News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind attraction confirmed for Epcot


Well-Known Member
Punishment, sure. Career ruination? That's a bit much. Especially in light of the fact that Gunn's tweets were from more than six years ago.

Perhaps Disney should word employment contracts to the effect that offensive behavior will result in monetary fines. This caving to the mob mentality that seems to be taking over the US is getting a bit ridiculous and in the long run no one will "win".

Perhaps so. No one knows how deep his remorse goes and what the company bylaws say about situations like this. I admit- talking like this IS definitely different than following through and doing it. But this kind of speech is repulsive, no question.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps so. No one knows how deep his remorse goes and what the company bylaws say about situations like this. I admit- talking like this IS definitely different than following through and doing it. But this kind of speech is repulsive, no question.
Absolutely. Yet look at Howard Stern...I consider him to be one of the most offensive people on the planet, yet he's still making millions. Do I clamor for his termination? NO. I simply choose not to listen.

What's Disney going to do about Deadpool? He's as offensive as all get-out...are they going to dumb him down to please the masses?
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Well-Known Member
Or that it wasn’t this big of a deal. I really hate what’s happening to this world. Everyone is so god damn sensitive even over stuff that happened years ago.
I feel the exact same way. I'm honestly more concerned about what an overreaction like this says about our society than it does the future of the GotG films and I'm speaking as a huge MCU fan. At the end of the day jokes are jokes. You don't have to think they're funny or even think they're all that tasteful, but to treat them on the same level as the actual crimes they're lampooning is a threat to free speech as well as our ability to determine the difference between relatively decent human beings who don't have much of a filter and real societal threats.


Well-Known Member
I feel the exact same way. I'm honestly more concerned about what an overreaction like this says about our society than it does the future of the GotG films and I'm speaking as a huge MCU fan. At the end of the day jokes are jokes. You don't have to think they're funny or even think they're all that tasteful, but to treat them on the same level as the actual crimes they're lampooning is a threat to free speech as well as our ability to determine the difference between relatively decent human beings who don't have much of a filter and real societal threats.

Well said.


Well-Known Member
Neither Lasseter nor Depp did ANYTHING remotely as awful as what Gunn did. There are not only tweets...there are videos...gahh.
Except Lasseter and Depp have been accused of actions that can be prosecuted in a court of law. Making jokes that some people found distasteful can't be and therefore shouldn't be beholden to the same standards.


Well-Known Member
Except Lasseter and Depp have been accused of actions that can be prosecuted in a court of law. Making jokes that some people found distasteful can't be and therefore shouldn't be beholden to the same standards.
Also well said. I think society needs to realize that someone saying something you don't like isn't equivalent to breaking the law. You cannot be prosecuted for hurting someone's feelings, nor should you lose your job for doing so.


Well-Known Member
He did not break the law, he was not arrested.

But it is always up to the company that employs you to decide what is a fireable offense. Even though many seem to disagree, I never want a government stepping in to tell a business they have to keep an employee(of any status)
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Well-Known Member
This one is particularly egregious. It came to light when he was hired for the original GOTG (maybe not his whole back catalog of tweets, but a fair number, including the rape ones), he made a big deal apology for it. Promised to be a better person, and publicly he has been, and turned that 2nd chance into a solid career with Marvel. People liked GOTG, so we forgot he had a super inappropriate history.

The Roseanne situation was different, she made new horrible comments. Gunn did not.

And no way does this change the Epcot ride. Now there may be an impact to GOTGv3, we’ll have to see if they use his screenplay.

Creators really need to rethink their social media strategy.
I wonder if this firing sticks.

Do DGA and WGA just let a director be taken off a project for something like this?

What if the same people who led this campaign do it again, because they will.

Who’s next?

These guys get all bothered about pedophilia, but where’s the boycott for Bryan Singer? You know, the guy who runs twink pool parties to rape people and seems to have more lives, or legal funds, than a cat has nine lives.


Well-Known Member
Also well said. I think society needs to realize that someone saying something you don't like isn't equivalent to breaking the law. You cannot be prosecuted for hurting someone's feelings, nor should you lose your job for doing so.
100% agree with you here. Hopefully, seeing what's happening to James Gunn is a wake up call to some people who haven't seen the slippery slope before because if what was applied to him becomes increasingly accepted procedure across the country or even the world, then we'll all be doomed to live on the streets at some point or another.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if this firing sticks.

Do DGA and WGA just let a director be taken off a project for something like this?

What if the same people who led this campaign do it again, because they will.

Who’s next?

These guys get all bothered about pedophilia, but where’s the boycott for Bryan Singer? You know, the guy who runs twink pool parties to rape people and seems to have more lives, or legal funds, than a cat has nine lives.
He's due to direct the next X-Men movie too - wonder how Disney will handle that once they own Fox.


Well-Known Member
Need I remind everyone that Pixar Pier still happened despite our best hopes it wouldn't? That was literally John's idea. The overlay hadn't even started construction yet!

Or Johnny Depp's characterizations being slathered all over THREE different attractions at Shanghai Disneyland?

This ride will be axed when the Guardians are ejected out of the MCU surely... oh wait, that's not happening?

Gunn is infinitely less entangled than the two above.


Well-Known Member
To keep it on discussion, I'm interested to hear if the recent developments will impact the filming/recording of show scenes on the ride. My understanding is that the Mission: Breakout scenes were filmed during production on GoTG Vol. 2 and I had assumed that any voiceover or show scene filming for this attraction would be done during the production of GoTG Vol. 3, which was slated to go into production this fall.

I highly doubt that is going to still be the case, so I'm wondering if this impacts the timeline of the ride at all. @marni1971 do you have any speculation?

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