Just that it should be more clearly labeled as a bar since that's basically all it is. The festival booths at Epcot or the restaurants that serve alcohol don't have the 'bar vibe.' The lounges attached to restaurants, which are, in effect, bars, pretty much look like bars and are either far enough off the beaten path or are open enough to their respective restaurants that families aren't generally hanging out in a bar.
But Baseline is a pure standalone bar with an inviting frontage to a well-traveled path surrounded by family-friendly venues. It's going to wind up drawing in families with children and then you're getting children hanging out and running around a bar. If it more clearly labeled itself as a 'bar', then families can make the best decisions for themselves whether to saunter in.
I can guarantee that if you sit in there, you'll see large families pile in. Stare at the menu in disbelief that this isn't a QS but just a bar and then pile on out of there, "C'mon kids, we'll find someplace else to get something to drink."
It's not a huge deal. Just something that should be tweaked.