Growing Concern I have about Guests and WDW


The FP gut was probably a Yankee fan....(just kidding NY):animwink:

Seriously though, I have been to WDW about 10 times and can't remember a really bad trip. The only time I can think when I was cranky was in August (NEVER again) when I was hot and my back hurt. There may be something to the summertime crowds. We moved to Maine because things are more laid back here and people are not as "in-your-face" as other parts of the NE.

When I go to WDW I am usually so happy to be there nothing else matters. However, I am a little hesitant about our next trip because of all the bad trip reports I'm reading about rude CMs. It's like I'm expecting something to happen...:(


Active Member
The FP gut was probably a Yankee fan....(just kidding NY):animwink:

Seriously though, I have been to WDW about 10 times and can't remember a really bad trip. The only time I can think when I was cranky was in August (NEVER again) when I was hot and my back hurt. There may be something to the summertime crowds. We moved to Maine because things are more laid back here and people are not as "in-your-face" as other parts of the NE.

When I go to WDW I am usually so happy to be there nothing else matters. However, I am a little hesitant about our next trip because of all the bad trip reports I'm reading about rude CMs. It's like I'm expecting something to happen...:(

You are probably right about the yankee fan comment, we know how yankees fans are....:lol: KIDDING!!!!

As a parent myself (and I believe I am part of the "me generation") I absolutely DO NOT allow my children to act like that. They say please, thank you, excuse me...etc. They wait their turn and are even able to point out when "people are not using their manners". I think it is really important to start teaching that very young or else we have the people that we are posting about in this thread. Maybe it is the heat, maybe it is the crowds because both of those make nice people do ugly things. However rudeness and entitlement seem to be the norm these says. I'm sure the FP guy thought he was entitled since he spent "all that money" to go to Disney.

And lastly, I have kids but I have gone to WDW without my kids for a short stay. If I don't bring them I DO NOT feel as though I should not sit in the front row for a parade, especially if I got there an hour before. Now if there are kids that cannot see I gladly will move over so they can see but I don't ever feel bad for getting a front row seat :sohappy:


Active Member
You should've gone all tea cup on him.

:ROFLOL: Can this be the new slogan!

We had a few of the line cutters, rude people when we were there earlier this month... My husband got mad at me because I responded to them all that "I am going to be very nice to you even though you are being pretty rude". I ALWAYS got a look from them and got a chuckle out of people standing by... I wouldn't say it sarcastically, but truthful... It threw them for a loop and they would stop.. :)


Well-Known Member
Not having waded through the entire thread, but yes, I think people are getting worse.

For some, they didn't want to come to WDW but felt they HAD to for the children and d..n it's hot but we had to come during the summer and the lines are long and the prices are high and we paid a fortune for this and by gosh We ARE going to have a good time, if it kills you.

These people wouldn't recognize magic if it kicked them in the ...


New Member
Thats one reason why I like to go in the offseason. People tend to be a bit happier and the castmembers a little more relaxed.

We've made over 80 trips to WDW from PA. over the years and have yet to find this offseason you are referring to in spite of going at different times of the year. The problem with rude people is they don't have a certain season. They're rude all year long!:cool:


New Member
I have to say that we saw both extremes on our last visit. It seemed that on the bus in the morning soooo many people offered up their seats so that an older person or young child would not have to stand. Someone even commented "Yeah, this is just like the subway in NY. Everyone gives up their seat." But on the ride back at night it seemed that a lot of the goodwill had dissipated throughout the day. I saw plenty of the "me first" and "the rules don't apply to me" people in the parks and on the buses. I also saw lots of smiles and "after you." And almost every CM I met was enthusiastic, polite, and helpful. I think that rudeness has become quite prevalent throughout the real world, more so than Disney. Of course, I do live in NJ! :wave:


Well-Known Member
When we were at disney in January, we were waiting to see Peter Pan and Wendy. We were the last in line, a CM closed off the line after us so that they could go on break after us. He stood behind us and chatted with us so that no one would try to go in line. There were a lot of angry people that kept trying to get in line. Anyhow, we got to the front of the line. There was a family in front of us that was talking with Peter. As they were leaving a family came up from the side and starting talking with him, like they were with the people in front of us. At first I didn't notice them, I thought were these the people in front of us? My husband said, um, these people just walked up. So the poor CM had to go up to them and tell them that they weren't in line & Peter and Wendy wouldn't talk to them. They were of course very upset and rude about it. I feel really sorry for these entertainment CMs who have to deal with this routinely in the day. I'm sure it can't be very fun!

No it isn't.


Well-Known Member
As hard as it is to admit, times have changed and people in general are much more rude now than they were even 5 years ago. People nowadays see their world as for them only.

Who do we blame? Well for starters the media. Wrong things are going to go on all over the place but the media makes sure it's in our faces all the time. This has a huge impact on us. We can also blame society in general for making it seem you have to take extreame measures to be heard or get anywhere. But then again, what is society?

Things appear as they are only going to get worse as time goes on unless sensorship and the government takes huge steps. I don't like these things either but some people think freedom means all-for-one. :(


Well-Known Member
I've been during the heat and the crowds and during the Christmas holiday mayhem...I've loved every bit of it. I've run into idiots doing stupid things...why do people think those little horns on the electric scooters will magically make 10,000 people disappear 2 seconds after Wishes is over??? Or that children are the only ones who are entitled to curb side views of the parades? We have only seen two really bad things happen at WDW.
1). was at the end of the night at Pop Century. This dad just lost it big time after getting off the bus and was taking it all out on his son who maybe was 6yrs old. I mean yanking the boy around by his arm, screaming every foul word in the book get the idea. The poor mother just looked so overwhelmed by it all. My husband and two other dad's stepped in and just said "Hey, they all get out of control, but you don't want THIS to be what you get for your $3,000" and it was like the guy just sort of realized the whole place was watching him, CM"s were running towards him and he was way out of line and he knew it. I looked for that family every day afterwards and never saw them again, but I worried about that little boy.

2). was this past Dec. Christmas Day at Coranado Springs Resort. Early in the morning we were at the main bus stop by check in, I mean early a bit before 6am. And the bus to MK gets there and those of us who had been waiting go up to get on the bus and this family comes running up to get on the bus in front of everyone (at CSR there are no ques for the bus, just the honor system). Well, needless to say, they had to get off, let everyone else on and by the time they got tot heback of the line the bus was full. I was surprised at how many were going to MK this early, we had breakfast res. and the CM told us get the bus early because it could be chaotic. Boy was he right! Then all at MK all of the people milling about waiting to get it, didn't want those with ADR's to get through because they thought we were 'cutting' them...well, we were sort of, but thats because we had to be inside the park for our breakfast!


New Member
I really dont think you should move just because kids parents get to the parade late enough not to get a good veiw..I would not move. You pay to have a magical experiance as well as others, why should you get up and move....

I always let kids get in front of me for the parades. They are short, most adults are tall(er) - it's not like the kids are going to block your view. And their legs are a heck of a lot more tired from walking all day than yours. And they're kids for pity sakes!

How come the niceness always has to start with the other person first - how about starting some yourself?? You might see it catch on....
My dh and dd and I were last in line for daisy in MGM in early may this year - the attendant had her hands full with everyone ahead of us in line and asked us to inform people that we were last group. Adults were HORRIBLE - they yelled at my husband and had the total attitude. The kids who walked up politely thanked us and left. It gives me hope for the future when that happens. Someone is teaching this children to be polite to their neighbors.

We have also experienced both extremes - politeness and anger. We try to appreciate the politeness and tolerate the rudeness hoping that its just been a tough day for all involved. We have been lucky enough to go often these last couple of years so we try to go with the flow. We really have had bigger problems with people in our own group.


New Member
OK - I have a question.

Is it rude when a few members of your party (say dad and an older child) get in line, while say mom and two younger children (say 4 and 2) wait in a less confining area, maybe go to the restroom and then join the members of your party farther up the line? I have seen (read) this being suggested in numerous travel books. I personally do not mind, especially if they are apologetic or polite about getting back in line with their family. I just wanted to know what others thought of this.



Well-Known Member
Personally, I keep my group together. ( I will run to get FP's for rides while the others go ride a ride, but I don't 'catch up' to them in line). I make the kids take restroom breaks before hand, grab drinks and snacks when needed and do what we can with the time we have. I don't like climbing over or squeezing past 100+ hot, sweaty, tired people in line. I understand emergencies do arise and would never say anything to anyone leaving a line to run to the restroom etc. But in my opinion a little planning goes a long way. Just one mom's opinion, and I know it goes against the feelings of many.


New Member
I have a good story to tell. A coworker of mine ;) was working the kiddie slide at Typhoon Lagoon. Now, kids under 48" can go on the slide, and sometimes I get kids that are around 1-and-a-half to 3 years old that want to go down. Only problem is, they need to make it down by themselves, and sometimes they get scared mid-slide and attempt to walk back up. The slide is very slippery too, and if they attempt to stand or walk, they could easily slip and fall, which doesn't hurt because it's padded, but nonetheless...

So this one little girl was crawling back up, and my coworker ;) wanted to make sure she didn't fall, so he extended his hand out in case the child wanted to hold onto it (we never grab kids' hands, only offer ours), but the child ended up crawling up the slide. Right afterwards, her mother began walking up the slide, which again is very dangerous because she is at an even greater risk of slipping and injuring herself. The CM tells her that she cannot walk up the slide, but the mother tells the CM that "he touched my child". The CM answers back that he was concerned for the child's safety, and the mother said that he wasn't because he took his eyes off the kid.

Now granted the mother has a point, but if she was so concerned about the safety of her child, she wouldn't have waited at the bottom of the slide, leaving her child unattended in line. That mother seemed to me to be one of the rudest people I've ever heard about, but nevertheless, we as CMs are concerned about everyone's safety, that is our #1 priority, and it is disheartening that some people don't realize that and give us attitude.


Premium Member
OK - I have a question.

Is it rude when a few members of your party (say dad and an older child) get in line, while say mom and two younger children (say 4 and 2) wait in a less confining area, maybe go to the restroom and then join the members of your party farther up the line? I have seen (read) this being suggested in numerous travel books. I personally do not mind, especially if they are apologetic or polite about getting back in line with their family. I just wanted to know what others thought of this.


We either keep our party together or, if we do get separated, the ones in front will stand off to the side and wait for the ones in the back to catch up. I don't think it is right for one person to get in line and then have 10 of his friends pushing through the line to catch up. Some of the tour groups are notorius for this.


Active Member
I agree that people are becoming more maybe it's because I am old enough and recognize it now (I am 21)...who knows...anyways I have been seeing this not only at WDW but almost everywhere. I agree with it being the "Me generation".

I work at Bath & Body Works and I get people who yell at me about a product being discontinued or complain that we don't carry something or that we are out of it as it were my fault that this happened. I also see people who bring their children and I am appalled how they behave (both child & parent).

My first day of work was before a couple of Chirstmas ago. We have 5 zones in our store for associates to be assigned to. Our store is small. It is me and 2 others in a zone. I am in the center the others are on the left & right. My area consisted of walking around in a circle around a table to help customers. A woman claimed that I was stalking her and yelled at me that I accused her of stealing. All I said to her was "Hello can I help you with anything?" She said no and I moved around. After she yelled at me I was so scared I did something wrong and I said sorry and she moved on groaning about it. I know it was probably the crowds and the holiday that made her grumpy but still...

Another story I recently witnessed. Another co-worker greeted 2 customers with a small child and THEY asked if they could bring their shopping cart in. We don't have shopping carts. We offer bags to shop with. We are located in a strip mall.....She explained that they could not and we offer the bags. She also said it is a safety hazard for you and the child since they could grab things and knock them down. So my co-worker walks away and when she returns the people ended up bringing the cart in. The people approach me and ask to see a manager. I grab the co-worker who is the manager during the shift and the people are like "Oh your the manager...I want someone who is higher than you. She asked what was the problem and they said it was her accusing her son of stealing...once again she did not say that. She gave them contact info for our district. Meanwhile our other manager (highest at our store) was in the back she came out and asked what was wrong they told her the same story and they said that they are the customer and that they were right. The head manager explained why they were told about the no cart and they got mad and told her they were going to report both of them.

Also at the movies when I seem to always sit by someone who is talking the whole time or is kicking my chair. It annoys me and most of the time it is adults who are doing this to me!!!

I know at WDW I remember getting pushed and shoved like someone mentioned on rides with waiting rooms. Also when tour groups cut in line. I don't recall anything else but I know stuff did happen. Nothing memorable. I go to WDW for vacation to escape and relax...I am in the happest place in the world I should not have to deal with reality but I can't control everyone and their actions so I just to forget what happens and move on. I wish I could avoid rudeness but oh well.

I treat others how I like to be treated and I am the nice one who holds the door for you, let someone ahead of me in line if I am in no hurry, offers to help etc...if you knew me I am a quiet, reserved, & patient person...I do not cause trouble I don't yell back at people if they do something...I wish I could but I am just speechless when these things happen. I seem to take it personally when I shouldn't. I say please, thank you...I have been told so many times that people wish their kids were as nice as me or I am the most polite young person they know. Not to gloat but I have to agree with them. I know some of my best friends can act rude and have the "Me generation" syndrome. I wish I could meet more people who are not rude! I feel as my type does not exist. I know there are some out there but I seem to not meet any lol...

Sorry for the long post but I needed to vent. I am tired of seeing all the rudeness...

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
OK - I have a question.

Is it rude when a few members of your party (say dad and an older child) get in line, while say mom and two younger children (say 4 and 2) wait in a less confining area, maybe go to the restroom and then join the members of your party farther up the line? I have seen (read) this being suggested in numerous travel books. I personally do not mind, especially if they are apologetic or polite about getting back in line with their family. I just wanted to know what others thought of this.

It depends on how many people wait outside. One person waiting in line while several wait outside and later jump in, thats rude.


Well-Known Member
It is a societal issue. We are straying further and further with each generation. You can't say any generation is way ruder than the next. Its just gets a little worse with each.

I'm 43. When I was a child growing up we knew every house on the street and they knew you (by name and have been in their house). Then it changed to knowing there face and giving them a wave (but knowing their name). Then it changed to turning away as if you did not see your neighbor come out of his house (you know what he looks like, but don't know the name). Which leads us to 20 years from now, you don't even know what your neighbor looks like.

If you follow my theory above, then there is little wonder why people act the way they do around each other at WDW.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Yesterday at Tower, we were down on Echo side (the left side, when looking at the building), for most of the afternoon. When this happens, the rider capacity is half of what it would normally be. Since the downtime was so long, it caused the Fastpass line to reach the entrance gate, meaning Fastpass holders would have almost a half hour wait, which makes the regular line even longer than it's already doubled wait time.

Well, this did not sit well with many guests, as you may have guessed. I witnessed two guests nearly get in a physical fight in the lobby over Fastpasses. Later, while I was extending the queue to accommodate the backed up line, one guest behind me began SCREAMING at another guest because they snuck past one group of kids that had stopped to talk to me.

As if one person skipping one spot ahead in line is really going to make their wait longer.

And finally, another man was screaming at my co-worker about the fact that he had gotten out of line twice because he was confused as to what was going on. He actually kind of shoved her over it.

People are crazy. And it just goes to show that Fastpass is the root of a lot of rudeness and bickering among guests... which is yet another reason I wish it was gone.

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