Guest attacks Disney bus driver


Well-Known Member
How is believing a news article any different than believing the story of some anonymous poster on a Disney message board? :brick:


Well-Known Member
How is believing a news article any different than believing the story of some anonymous poster on a Disney message board? :brick:

Show me in my previous posts where I said anything about believing an anonymous poster. What the naysayers on here are failing to comprehend is that neither Disney nor the driver have to "file" charges. The state can step in and do this. The OCSO does not have to get approval from Disney to do this. Although Disney would probably like for this to just go away, I doubt that this will be the case.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
How is believing a news article any different than believing the story of some anonymous poster on a Disney message board? :brick:

You and Tater both make valid points from two different viewpoints. It is ALL speculation unless you were actually there AND have access to all documents, phone records, video tape, radio transmissions, police logs, security logs, etc., and even then, you wouldn't know all sides to this story.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Show me in my previous posts where I said anything about believing an anonymous poster. What the naysayers on here are failing to comprehend is that neither Disney nor the driver have to "file" charges. The state can step in and do this. The OCSO does not have to get approval from Disney to do this. Although Disney would probably like for this to just go away, I doubt that this will be the case.

I believe MAF is referring to HIS dismissal of what GoofNTink had posted earlier.


Beta Return
You and Tater both make valid points from two different viewpoints. It is ALL speculation unless you were actually there AND have access to all documents, phone records, video tape, radio transmissions, police logs, security logs, etc., and even then, you wouldn't know all sides to this story.

And unfortunately, nobody on here has access to ALL of this information, and it seems to be clear that there are accurate and inaccurate statements in most of the "first hand" testimonies posted already (mostly inaccurate).


Well-Known Member
i think no matter who was right or wrong in how they handled the situation it comes down to the fact that if a person has an abusive personality they have an abusive personality and it doesn't matter if they're at work or on vacation sooner or later they always show their true colors. thank goodness for divorce.


Well-Known Member
I work for bus operations and the entire incident was caught on the security cameras.Every load zone has a high def camera that sees the bus and load zone. We can actually zoom in with the cameras and read the drivers name and his hometown on his name tag on their uniform. Also in the video one of the gentleman on the bus,{I wont identify him} was one of our plain clothes security officers and was in the load zone at the time and witnessed the attack. Security was called along with the OCSO,and yes it took them a few minutes to get to him. This was because the bus was in load zone C7 which is in the charter bus lot and away from the regular Resort load zones near the entrance to Hollywood Studios. If you watch the video closely you will see flashing red and blue lights illuminating the side off the bus.When the wife saw them pull up the wife took off,and tried to hide in the crowd,and left her child with the husband. Other guests identified her to security. They were then removed from the bus and load zone and taken backstage. The gentleman was then arrested and handcuffed for assault on the driver. He is also facing charges for Terrorist threat due to the assault happening on the bus, and public endangerment. They were also ejected from the resort they were staying at,and trespassed from Walt Disney World property.They will not be returning to the Happiest Place on Earth ever again. Also everyone will be happy to hear the driver was not reprimanded for the incident,and continued with his job that evening. I actually saw and talked to him last night and he is doing fine.
Also forgot to add copy of the security tape was provided to the OCSO,they are in turn forwarding it to the state attorney for possible further charges of Felony child neglect and endangerment.

And THIS is why I Love WDW!!! You are all on the ball.... I am very very happy that the bus driver was not reprimanded.... I hope actually that the bus driver is given an accomodation since he exemplifies excellent behavior on the part of your cast members!!! I am positive that it took every ounce of restraint and training on the part of the bus driver to NOT kick this jerkoff to the Moon, Literally!

Hope I see this busdriver this coming weekend (22-24th) so I can shake this man's hand....


Well-Known Member
Durrrrrrrr, I don't know, because it wasn't a terrorist threat? It appears to have been assault, child endangerment perhaps, but nothing more severe than that.

I you not think this man's intention was to terorize the driver and those on tbe bus to let him have his way? Terror does not have to be linked to Osama or the IRA or some political or religious can just be simply the intent to cause terror. How many children were on that bus that witnessed that horrible encounter (tossing a child? etc) who will be afraid to board a bus or perhaps even afraid to come to Disney?


Well-Known Member
See what I mean? People are still quoting GoofNTink as if her story is the truth. Very misleading...


Well-Known Member
You're response is nasty which says alot about you. And I guarantee you would never say that to me in person.

I didnt see the person's post as nasty... sounded like he was simply stating the obvious option someone has to take their own private transportation making more room for people like him who decide to use the Disney bus system.

You're response is nasty which says alot about you. And I guarantee you would never say that to me in person.

See what I mean? People are still quoting GoofNTink as if her story is the truth. Very misleading...

Well let me say that Goof's version of events seems like a reasonable course that I would assume would happen.... I know if I did something like this "guest" (and I use that word lightly here) I would be arrested and tossed into jail....especially when it was caught on video...and if this "guest" was NOT arrested and tossed into jail then I would call that Discrimination (in this guest's favor) over the rest of us...


New Member
This is unfortunate, but after last week I'm not surprised to see emotions flaring. We stayed at the Poly. One morning we went to catch the DHS bus at 8:30. People had been waiting for some time. Three AK and three Downtown came (two Downtown pulled in one after the other). Several people asked if a Studio bus was coming. The drivers were surly and basically ignored the guests. One studio bus came but there were too many guests. After another 30 minutes, a guest got on the phone box and called someone (?). An empty studio bus arrived within a minute. We still went to the GF (their stop was empty) even though our bus was jammed. Also, there were two women in ECVs trying to get on the AK bus but they kept sending non-accessible buses. They waited at least 45 minutes.

Couple days later we went down in the morning to get AK bus. A man was very upset because they'd been waiting 40 minutes for the DHS bus. Many other buses had come but not that one. Our AK bus showed up immediately (and a Downtown Disney bus!). The guy and his family stormed off to get a taxi. Then a Grant Transportation bus with a small DHS sign on a sheet on the window pulled in. I saw several of these buses.

The bus service last week was the worst I'd ever seen at Disney. And it was very hot. They just crammed people onto these buses. Elderly, people with children and babies were forced to stand. We were treated like cattle. And this is not a luxury. It's something we pay for, something that is built into the price of your room. Taking the bus was the one huge downer in an otherwise excellent vacation.


New Member
You hit it right on the head. It amazes us in buses how guests can stand in line for a ride or attraction for an hour or more sometimes in the park but yet when it comes to waiting in line for a bus they go absolutely bonkers when they have to wait in line 20 minutes or less for one.

Attractions have posted wait times, and some have Fastpass. Also, I found people only getting upset when they'd waited more than 30 minutes as a rule, and when they'd seen multiple buses for other destinations. Coming back from Downtown two Sunday nights ago we saw two buses for most resorts until the Poly bus came. Coming back from AK last Sunday, people ahead of us had been waiting more than 35 minutes. Most other stops had been cleared of people. When our bus showed the people cheered!! I noticed this several times. People who had been waiting so long they cheered when the bus came!

My city bus service has signs indicating time until next bus. Perhaps Disney could to this, similar to attractions.


New Member
Fact or opinoin? If it is a fact I would love to see a link to the study that prove the shorter wait for the values vs GF or Poly.

Don't have proof, but here's my post from Nov 08 when I stayed at the POP:

"Bus service was scarily good the entire week. Only twice did I wait more than two minutes for a bus. Almost every time one was waiting or pulling up. I did stand a lot but that was expected. Twice the POP bus pulled away - and another immediately pulled in."


New Member
I too, am amazed at guests behavior when it comes to the buses. What really irks me is to see young, able bodied males sitting in a seat when a woman and/or child is standing. What happened to good old fashioned courtesy? During my recent 8 night stay at the Animal Kingdom Lodge, I sat only twice on the bus because there was always someone standing that should have been seated. Here I am, a 49 year old male, giving up my seat, while loads of older teenage and 20-something males, sat on their fat "you know what's". Parents need to teach their boys (from a young age), how to be polite and to always do the right thing.

Here's a challenge to all the able-bodied young men on the WDWMagic time you're on a Disney bus and all the seats fill up (and you're still sitting), try offering your seat to ANY standing woman or young child, or any experienced (my way of saying "older") adult. It will make you a better person in the end, and you might actually feel good about yourself for doing the right thing.

OK....that's the end of my minor rant! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY...yea Disney, for taking care of the "strangler/baby "!

i refuse to give my seat up to anyone if i have waited patiently in line for the bus.


Active Member
Also, there were two women in ECVs trying to get on the AK bus but they kept sending non-accessible buses. They waited at least 45 minutes.

Does Disney even have non-accessible buses anymore? The TMC/RTS buses, which I thought were the oldest in the fleet, have lifts built into the back stairs.


Well-Known Member
You hit it right on the head. It amazes us in buses how guests can stand in line for a ride or attraction for an hour or more sometimes in the park but yet when it comes to waiting in line for a bus they go absolutely bonkers when they have to wait in line 20 minutes or less for one.

When we wait in line for an attraction we at least get rewarded with some entertainment. What is our reward for standing in line for a bus?

More often than not for me it's the joy of standing for another 30+++ minutes on a bus traveling through stop-and-go traffic (seriously, it seems the brake/gas pedals have only two settings... Full-on or full-off) while trying to grasp an overhead bar which was designed for someone about two inches taller than me and getting really "friendly" with the people around me.

Ok, I might be exaggerating. The overhead bar is probably designed for someone only 1/2" taller than me.

Attractions have posted wait times, and some have Fastpass. Also, I found people only getting upset when they'd waited more than 30 minutes as a rule, and when they'd seen multiple buses for other destinations.

This is the one that pets my peeve.

Wait in queue (20,30,45 minutes, whatever) I can handle. Another 15 minute wait while the wheelchairs are loaded, fine. I don't expect a seat anymore and have gotten pretty good at "bus surfing".

But when the bus queue extends beyond the queue rails, all the other queues are empty (or near empty), and one after another bus stops at the empty queues. It's almost like someone in control is playing a cruel joke on the guests.

Sometimes I wonder if a business model could be made by offering offsite parking and "VIP park transit service" for less than what Disney charges for parking.

Edit - Sorry this is turning into a bus whine-fest. None of this excuses the behavior of the guest shown in the original post. Even though Disney isn't [technically] at fault on this one, I hope it brings to attention the increasing frustrations of the bus service.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
i refuse to give my seat up to anyone if i have waited patiently in line for the bus.


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