Has anyone ever had to tell a little white lie about their trip to WDW?


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I booked our trip for June 9-14. I thought we'd be out of school, but turns out we have to make up 5 snow days not 3!:( When we went September 2012, I did not lie to my boss about taking off ( I had never done this before, and will never do it again sadly). She was livid! But, I did it anyway because I had the days to take! I may have to take a day or 2 off ( June 10 & 11). The kids last day should be June 6 w/ a teacher day on the 7th. I will not be there for prep and closing ( teacher days). I will have to call it "emergency leave" and come up w/ a lie unfortunately!:( I know it's horrible, but it's been a tough year, and I am so looking forward to my trip! I may even be switching schools for next year and would have to uproot my boys as well. Any thoughts, comments, own experiences would be appreciated!;)


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My husband has to pick his next year's vacation in October. Since it is done by seniority and he is in the middle of the pack, he doesn't have many weeks that align with my week's. (I'm a teacher.) We try to match it up the best we can with long weekends and such, but inevitably I take all 3 personal days and sometimes more (sick days) to go to Disney. My principal knows this and knows why my vacation ends up sometime during the school year. She doesn't seem to mind. I just make sure that when she comes to me with a favor...planning a family night, chaperoning an event, etc... I am available as often as I can be. She knows that she can call me during the summer to help her work on schedules for the upcoming school year...those little things help her allow me the time off during the year. It's the best of a win-win situation.
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My husband has to pick his next year's vacation in October. Since it is done by seniority and he is in the middle of the pack, he doesn't have many weeks that align with my week's. (I'm a teacher.) We try to match it up the best we can with long weekends and such, but inevitably I take all 3 personal days and sometimes more (sick days) to go to Disney. My principal knows this and knows why my vacation ends up sometime during the school year. She doesn't seem to mind. I just make sure that when she comes to me with a favor...planning a family night, chaperoning an event, etc... I am available as often as I can be. She knows that she can call me during the summer to help her work on schedules for the upcoming school year...those little things help her allow me the time off during the year. It's the best of a win-win situation.
Good for you! You sound like you have a good rapport w/ your boss.:)
I wish I could say the same. :( But, I believe we're working on it. At least today was a good day/a good sign. She had come into my classroom the other day to "observe", and after 6 years, I believe she was the most positive she had ever been w/ me.:) I have my fingers crossed that this continues...:D
I've tried helping in any way I can- like tonight we had a Multicultural festival. I am available for anything she needs me to do most of the time. She has never really asked me to do anything for her, but I would if she asked of course.;)
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To pull us out of school, my parents wrote "Personal Family Business" on the school note. The past few years, a couple of my trusted teachers knew where I was going. Last trip, conversation with my math teacher (who I didn't tell):
Teacher: Missy, where have you been?
Me: Gone.
Teacher: Gone?
Me: Yup.
Teacher: And then you just decided to come back?
Me: Yup. Pretty much. What'd I miss?

And my other favorite: I was in eighth grade, and decided to only tell one person where I was going, and I swore her to secrecy. I came back, and my friends questioned me about where I went. I told them that I went on a mouse hunt, looking for this mouse that lived in a castle, and while I was at it I visited the wild west and went to space...one of them got it a week later. Oh, and then there was that one year when I was eight that my parents didn't tell me we were going on a side trip to Disney rather than going straight home after Hilton Head Island, SC. I was upset because they knocked a day off the trip and I thought we were going home the next day. Then they decided to tell me. :cool:
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Update: I am waiting to tell my principal, but have dropped some hints about not being there on the 2 teacher days. I seem to be in good standings w/ her at the moment, but still some strange things happening w/ her "spies" ( fellow teachers). I'll let you know how I end up handling this. So far, I am planning on saying need to go out of town for a "family" issue. Technically that's not telling a lie, right?;):eek::oops::rolleyes:
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It sounds like your boss is very wise for only trusting you 95% of the time. If you were 100% trustworthy you wouldn't come to a public forum looking for others to validate your dishonesty. Teachers know that make up days are always a possibility and should always plan accordingly.
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Update: I am waiting to tell my principal, but have dropped some hints about not being there on the 2 teacher days. I seem to be in good standings w/ her at the moment, but still some strange things happening w/ her "spies" ( fellow teachers). I'll let you know how I end up handling this. So far, I am planning on saying need to go out of town for a "family" issue. Technically that's not telling a lie, right?;):eek::oops::rolleyes:

Uh oh ...you think one of the teachers or someone who knows her is on our forum?:eek: And no that is not a lie, you do need to go out of town, your vacation has been planned and it will be a disappointment to the family if it gets altered or delayed so it is a family issue. It has all the ingredients of truth.
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A lot depends on what your contract says. Like ours clearly states that if you are absent on the day before or after a break, you will be docked pay unless you have a doctor's note. In the case of making up snow days, tho, I would think that would be different. I take a Thurs., Fri., Mon. off every Dec. about a week before our winter break to go to Disney. If I only have a couple of days to spend there each year, then I don't want to spend it fighting crowds. And, my husband doesn't tolerate Florida temps in the summer. My principal is really cool, and could care less about it because she knows how hard we work and how much extra time we put in throughout the year. But, I am very careful NOT to post anything on social media (FB). Some of my teacher friends on FB have parents who are friends, and there is also a principal in our district who is FB friends with some teachers. If they would see pics of me at WDW and they happen to have a problem with it, then that could be big trouble for me, even if my principal is ok with it. So be careful and have fun!
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Why not tell her your trip was booked before the days were added and you will lose a lot of money? Of course if your system runs like ours, you could be docked daily pay if you go over personal days. We only get to use 3 days as personal days per year. You hit the 4th and you lose money. Making up days at the end of the year is really silly to me. Everything is done and the kids have turned off so it is mainly babysitting but school systems do it. You are in a tough situation.
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Gooooooo Beth!!! <3

Luckily, we haven't had to lie to get my husband time off work. His work environment is a very close knit one. He tries not to take any time that he doesn't need off. And if something comes up, his boss is awesome about letting him make up hours so it doesn't take from vacation time : )
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