No kidding... for me, Richard Harris WAS the enbodiment of Dumbledore.. he was prefect!
His mannerisms, his slow and soothing voice.. every way he was was pure Albus Dumberdore. I was so sad to see his pass, as I loved him before he was even DD. But to be he was made for this role.
I am not sure if you have listened to the audio books for HP, but Jim Dale the reader for all of them is BRILLIANT. But when he does Dumbledore, he sound JUST like Harris. And he read that before the first film was even cast I believe.
So when I read the books I always picture Harris as DD, I just can't visualize any other. Even though Michael Gambon is now DD, and he does a decent job, he is just completely different. I think he seems a little bit manic at times. he does things in the film, that Dumbledore would never do. Such as flying off the handle at Harry, grabbing him and inquisitioning him, alot of rasied voice and yelling... just not the DD way I dont think. I think he might be better in OoTP though. With the flight scene and all. I hope he gets better.
Ok I am done.. and sad now, I miss the original Dumbledore.