Has anyone ever had to tell a little white lie about their trip to WDW?


Well-Known Member
I booked our trip for June 9-14. I thought we'd be out of school, but turns out we have to make up 5 snow days not 3!:( When we went September 2012, I did not lie to my boss about taking off ( I had never done this before, and will never do it again sadly). She was livid! But, I did it anyway because I had the days to take! I may have to take a day or 2 off ( June 10 & 11). The kids last day should be June 6 w/ a teacher day on the 7th. I will not be there for prep and closing ( teacher days). I will have to call it "emergency leave" and come up w/ a lie unfortunately!:( I know it's horrible, but it's been a tough year, and I am so looking forward to my trip! I may even be switching schools for next year and would have to uproot my boys as well. Any thoughts, comments, own experiences would be appreciated!;)


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Original Poster
We are not allowed to take off 10 days prior to school opening or ten days at the end of the
That's harsh!:( 10 days prior to the opening of school?:eek: Or does that mean 10 days into the school year? I can understand that. Our county has no "rules" such as that, but I can see it coming!:(
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Well-Known Member
We are not allowed to take off 10 days prior to school opening or ten days at the end of the
That's harsh!:( 10 days prior to the opening of school?:eek: Or does that mean 10 days into the school year? I can understand that. Our county has no "rules" such as that, but I can see it coming!:(
The 10 days before seems a little stringent. I think I would have said 5. (My mom worked in a school system for many years.) But I feel like that would make sense to make a rule where staff can't do it the 10 days after... When I was little we once had a weeks worth of snow days to make up. Granted, I grew up in the mid west were snow days are kind of an expected thing, but still, my mom knew never to count on the week or two after school was going to be off as free days. Our one June trip was taken in the back half. And our August trips were taken in the first half.

Curious @bethymouse, given the conflicting opinions on here (seems like half think should be honest, half think go with the lie), where your thinking is right now?
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Well-Known Member
In the "for what it's worth" department:
Beth, you've posted pictures of yourself and your family on here and have even mentioned your home town. It wouldn't take much for a parent, teacher, or stranger for that matter, to point your bosses in this direction if they chose to. I think you're taking a huge risk by posting your plans here, particularly when they involve possible deception and, in your words, "lying". Is risking the loss of your job and possible future employment really worth this to you?
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Well-Known Member
In the "for what it's worth" department:
Beth, you've posted pictures of yourself and your family on here and have even mentioned your home town. It wouldn't take much for a parent, teacher, or stranger for that matter, to point your bosses in this direction if they chose to. I think your taking a huge risk by posting your plans here, particularly when they involve possible deception and, in your words, "lying". Is risking the loss of your job and possible future employment really worth this to you?
That's what I've been wondering, reading this thread. I think you wanted validation that what you're planning to do is "okay" and you've gotten that from some people, but overall I think posting this here was a mistake.

I hope something works out for you.
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Greg Eng

New Member
Honesty is the best policy! If you had the trip booked just explain theres nothing you can do to change it especially if you purchased airline tickets that cannot be changed. We are going next Saturday. Our school was going to take off from Spring Break but because so many teachers will be gone we go an extra week in June. Family is #1 and people need to understand the world doesn't revolve around school. As much as some administrators and others feel, you must take time for yourself and your family. Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The 10 days before seems a little stringent. I think I would have said 5. (My mom worked in a school system for many years.) But I feel like that would make sense to make a rule where staff can't do it the 10 days after... When I was little we once had a weeks worth of snow days to make up. Granted, I grew up in the mid west were snow days are kind of an expected thing, but still, my mom knew never to count on the week or two after school was going to be off as free days. Our one June trip was taken in the back half. And our August trips were taken in the first half.

Curious @bethymouse, given the conflicting opinions on here (seems like half think should be honest, half think go with the lie), where your thinking is right now?
Good question.:D My thinking now is to tell her I am taking those two days off. If she asks why, then I will tell her the truth.:eek:
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Honesty is the best policy! If you had the trip booked just explain theres nothing you can do to change it especially if you purchased airline tickets that cannot be changed. We are going next Saturday. Our school was going to take off from Spring Break but because so many teachers will be gone we go an extra week in June. Family is #1 and people need to understand the world doesn't revolve around school. As much as some administrators and others feel, you must take time for yourself and your family. Good luck!
I agree. We have so many teachers who do not have families w/ children and some don't have husbands to worry about either.:eek: They may have aging parents to take care of, and they themselves are just about ready to retire! :eek: So... their LIFE revolves around school! My LIFE revolves around my family.;) My principal has a husband, and a teenage son w/ 2 other older children from another marriage. She has made her school her LIFE.:eek: She expects so much out of her teachers, I think she forgets what it was like to have a "younger" family.:eek: I show up on time every day, if not earlier. I attend all meetings and after school events such as PTA. I help plan large gatherings and school celebrations! I stay after school every day where most teachers leave right at 3:30!:eek: I do my lesson plans and grade my papers @ home! If I was not a reliable teacher, then I would expect her to be "leery" of me! I am a reliable teacher. I do not take many days off. Some teachers take off just about every Friday and/or Monday it seems!:eek: I guess what I'm saying is that in general teachers are held to a higher "moral ground" so to speak. While I definitely believe that teachers have to be role models, we are also HUMAN BEINGS!:eek:
I thank you all for your wonderful responses. I was basically just curious if anyone else had to "lie" about taking a vacation. I really wasn't looking for validation.
As for this site and posting pictures and such: I may be taking a risk, but if I posted on Facebook, then I believe it would be a greater risk. I do not have a facebook account.;)
Thanks again everyone.
Keep the opinions coming! Loving it!:D
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Well-Known Member
I agree. We have so many teachers who do not have families w/ children and some don't have husbands to worry about either.:eek: They may have aging parents to take care of, and they themselves are just about ready to retire! :eek: So... their LIFE revolves around school! My LIFE revolves around my family.;) My principal has a husband, and a teenage son w/ 2 other older children from another marriage. She has made her school her LIFE.:eek: She expects so much out of her teachers, I think she forgets what it was like to have a "younger" family.:eek: I show up on time every day, if not earlier. I attend all meetings and after school events such as PTA. I help plan large gatherings and school celebrations! I stay after school every day where most teachers leave right at 3:30!:eek: I do my lesson plans and grade my papers @ home! If I was not a reliable teacher, then I would expect her to be "leery" of me! I am a reliable teacher. I do not take many days off. Some teachers take off just about every Friday and/or Monday it seems!:eek: I guess what I'm saying is that in general teachers are held to a higher "moral ground" so to speak. While I definitely believe that teachers have to be role models, we are also HUMAN BEINGS!:eek:
I thank you all for your wonderful responses. I was basically just curious if anyone else had to "lie" about taking a vacation. I really wasn't looking for validation.
As for this site and posting pictures and such: I may be taking a risk, but if I posted on Facebook, then I believe it would be a greater risk. I do not have a facebook account.;)
Thanks again everyone.
Keep the opinions coming! Loving it!:D

I think these are things a lot of people don't see. A lot of people just assume that teachers get there right when they are supposed to be there, no earlier, and leave when the clock strikes 3:30, in your case. They don't see the grading that takes place outside of school, or the lesson plans that goes on outside of the work hours. Or the extra meetings that have to be planned with parents when students are behaving well (don't get me started on parents who think their child can do no wrong). It sounds like your principal is one of these people, although she shouldn't be as she works with teachers all day. My mother is a teacher and often times she has to go up to school on Saturdays/Sundays so she can get caught up with grading, lesson plans, etc. Teachers work really hard (aside from the ones who are there just to earn a paycheck/get summer off), and they deserve vacations. Just don't take off every couple of weeks, then it might get ridiculous. :p
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Well-Known Member
I think these are things a lot of people don't see. A lot of people just assume that teachers get there right when they are supposed to be there, no earlier, and leave when the clock strikes 3:30, in your case. They don't see the grading that takes place outside of school, or the lesson plans that goes on outside of the work hours. Or the extra meetings that have to be planned with parents when students are behaving well (don't get me started on parents who think their child can do no wrong). It sounds like your principal is one of these people, although she shouldn't be as she works with teachers all day. My mother is a teacher and often times she has to go up to school on Saturdays/Sundays so she can get caught up with grading, lesson plans, etc. Teachers work really hard (aside from the ones who are there just to earn a paycheck/get summer off), and they deserve vacations. Just don't take off every couple of weeks, then it might get ridiculous. :p

So true. I'm a teacher, and you wouldn't believe how many people tell me I have an "easy job" since I get summers off. I stay at school until 5 each day, grade papers & make plans for 3 hours after that, and then spend at least 5 hours on the weekend doing grading. I also run 3 clubs during the day/after school. During the summers, I take additional courses so I'm up to date on the new technology and go to my classroom to prepare for the next year for at least a week during the summer. It's no walk in the park!
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Well-Known Member
So true. I'm a teacher, and you wouldn't believe how many people tell me I have an "easy job" since I get summers off. I stay at school until 5 each day, grade papers & make plans for 3 hours after that, and then spend at least 5 hours on the weekend doing grading. I also run 3 clubs during the day/after school. During the summers, I take additional courses so I'm up to date on the new technology and go to my classroom to prepare for the next year for at least a week during the summer. It's no walk in the park!

Oh yeah, and during the summer I know teachers who spend weeks up there. My mom goes back to work at least a full week before she's back on the clock. And this summer, her classroom floors are being ripped up, so she has to take EVERYTHING out of her room and her store room (she runs the school store, not every teacher gets a store room here.) :p
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Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, and during the summer I know teachers who spend weeks up there. My mom goes back to work at least a full week before she's back on the clock. And this summer, her classroom floors are being ripped up, so she has to take EVERYTHING out of her room and her store room (she runs the school store, not every teacher gets a store room here.) :p

Ouch! We have to take EVERYTHING down (posters, backing paper, clear the bookshelves) but as long as we don't have anything small on the floor, the janitors move everything when they rewax the floors. My mom's school is doing major renovations and she has to repack everything that she moved from switching classrooms last year.
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Well-Known Member
I'm self employed

Yes, most people tell me I'm lucky until I tell them I end up doing work anywhere from 7am to 2am. I had a client call last night with an issue at midnight my time, I resolved it and called her back at 2:00am, then I got up at 7:45 this morning for a meeting. I also work on holidays and weekends.

Self employment has it's perks for sure but the drawbacks are working extremely long hours and never leaving "the office".

I'm sure being in the school system you get the same type of comments - "must be lucky to have every holiday off, all summer off, spring breaks off" etc etc.
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Well-Known Member
sounds like you have a boss that wants everyone to behave and do exactly the same as her.... problem is, that can never happen because we are all different.

i say tell her that you are taking those days off. if she asks why then tell her the truth and that you made these plans a long time ago and cannot be changed. show her that you have everything done and that you will not leave stuff undone while you're gone... if she has a problem with that, it's HER problem. not yours...

wish you had a disney fan for a boss like i do.. makes it sooooo much easier... we talk about disney often and he already knows that i've got my next trip booked and going there. plus, i have to let him know how the new fantasyland is like. he's got 3 daughters that are excited to see it and he won't be going until after my trip... LOL... got to update the boss on the haps that are going on in wdw...
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Active Member
I am also a teacher - We are not allowed to take off 10 days prior to school opening or ten days at the end of the year. We also cannot take days before any holiday. None of my family vacations interfered with my job days, without honest consultation with my principal over one teachers-only day one year to clean the room that I made up with a week of light help the week we came back. I had already cleared my room by then and it didn't cause any hardships for anyone.

My husband does not do trips spontaneously because he does not want to inconvenience anyone in his business. My husband sounds like I_heart_Tigger!
Oops! I did mean the first ten days of school - no absence except extreme circumstances...
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Well-Known Member
Since we're talking school here, what do you all think of the news that Chicago is closing 54 schools? They have to reduce $1 billion.

Sadly a lot of schools are having to close around the country due to budget cuts. Here in Wisconsin, it seems like we have stories on the news every week about schools needing to cut a bunch of teachers or programs because they don't have the money to pay/operate them. Our schools district got "lucky" a year or so ago when a LOT of teachers (had to be at least a fourth of the district) retired. They replaced the ones they absolutely had to and replaced some full-time teachers with part time ones. The rest of them were not replaced and their classes either got cut or crammed into someone else's schedule. It's weird to think of who was all here 4 years ago and who's here today.
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Todd L

Well-Known Member
I booked our trip for June 9-14. I thought we'd be out of school, but turns out we have to make up 5 snow days not 3!:( When we went September 2012, I did not lie to my boss about taking off ( I had never done this before, and will never do it again sadly). She was livid! But, I did it anyway because I had the days to take! I may have to take a day or 2 off ( June 10 & 11). The kids last day should be June 6 w/ a teacher day on the 7th. I will not be there for prep and closing ( teacher days). I will have to call it "emergency leave" and come up w/ a lie unfortunately!:( I know it's horrible, but it's been a tough year, and I am so looking forward to my trip! I may even be switching schools for next year and would have to uproot my boys as well. Any thoughts, comments, own experiences would be appreciated!;)

My Brother and His wife are both Teachers and they are running into some issues with a Spring break trip they had planned becasue of make up days from The Hurricane and That Horrible Blizzard!!

Last I knew the were still going But they were upset about how the whole thing played out!!

Good luck and have a nice trip!!
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