Haunted Mansion details begin to emerge


Well-Known Member
Was the HM's popularity diminishing prior to the rehab? PoTC sure has gotten a healthy boost in popularity and attendance after its rehab, hopefully Hm's rehab will do the same for it.

If the tricks and illusions still wowed guests after all these years, with the new technology available I'm hoping for some really cool stuff.

I don't think it's popularity was diminishing, although it's really hard to tell due to the high ride capacity of HM. There may be no line all day, but it could still be one of the most ridden attractions in MK due to capacity.

In any case, I'll bet the refurb will give it a nice shot in the arm. Maybe not to the extent of PotC (after all, will travel shows highlight the changes like they have for PotC-- no hip character is being added here...unless Leotta gets her own daytime talk show soon!) but a good boost, nonetheless!

head mouse

OK you have crossed the line there and that post is grounds for banishment in my opinion. :mad:

First off, as my user name suggests, I am a HUGE HM fan and have been for nearly 30 years. My firwst ride made such an impression on me that I needed to know everything about it (effects, ride system, music, story, ghosts, lighting, the building, imagineers, everything). I have read doombuggies.com as I am a member of that site as well for about 10 years. I have the books about the HM including the one listed in the other posts that people talk about. I have talked to a few of the WDI's that have created the attraction as well and they have autographed prints of their work for my own collection.

Saying that, I know for a fact that the HM never had an "agreed upon" plot when it was built. The WDI's working on the project had completely different views of what HM should be. They argued constantly about little things and some things were thrown out all together (example: the fisherman). What the HM has become today (and when it openned) is simple a collection of ideas from each WDI that worked on the project. It does not follow a planned story as certain scenes were designed by different people. The only story, or what you can call a story, that was decided was that it was a retirement home for ghosts. That's it!

What the "story" has become today is made up from the HM fans over the years. Master Gracy was simply a grave outside the HM that was prominent enough for fans to think it was his mansion. The bride had no original connection to the body hanging about the stretching room. Madam Leota was another WDI's idea that had no connection to the other ares as well. The breathing door, for example, was taken from the 1963 film The Haunting.

So as you can see there really wasn't a plot when the attraction was built. The fans have made the story and, being good for marketing, Disney went with it when they made the movie version of the mansion.

I, for one, was terrified when I heard about the HM getting a major rehab. I am a classic person myself. But I also love that Disney has listened to the HM fans and are giving them more of what they want. These new changes will further push along the story that the fans have made up, spiders or no spiders.

Just my honest opinion from a true "classics lover" fan and I love the new changes! :wave:

I can make my member name be Master Gracey it don't mean crap. As I said before if it was intended for a plot or not it had one non the less.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
OMFG!!! It's a run down mansion. its dirty, dusty, and has spiders. GET IT?!?!?
Not really.

Again I say. his PARKS are meant to grow and change. not by killing off HIS personal fav attractions. How would you all feel if they took HOP and got rid of the AA's and changed them for dancing Stiches dressed like each pres? Just because it's new and evolved and the new generation will like it.
That would be soooooo kewl!!!!!!!!!

But seriously, IMHO because HM was Walt's favorite I think he would have constantly tweaked it. The spiders are simply the worst most out of place, cheesy prop in all of HM. The needed to be replaced or at least improved. Apparently WDI chose to replace the and judging by the photo that Merf posted they made the correct decision.


Active Member
I don't have time to read everyone's reply, I'm sure they are all the same.

One thing, I'm very happy they are replacing the Spider Scene. I always said the spider area looks kind of carnival like haunted houses. They could do so much more by replacing the spiders.

The improvements sounds great! Can't wait for my next vacation TBD!

head mouse

Not really.

That would be soooooo kewl!!!!!!!!!

But seriously, IMHO because HM was Walt's favorite I think he would have constantly tweaked it. The spiders are simply the worst most out of place, cheesy prop in all of HM. The needed to be replaced or at least improved. Apparently WDI chose to replace the and judging by the photo that Merf posted they made the correct decision.

So having a bunch of candles on fishing line is better then some huge spiders? Seeing how there is already a few floating candelabrums I'd say this is over kill.


I am just going to wait until I see the new HM with my own eyes to make my decision as to whether or not the change was a good idea. Personally, I just never liked the spiders. They always felt like a space filler, as if they ran out of time to get the attraction completed and they just put in the spiders for the sake of putting something there. It never felt fully completed to me, now maybe I'll feel as though the HM is what it was truly meant to be. Perhaps we should look at the replacement of the spider scenes as "finishing" the HM, finally including something in those areas that are up to the Disney standard (I just didn't see the spiders as fitting into the "Disney way" of presenting an attraction. Maybe it's just me :shrug: ). As was quoted before, the parks were never meant to be "finished". I have to believe that changing a little bit of any attraction will be good in the end, mainly because it brings people who have maybe not visited that attraction in some time because it is the same thing everytime (I was at MK last October when POTC had a 120 min wait - I couldn't believe it.) Obviously, this brought new people to an old attraction and just another version of a classic ride. This leads to increased revenue which can be used to fix/improve/create attractions in all of the parks.

Usually, I HATE change - I'm very much a creature of habit. However, I think there is always room to grow and improve. Perhaps we should view this as creativity growing, rather than change. :wave: Walt always wanted to find ways of "plussing" things, I see the HM as being "plussed."

Just my opinion...:animwink:

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
How do you feel when you grow up visiting a special place. you have memories of how things were and you loved going back. then one year you go and EVERYTHING has changed. your special place is no more. You feel lost? Disappointed? And don;t say you don't. Disney has to grow, no doubt, but they don't need to remove what got them where they are.
For me I would rather see them change things like POTC and HM and SSE than have them go the way of horizons, WOM and toad. I have many childhood memories of HM and to ride it now with such bad effects like the spiders and many of the others, hurt my memories. I dont feel lost or dissapointed, more why didnt they update this stuff over the years so it doesnt get to this sad of shape. If they changed the peppers ghosts to hip hop breakdancing ghosts then I would be mad. I liked what they did with POTC so I think they will take care with this one too. I want my daughter to have as fond of memories as I do of the HM and keeping it the way it was, I dont think that would happen.


New Member
I agree with this 100% I would rather a change then removal. but in a way it's still a removal. Some things will never be the same.

Okay.....you have a great day! Apparently you have some serious aggression issues you need to work through either way.

There are plenty of other comments on this thread that are worth my time and interest to focus on, (you're combativeness definitely is not) so I am not going to even acknowledge any more replies from you.


Well-Known Member
Walt was just as involved in the making of the HM as he was with PotC

According to your favourite website, beyond general concept work Walt hadn't made up his mind about the premise of the HM at the time he died. Pirates was almost fully constructed by the time he died.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Good now you can't see when I tell you what a restarted goof you are.
Just out of curiosity what exactly is a restarted goof? Is it a goof that stopped being a goof and then started being a goof again? You said you never make spelling errors so I can only assume that you did not mean "retarded" which I know quite a few people around here would take offense to.

head mouse

Okay.....you have a great day! Apparently you have some serious aggression issues you need to work through either way.

There are plenty of other comments on this thread that are worth my time and interest to focus on, (you're combativeness definitely is not) so I am not going to even acknowledge any more replies from you.

Thank You I was getting tired of your endless dribble of noting worth while to this thread. at least my comments are worth while and voice my opinion on the mater.

See thats another point you all are over looking.

I LIKE THE SPIDERS. I LIKE THE OLD HM. THAT IS MY OPINION. I HAVE THAT RIGHT. You do not have to come and tell me that I am wrong. You don't know how I feel so it's wrong of you to say otherwise


New Member
Just out of curiosity what exactly is a restarted goof? Is it a goof that stopped being a goof and then started being a goof again? You said you never make spelling errors so I can only assume that you did not mean "retarded" which I know quite a few people around here would take offense to.

"Is it a goof that stopped being a goof and then started being a goof again?"
:ROFLOL::sohappy: :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Okay.....you have a great day! Apparently you have some serious aggression issues you need to work through either way.

There are plenty of other comments on this thread that are worth my time and interest to focus on, (you're combativeness definitely is not) so I am not going to even acknowledge any more replies from you.

Don't worry, Land. All of head mouse's negative posts have been sent to the moderators and the site admin. I'm sure their mailboxes will be flooded with complaints about this member. :animwink:

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