@Stitchon and
@SpaceMountain77, I appreciate your thoughtful and well-spoken responses and all of your points do make sense.
I guess I'm just tired as a whole of the knee-jerk complaining that some exhibit, like no matter what Disney does it's not good enough. We should be taking more of a wait-and-see approach.
While I don't exactly like that Disney is shoe-horning GOTG into an already-existing attraction, it might turn out at least okay; and, to be honest, I like what I'm seeing of the concept art and the story. Of course, as more comes out about the ride my opinion may change.
Disney has executed things sloppily in the past, I'll say that, but I hope that, now more than ever, things are being turned around slowly but surely. I didn't think I would like Frozen Ever After but I did, and I didn't know if I would like Soarin' Around the World but I did. What's been missing from Disney lately is the element of surprise, using new and innovative enhancements to make Guests go "wow". I think that, based on what I've seen lately (especially with Ignite the Dream in Shanghai), Disney is finally getting back to that.
I'm still being cautiously optimistic; but with every new addition that actually works well, Disney is gaining back my trust. I'm just asking all of you to wait and see. It might be horrible. It might be great. We just don't know right now. And concept art can't fully get across the experience of something like this, so.. Try to keep an open mind. Please.
And hey, if it turns out to be horrible then you can all come back and quote this post and say "VJ was wrong! Hahaha!". I'll gladly accept being wrong. I just hope Disney proves me right.
And no, I'm not a pixie duster. Nor am I a lifestyler. I'm somewhere in the middle and that's where I like to be. Sorta the middle ground, voice of reason as it were. I know I don't do many of these opinion posts (because I usually have a hard time getting my opinion across cohesively) but you all have been warm and welcoming the last few times I've done these so I hope this one goes over just as well.