Edit to add: Then again, it's made of foam core with a glued-on piece of paper or something with the details. I can speak from experience that when you build up shapes from foam core by cutting them out repeatedly (as you can see in the photo) you sometimes end up with the detail on the wrong side (or both sides) since you use it as a cutting template (you stick it on each pieces with spray mount and then cut it out and stack them).


Well-Known Member
I guess this indicates once and for all ReDis is legit. This bodes well for Imagination then........:sohappy:

You think? I don't think so. He said there was to be a difference between daytime (less scary) and nightime (more scary) but it's not true. I don't believe his posts one bit. His "grain of salt" is the size of SSE.


New Member
But never underestimate the amount of Disney detail. I remember reading once that Dinosaur has some real interesting details to it that are located in pitch black darkness that no guest could ever see.

So who knows :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Sounds great

Hey, I've often been accused of being in the "no change is good" category, so I want post here so i can rebut this accusation in the future :).

The spiders are cheese...I'm glad to see them go...and I think the model for the staircase set, if legit, looks pretty cool. I really don't know what to expect from the bride or the new Leota, but I'm guessing they won't dramatically change the scenes they are in.

Let me also say that while HM and PotC certainly tell stories, I have to agree with the majority that they have no plots in the traditional sense. That's actually one of the reasons I prefer these kinds of rides to something like, say, Alien Encounter/Stitch. I think attractions have better "re-ride-ability" when they aren't strongly plotted. I remember the story of Pirates being mocked up in the studio with Walt pulled through it on a cart, and all the voices from the AAs mixing together, and the Imagineers apologizing saying, "I guess you can't hear enough of the individual conversations." But Walt replied it was best that way, because it was like a cocktail party, and each time through it would be a slightly different experience.

But my main point is to accurately put myself what I will call the WDW Fan Orthodoxy Rating, a 1 - 5 scale which measures resistance to change at WDW, 1 being least resistant.

1 "Replace Cinderella Castle with a second Giant Sorcerer Mickey hat? Cool!"

2 "Adding Depp to PotC was a nice start...but I've got a whole list of things they should change about that ride..."

3 "I'm sad that they tore down Horizons...but its time had passed."

4 "I don't care if no one but me rides the Carousel of Progress...they should keep it open."

5 "These trash cans were always painted green before--now they are kinda off-green. Arrrg!"

For the record, I self rate myself as about a 3.3.

head mouse

Head Mouse, let us examine a few things....

1) Notice what it says on DoomBuggies' main page.... "An Unofficial Tribute to...."

Adding "Un official" to a site is only CYA. they can not legally say they are the OFFICIAL site. So that holds nothing to your argument.

2) Ignoring the fact that DoomBuggies is made of fan-fiction, where do they even mention the spiders in their supposed story? In fact, do a search for "spider" or "spiders" and you won't find anything to do with that room. You are making up a story where none is to be found. And instead of giving your standard "look it up for yourself" response, how about you actually post here what it says (story-wise) about the spider scene.

I am guessing you spent a total of 5 mins looking at the site and prob not the forum at all. so until you do I am not going to acknowledge this comment.

3) You seem to keep saying that "every Disney fan knows there is a story to it" but in case you haven't noticed, you are the only one here who thinks that. And I can almost guarantee that should you go on any Disney forum, you'll get the same response.

Kinda makes you wonder about how much of a Disney fan some of you are don't it?

4) Never before have I seen one person so against change. Even a certain general here wasn't this bad. Guess what? Change is good. How can you be opposed to them "bettering" the scene by going for some cheap spiders you can buy in any party story near Halloween to an elaborate effect (who's worst case scenario will be "as good" as the spiders).

Now, before you answer that, here are a few excuses you cannot use.
"Nostalgia." Sorry, Disneyland's opened first. And "nostalgia" doesn't mean keeping cheap effects and not updating it. "Walt wouldn't like it." Sorry, Walt wasn't even around when HM was made. Plus, he was the one who said that he doesn't want the attractions to become museums. "It's the principle." What principle.... the principle of keeping cheap effects? The principle of discouraging Disney from actually spending money on refurbishments?

I have no problem with change. NEW attractions are great. But leave the old ones alone. Fix and repair them, yes. but LEAVE THEM ALONE. How do you feel when you grow up visiting a special place. you have memories of how things were and you loved going back. then one year you go and EVERYTHING has changed. your special place is no more. You feel lost? Disappointed? And don;t say you don't. Disney has to grow, no doubt, but they don't need to remove what got them where they are.

Again, you don't seem to understand the distance between "theme" and "story." A story has a beginning, middle & end. "Themeing" has nothing. Attractions like the Dumbo-style-rides, the AK trails, the old skyway, Living with the Land, etc have no stories to them. Other attractions, like Space & Thunder Mountain, PotC (pre-refurb), HM, etc have fan-made stories. In reality though, these attractions just have themes, no official story. The perfect example is Kali. Yes, it has the theme/message to it about deforestation, but it certainly has no story to it.

Lets see, maybe if I open the book and read to you you will see.

Once upon a time there was a big mansion... Then you did research online and else where and found the story yourself.




Active Member
The fan storyline (fan canon, or fanon) has dictated that Madame Leota was the villain of the attraction, with Master Gracey and his bride-to-be as innocent victims. This has already been mostly contradicted by her Tombstone ("beloved by all", though that could be seen as intentional irony).

Its no great loss to me, as I found many parts of this story to be over-worked, poorly conceived, and strove to fit every single little detail neatly into place whether it fit there or not. Constance's storyline is much more streamlined, and can still fit with the "retirement home for spirits" that the fans and CM's threw away. (it was this ridiculous convoluted mess where the cool historical and international ghosts in the graveyard were merely party-goers in fancy dress, to me that took all the fun out of it)

Hard to say what these new staircase scenes will add, but I like the idea of Madame Leota simply calling in spirits across time and space for a "swingin' wake". Her connection to Constance and the Gracey family can remain nicely ambiguous.


New Member
This makes me even more excited than the SSE rehab. I also don't see how Head Mouse can still be upset by them removing the cheap plastic spiders and replacing them with something that is much cooler. Walt was always a proponent for progress and change and I guarantee you that if he was still around, he would be pleased with the changes made to both HM and POTC. As much as we like for things to stay the same, guests change over time and you just have to learn to adapt to that. Something amazing happened when they rehabbed POTC. Guests who hadn't visited that attraction in years started riding it again. I would rather have a rehabbed ride that remains popular through the years than a stale ride that no one wants to ride because they know its lame.


New Member
I ask you to find ONE misspelled word in ANYTHING I have said.

You however have misspelled "nastalgic" it is nostalgic. Have a magical day.

Actually it is "Nostalgic" not the way you had typed it which is what I quoted as "Nastalgic" and just for kicks.....

"No the logic is that you all seem to be hing up on how"

"I never dropped anything. the story line is what makes it the classic. Jesus Christ people stop being so restarted."

"Your not seeing the point. it' snot about the quality of the effect. "

"I am done with this. Eaither you are all a bunch of "

"I don't care if they are made of solid gold and actually move over to the doombuggy with me and sit down. the HM needs a refurb. not a plot change. The story line was fine. just need some fixes her and there."

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I don't care if they are made of solid gold and actually move over to the doombuggy with me and sit down. the HM needs a refurb. not a plot change. The story line was fine. just need some fixes her and there. and this removal of the spider scene REALLY ticks me off.
Could you enlighten us less educated people in how cheep dayglo painted dime store bought spiders add to this story?

No the logic is that you all seem to be hing up on how much the props cost. Classics do not need to be updated, thats why they are classics.

God knows this is not the first or last. learn to read NEW killing OLD.
We have a word for that now. Evolution.

I will close with a few quotes from the man himself.
Walt Disney said:
Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.

I believe in being an innovator.

Whenever I go on a ride, I'm always thinking of what's wrong with the thing and how it can be improved.
All of this leaves me to believe that Walt liked change and would have replaced the spiders decades ago. So to insinuate that the "new" Disney is killing the "old" Disney is simply incorrect.


New Member

~Nobody cares, but I see a giant mirror in the model, and I think that's nifty..~

I think it is great Merf! Thanks for posting that pic. My wife and I are so excited about the rehab, we scheduled our trip a week later than originally intended so we could see the rehab complete.

I just wish it wasn't always the case on how one person can ruin the conversation so quickly in a really good forum.

PS. Do you have any goof wand pics today?


New Member
How would you all feel if they took HOP and got rid of the AA's and changed them for dancing Stiches dressed like each pres? Just because it's new and evolved and the new generation will like it.

I think you can admit the changes to HM won't be nearly this drastic, right?

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