Has anyone ever had to tell a little white lie about their trip to WDW?


Well-Known Member
I booked our trip for June 9-14. I thought we'd be out of school, but turns out we have to make up 5 snow days not 3!:( When we went September 2012, I did not lie to my boss about taking off ( I had never done this before, and will never do it again sadly). She was livid! But, I did it anyway because I had the days to take! I may have to take a day or 2 off ( June 10 & 11). The kids last day should be June 6 w/ a teacher day on the 7th. I will not be there for prep and closing ( teacher days). I will have to call it "emergency leave" and come up w/ a lie unfortunately!:( I know it's horrible, but it's been a tough year, and I am so looking forward to my trip! I may even be switching schools for next year and would have to uproot my boys as well. Any thoughts, comments, own experiences would be appreciated!;)


Well-Known Member
I also wanted to say I know what it's like to have a hard for a boss. Mine can be a complete b___h! I wanted to take my Disney trip this year in the winter because I live in Canada and I want to be somewhere sunny and fun for the winter but my boss said:

"NO!!! Winter is our busiest time of year and you can't take your vacation now, you can take it in the summer when things slow down AND you have to be prepared to do some work while you are there...not a lot but some. So take it or leave it that's the way things are!"

So I'm going to Disney in June instead. (Though I did sneak away for a mini vacation last week at the last minute.) :p

btw - I'm self employed so most of that conversation was in my head because arguing with myself out loud makes people look at me funny.

And that is called responsibility.

Being middle management I have both a boss and employees.

Rule #1 when working for me - dont lie to me. Period. Ever.

I will not be a to you for the sake of being a . If I can work with you to accomidate you, I will. But give me the respect of the truth. I will (and have) fired people for being off base when they were supposed to be working, where had they asked me first, I would have been more than happy to give them the time they needed - paid. I have also driven to employees home when they call in sick just to see what they are up to. Calling in sick, and then me seeing you planting shrubs is a sure way to get a suspension.

I have always told my bosses when I have something going on during work hours and have always been treated fairly as well.

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Well-Known Member
I've never had to lie. But, I'm not sure I would if it ever came down to it. I book these trips 6 months in advance and books flights and dining and other experiences that can't just get "shifted" or "moved a couple of days". I would just tell them that you are committed during those days and that you were working off of the schedule that you for the school year. It's not your problem that it snowed. They should have told you guys that if it snowed the extra days would be added to that time period so you didn't schedule things just in case - for all you know they would have been added during spring break? You've paid a lot for the trip and I'm sure you have dining reservations and/or other reservations and it would be just as much (if not more) of an inconvenience to you to re-schedule than it would be for them to find a sub. I'd be upfront and say: Here's the deal. I know we have extra days and I want to give you as much notice as possible to find a sub becasue I've got something planned and I won't be here.You don't have to tell them it's Disney - it's none of their business where you're going. Just tell them you won't be here.

If you don't take control and set your own boundaries they will take advantage of you.
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Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
I agree with the not lying part...ethics et al are important still....plus it's one of the top ten....;) Thou shalt not....that being said I DO consider a Disney Trip sometimes necessary as a family emergency that to someone who simply doesn't understand and/or is not entitled to understand the big picture...c'est la vie.

As for trying to keep it a secret...LOL that has backfired on me so many times but I still tried, quite stressfully to contain the when....once the mailman knocked on door on a day off for child and asked if my online mail stoppage was valid because he had someone falsify something once....my eyes about popped out of my head NEVER saw that one letting it out of the bag....and TWICE I wrote to all the teachers at one child's school that it was a Christmas gift and very important to keep it a secret but wanted any homework I could get ahead of time....one teacher chatted to counselor who actually called my child to office to ask "are you really going to Disney?" So you see? SHE thought it was a lie...LOL.....this year? My adult son has a job locally, I emailed his boss weeks before to let her know we were surprising him but wanted to let her know for coverage....she must have been talking about it to another lady who walked by son next day "So your'e the one whose Mom called about going to Disney for a present..." o_O.
I answered no I never called there...which was TRUE...I emailed!! :D And quickly changed the subject.....
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Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
and I firmly believe in going during non traditional breaks when the children are small....my children have done extremely well in school and usually missed up to a week in k-7 with NO ill effects....one time we went 10 days...they missed 5 of school and teachers gave me packets to keep up with. High School is a different enchilada all together....one day is ok....but otherwise? Mine complain and THEY have to do the work so....
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Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
Finally, let's face it...the kids are burnt out the last month of school anyhow...learning decreases dramatically....and snow days tacked on at the end? The teachers create things to fill time in my experience....have clean up the room day, pizza day, word search day...etc. I say go for it and be honest with teachers about what can be done to make them happy and YOU happy....:D
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Well-Known Member
You are not in an easy position to be in. You booked a trip when at the time the dates had no conflicts, but because of the crazy winter, your situation has changed. That is very unfortunate and I feel bad that this has happened to you. You should be able to anticipate your trip without worry and only have excitement.

If I were in your position, I would schedule a meeting with your principal sooner rather than later. I would tell her the truth. That will be stressful, but at least you will have it out and will know her thoughts. You may also want bring with you the proof that you booked this trip before snow days. I would also have a written plan on how you will have the work taken care of before you leave. I would also ask the principal if they have any suggestions/input on how you will have everything done in time.

I just am a worrier and need to have things tied up. I would not be able to enjoy my trip completely if there were any chance I would be caught, or want to deal with any guilt for not being honest. We look forward to these trips too much to not be able to enjoy them 100%. I hope everything works out for you and you are worrying for nothing. :)
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Well-Known Member
Our last trip, my youngest brother is in college and we were going during his finals. To get to do the test early and not be there he said he was going to my wedding (ahem, been married for years now!) in Florida, at Disney World. His teacher demanded to see the invite or he wouldn't let him off, so I printed up a gorgeous invite for our wedding at the Wedding Pavillion, followed by a small reception at Citricos. And a brunch the following morning at the Grand Floridian Cafe! I had detailed maps of the GF grounds and everything! I wrote his address in super fancy calligraphy and mailed it down to him. He said his teacher was so bummed. He thought he was skipping finals to go to WDW! ;)

Growing up, my parents pulled us out of school many times to go on Disney trips. I'm sure school didn't like it but they tolerated it. Depends on the person, but if I were in your shoes I'd go for it with work and take the time off.
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Active Member
My son still does not know my husband and I went to WDW for our honeymoon (he was 10 at the time). We told him we were going on a cruise out of Florida. When we were trying to figure out where to go for our honeymoon we kept circling back to WDW. We actually looked at cruises but we realy wanted WDW. I felt like the meanest mom in the world not taking my child with us. He had warned us never to go with out him. As a compromise we decided we would take him the following year to WDW. This way I wouldn't feel so guilty. Trying to find him a non-Disney souvenir was almost impossible. We found a mug in the Lego store at DTD with his name on it. He never asked to see our honeymoon pictures so he still has no idea. You would think the Minnie and Mickey wedding picuture frame would have been a clue. Our wedding album is also Disney. My Minnie bride ear hat is still hidden in my closet. We did take him with us the following year and the year after so we have made up for it. One day he will find out but I will deal with that when the time comes. :oops:
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I never thought that this thread would bring so much "dissension in the ranks". Bottom line: We all tell lies. None of us is perfect. It is what it is! Thanks everyone for the advice. i would now ask the mods to close this thread. Thanks everyone! And good night.:)
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I get that. I would have to avoid all of June & August. I'd only be able to go in July! That is unless snow days go into July! !!!! Peak periods would be the only time to go.:'(
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Well-Known Member
Not trying to be condescending but the first thing is to not post about it online. You can always make up a family emergency or something. Now a days with all the social media people get caught easily with their "white lies." Be careful if you have facebook and you have co-workers there, you can't post pictures of your trip.
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One Little Spark...
Not trying to be condescending but the first thing is to not post about it online. You can always make up a family emergency or something. Now a days with all the social media people get caught easily with their "white lies." Be careful if you have facebook and you have co-workers there, you can't post pictures of your trip.

She's posted elsewhere that there was some schedule adjustment that won't require her original "white lie" idea...

But, you are so right about people getting busted on social media.
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Well-Known Member
I say do what you have to do, I sort of lied about a trip...told some professors it was a family gathering/reunion I was attending...Which was mostly true...we had a group of 15 family members and 3 different families there for the week...I just left out the Disney part.
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