Has anyone ever had to tell a little white lie about their trip to WDW?


Well-Known Member
I booked our trip for June 9-14. I thought we'd be out of school, but turns out we have to make up 5 snow days not 3!:( When we went September 2012, I did not lie to my boss about taking off ( I had never done this before, and will never do it again sadly). She was livid! But, I did it anyway because I had the days to take! I may have to take a day or 2 off ( June 10 & 11). The kids last day should be June 6 w/ a teacher day on the 7th. I will not be there for prep and closing ( teacher days). I will have to call it "emergency leave" and come up w/ a lie unfortunately!:( I know it's horrible, but it's been a tough year, and I am so looking forward to my trip! I may even be switching schools for next year and would have to uproot my boys as well. Any thoughts, comments, own experiences would be appreciated!;)


Active Member
To me, the most obvious "loose end" would be the kids. While you can probably keep it a secret that you guys are going to Disney, I have a feeling the kids are going to want to brag to their friends and then it'll get back to the boss somehow. I totally understand where you are coming from though and while it SHOULD be easy, some bosses can't deal with anyone doing anything besides working and only taking off when they deem appropriate, not when the people want to. I'd maybe say approach her and bring up that there is a "chance" you might have a trip sometime coming up that might require you to miss some days to test the waters and see what her reaction is. If she reacts badly, then you'll probably have to cover it up somehow - maybe have an emergency "in the vicinity of Disney" and happen to just go to Disney while you were there so to speak. Either way, I think you're going to have to somehow work in that you are going to be at Disney (whether you tell her in advance or afterwards) because otherwise, it could burn you in the long run.

I have to lie about Disney for the dumbest reason - my mom. She is slightly bi-polar and doesn't seem to like me going to do things to be happy. I don't mean, "oh you should only buy sensible things," but more that she's genuinely angry if I go out somewhere and I'm happy. I always have to tell her that our company is paying for us to go to Disney or whatnot. She thinks I work for really GREAT companies, ha.
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I don't know about WV, but in GA if you got caught, you would not only lose your job, but it would be put into your file and finding another job would be close to impossible. Knowing your boss doesn't trust you already, you will be taking a huge risk that she won't require proof of the emergency when you return. She probably wouldn't ask before, as you could then change your mind. Afterward, there would be nothing you could do. When I was still teaching in the public school system, we were not allowed to take the Friday before or Monday after any holiday without proof of need. We also weren't allowed to take the week before the students started or the week after school ended. She already doesn't trust you. This would be playing right into her hands. You have to decide how important your job and reputation are to you. This is a huge risk.
Is there anyway she would allow you to work the couple of Saturdays before that week. Maybe if you make up the days in advance, she will allow you to go.
Yes. I will be making up those days as well as working late night after school to "finish up". There will no work left "undone". I see what you're saying though.:( I am taking a risk, and I know it. I guess the "rules" aren't quite as strict in WV.
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Tell them you have a 'family' issue that needs taking care of. I remember years ago we took our son out of school for a couple days and called from North Carolina to tell them he was 'sick' and wouldn't be in.....
Yes. That's what I was going to do. I was going to call her at home on Friday evening or Saturday before we left to say I had a "family issue" to take care of. Of course, she will probably ask for details.:(
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Well-Known Member
Not to open up a can of worms - but - your husband is mandated which days to take, and you are mandated days NOT to take - it seems to not make sense that your job would consistently be the one being put in jeopardy. Why should you be forced to lie about time off? It just seems as though he should be able to request the days be adjusted by a few days rather than you risking your job and future employment as well. Just my $0.02. Hope you work it out.
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Well-Known Member
wow! after reading this thread i'm soooooooo glad i have a boss that is a fan of disney world like i am.... all i have to do is tell him that myself and the fam are making plans to go to wdw and he'll tell me to go have fun.
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Wow!! I think she is a crab. The trust thing??? You didn't lie the first time and had time to use. Is it really her business what you do with your presonal time?
That's a very nice way of putting it "crab". I'd call her something else, but that's so very inappropriate!:eek: It really isn't her business.:mad: There are no "rules" as to how you can take your leave, except perhaps sick leave and now as of 2012-2013 "leave without cause" must be approved first by the principal!:eek::mad: My days would be under the category of "emergency". We don't have "personal days" which never made much sense to me. Sick leave is for when you're very ill/hospitalized, and emergency leave is what you put in for a doctor's appointment and such. WV is BASS ACKWARDS when it comes to this IMHO!:eek: Oh well. Thanks for your input.:)
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Not to open up a can of worms - but - your husband is mandated which days to take, and you are mandated days NOT to take - it seems to not make sense that your job would consistently be the one being put in jeopardy. Why should you be forced to lie about time off? It just seems as though he should be able to request the days be adjusted by a few days rather than you risking your job and future employment as well. Just my $0.02. Hope you work it out.
We're not really mandated "NOT" to take any days. It's truly up to us how we take our days. But, she always asks, and so do the other "nosy pokes".:eek: It's just a matter of telling her I won't be there the 2 teacher days to do permanent records and "clean up" the classroom. I can get all of that done on my own time. I always do this!
In fact, she usually gives us our "sign out" sheets and checklist at least a week before closing of school!:confused: Most teachers come in a week or two early to "set up" their classroom ( w/o pay of course), and most teachers stay well beyond the expected hours of work to "put away" their classroom for the year. The school is always open throughout the year. I can get to my classroom at any point I wish. I guess that's my point. i will not leave the work "undone". I never have, and I never will. :confused:
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emma c

Well-Known Member
See when you put it like that I really dont see the problem at all, your not leaving work and nobody needs you to be there so.....? Most other job's (well in England anyway) all the extra time you put in would calculate up to more days holiday (flexi time) if you are not taking it as "paid" over time. Can you not explain it to her??? Bribe with wine? Or shoes as she female?
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Well-Known Member
I booked our trip for June 9-14. I thought we'd be out of school, but turns out we have to make up 5 snow days not 3!:( When we went September 2012, I did not lie to my boss about taking off ( I had never done this before, and will never do it again sadly). She was livid! But, I did it anyway because I had the days to take! I may have to take a day or 2 off ( June 10 & 11). The kids last day should be June 6 w/ a teacher day on the 7th. I will not be there for prep and closing ( teacher days). I will have to call it "emergency leave" and come up w/ a lie unfortunately!:( I know it's horrible, but it's been a tough year, and I am so looking forward to my trip! I may even be switching schools for next year and would have to uproot my boys as well. Any thoughts, comments, own experiences would be appreciated!;)

I, for one, cannot blame you for doing that. Disney is worth the wrath of anyone or anything.
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Well-Known Member
I called in sick once and came back with a tan. In February.

My boss knew all about it. My co-workers knew and one had already agreed to work it for me. It was a fairly open secret. But a few people who didn't know made comments about my tan, lol.

I wouldn't do it unless my boss approved it, even if the approval was on the sly. But that's me, I pass no judgement! Just be prepared...actions have consequences and all that. You could find yourself without a job.
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Well-Known Member
I been lying to the schools since my kids were in school....I found over the years they were just a bit too bureaucratic to afford them the reality of my honesty. If I get caught in my lies I fess up right away and go on the offensive attacking them for whatever I can think of to justify myself...
I am a bad one to ask...I advocate honesty is always the best policy but then I have exceptions to my my rule and bureaucracies are in that exception policy...:oops:
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Well-Known Member
This lady sounds like a total grinch. It appears she would not "understand" a "fully paid for and non refundable trip" (stretching the truth...) so lying may be your best bet. Perhaps just saying "I won't be in due to a personal family issue" and if she asks say "I prefer to keep my family's business private" or even say a "private personal issue" and that it's "between me and my family."

And even when calling you could say "I have all my work completed and whenever this is all sorted out I can come back to the school to tie up any loose ends if you find any."

Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
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See when you put it like that I really dont see the problem at all, your not leaving work and nobody needs you to be there so.....? Most other job's (well in England anyway) all the extra time you put in would calculate up to more days holiday (flexi time) if you are not taking it as "paid" over time. Can you not explain it to her??? Bribe with wine? Or shoes as she female?
OMG! You got it! She loves shoes! I saw her "walk in closet" once, and her entire closet was FULL of shoes!:D
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