Gran Fiesta debacle...


Well-Known Member
Was there anything officially released by Disney that stated April 2nd? I think there was only ever one very small press release that even mentioned the redo was happening, let alone a specific reopening date.

If the reopening date was based off unofficial assumptions from the refurb date on Disney's website, then I really don't understand the fuss. It is simply a reflection of the website's inability to keep up with every little operational change at the resort, not a "debacle".

Think about it, this is a small boat ride that is often overlooked by most Disney guests (hence the update with some 'familiar' characters). It isn't a redo as so much an update with some new features from what I understand. There has never been a special opening announced, no press events, no annual passholder/DVC previews, no new maps with the ride on the front, barely even a press release to announce it, etc. Except for those who frequent Disney fan sites, I don't even know if the other 90%+ of guests at Epcot this week would even know a modified Mexico ride was 'expected' to reopen as something new yesterday. From what I understand of the situation here, I don't think paying a CM during this exceptionally busy holiday week to stand at the entrance to inform the very select few who came with the specific intention to ride that it wasn't ready yet was needed nor a smart idea at all. It falls under the mentality that Disney should do this or that for me because......

I sympathize with those who went to Epcot and tried to get on the modified ride only to find out it wasn't reopening. I would be a bit disappointed myself. However, in the big scheme of things, I don't even think this warrants blaming Disney of not paying attention to the guests or the smaller details.

Best case scenario imo: Disney should have updated their rehab dates on their website to reflect the refurb was extended to this upcoming weekend assuming the people who update the site were even aware of the change. The website is often incorrect on attraction listings (specifically regarding the description of this modified ride in fact), let alone updating the day to day operation schedule, and is a discussion of its own.


New Member
The problem here is not what is wrong on the inside, but how it was handled on the outside.

Would it have cost them much extra to have someone (either a normal employee or a suit or a manager) standing outside explaining that the new attraction isn't ready yet? No way, Jose. Disney knows about the Apr 2nd date, and they know that we know about it too. To think otherwise is naive.

For a company that prides itself on service, this was handled extremely poorly.

I wonder if there was anyone or any signs out front today? I'd say probably not...


Well-Known Member
One other quick question so I can try and understand some of the critical tones in the posts above: For those who were there yesterday, do the times guides mention El Rio del Tiempo was closed until or that Gran Fiesta Tour would reopen on April 2nd? Is Gran Fiesta Tour even on the maps for the majority of guests to even know it was 'supposed' to open as something new yesterday? Where and when did it say April 2nd was the definitive date it would reopen? Thanks! :)

Now that I think about it, I can understand that this may affect more guests if the times guides and maps for this week indicate that the Mexico boat ride (under either the new or old name) was supposed to be open. If the times guides do not reflect that the Mexico boat ride is closed, then I understand the fuss about paying attention to detail and service. Either way, the refurb wall and sign outside the pavilion that apologizes for the closure should suffice for this busy week as every CM and manager is working their tails off to keep the crowds happy.


Well-Known Member
ility to keep up with every little operational change at the resort, not a "debacle".

Think about it, this is a small boat ride that is often overlooked by most Disney guests (hence the update with some 'familiar' characters). It isn't a redo as so much an update with some new features from what I understand. There has never been a special opening announced, no press events, no annual passholder/DVC previews, no new maps with the ride on the front, barely even a press release to announce it, etc. Except for those who frequent Disney fan sites, I don't even know if the other 90%+ of guests at Epcot this week would even know a modified Mexico ride was 'expected' to reopen as something new yesterday. I don't think paying a CM during this exceptionally busy holiday week to stand at the entrance to inform the very select few who came with the specific intention to ride that it wasn't ready yet was needed nor a smart idea at all. It falls under the mentality that Disney should do this or that for me because......

You might be thinking diffrently if you would've been there. Not only were there a few Disney/Epcot fans running in. There were alot of regular guests that I heard talking about how they were lucky to be here on opening day, and lots of normal tourists that really wanted to ride the ride. When we all rushed in, there was a collective sigh of upset-ness in everyone. And with nobody to talk too who knew what was going on, it was a large group of people who now had nothing to do but stand there and be upset. I could really tell most of the guests felt kind of stupid for rushing in, and with nobody to answer too, it was very depressing.

Don't make the mistake of under-estimating how many people care to be there on the opening day of even a "small boat ride"!

And as said before, it's about what happened outside of the ride that made everyone upset. I support all the workers working hard on the ride. Heck, I'm the kind of guy that would grab a paintbrush and help them out if they would've asked me!


Well-Known Member
You might be thinking diffrently if you would've been there. Not only were there a few Disney/Epcot fans running in. There were alot of regular guests that I heard talking about how they were lucky to be here on opening day, and lots of normal tourists that really wanted to ride the ride. When we all rushed in, there was a collective sigh of upset-ness in everyone. And with nobody to talk too who knew what was going on, it was a large group of people who now had nothing to do but stand there and be upset. I could really tell most of the guests felt kind of stupid for rushing in, and with nobody to answer too, it was very depressing.

Don't make the mistake of under-estimating how many people care to be there on the opening day of even a "small boat ride"!

Trust me, if I was free Monday, I probably would have been in that group. I never underestimate the power of true Disney fan ;)

I still wonder how many 'regular' guests, unless they were really doing there homework for their vacation, even knew about the reopening. I sympathize with your disappointment, but still, in the grand scheme of things, I think the refurb signs and wall should suffice during this busy week. I understand the argument that it might have been nice for the Mexico CMs to be capable of informing those who were wondering that it wasn't reopening as a nice PR move (and I'm sure any of them could when they saw that a construction wall still blocked the entrance), but I'm not sure I understand what a having a specific CM in that role would have done other to inform you in person what the signs and construction wall was already doing. I'm sure every CM and manager are already busy enough.


Well-Known Member
there were no official press releases. They would certainly be on this site if there were, and there is no listing.

Also, may have updated the website accordingly but they were having major issues due to the Daylight Saving Time glitch this past weekend (Pirates and Princesses Party dates were listed in June and July in about 400 years and all park hours disappeared). Clearly, the website was having issues outside of Disney's control.


Well-Known Member
For all you who wanted a CM to be standing outside - did you want this said CM to approach every single guest who happened to wander into the pavilion? Or did you just want someone hanging around outside for the 10 people who went over there for the purpose of riding the updated version?

Does it really take that much effort to walk inside, see the walls up, and then turn around and leave rather than have someone stop you outside? I was there on Sunday and went in hoping they would have soft opening. I saw the walls and immediately pulled an about-face. Took out maybe 3 minutes of my life. I understand the frustration, really I do. But there are worse places you could have "wasted" your day. :)

Honestly? I was more angered by waiting 10 minutes for O, Canada! to start, only to be told there were technical difficulties and made to leave the theatre. I still need to see it one more time before it goes away.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Where and when did it say April 2nd was the definitive date it would reopen?
This site said April 2nd was the date - on Feb 23rd, so it came from somewhere.

Figment82; you miss the point. In the interests of guest relations it`d have been polite to have a CM outside. Not to save time. Being polite in that old typically Disney way.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Better solutions:

A) Not make these mistakes.

That being unlikely, the next option is..

B) Accept resonsibility for the mistake and take proactive action. Do not think it's the guest's problem to deal with. That's no way to run any business.

How many official complaints were lodged at guests services at Epcot on that date?


Well-Known Member
This site said April 2nd was the date - on Feb 23rd, so it came from somewhere.

Yea, I was aware of that. This site among other fan sites mentioned April 2nd as the 'expected' reopening date. I'm still wondering though if this was an official date or an assumption based off the fact that Disney's website calendar listed the last day of El Rio's refurb to be April 1st. Given the specific topic and the notion that this was a 'debacle' on Disney's part, it is an important difference imo.

In most NEW attractions, they have a CM outside to answer guests' questions. Not having one is likely a reflection of how busy things are this week amid already tight CM staff numbers, how minor a refurb this really is or simply a miscommunication on how long this refurb was actually going to take.


Well-Known Member
For all you who wanted a CM to be standing outside - did you want this said CM to approach every single guest who happened to wander into the pavilion? Or did you just want someone hanging around outside for the 10 people who went over there for the purpose of riding the updated version?

Does it really take that much effort to walk inside, see the walls up, and then turn around and leave rather than have someone stop you outside? I was there on Sunday and went in hoping they would have soft opening. I saw the walls and immediately pulled an about-face. Took out maybe 3 minutes of my life. I understand the frustration, really I do. But there are worse places you could have "wasted" your day. :)
The few Disney/Epcot fans knew what was up. There were alot of guests that knew it was the opening date who were very confused however, who didn't know what had happned. And after that, there were alot of guests who had never been on El Rio, and knew that it was supposed to be open, who didn't know what was going on. (After all, it's kind of hard to find it with the sign covered and it being wrapped up.)

Like it or not everyone, it DID happen and it WAS a mess. And I hope they would do things diffrently if this happens again. But we all just have to put our behind in our pants. It's done, and what we should focus on is when it opens! I'll guess on some day I can't go, and i'll have to settle for the day after?
:ROFLOL::lookaroun :( :eek:


Well-Known Member
Yea, I was aware of that. This site among other fan sites mentioned April 2nd as the 'expected' reopening date. I'm still wondering though if this was an official date or an assumption based off the fact that Disney's website calendar listed the last day of El Rio's refurb to be April 1st. Given the specific topic and the notion that this was a 'debacle' on Disney's part, it is an important difference imo.
it was an assumption. Disney made no official statement.


Well-Known Member
Wow... having taken a break from these boards to let real life have a go, upon my return I see that nothing has really changed.... That rampant sense of entitlement that stems from people thinking they deserve something. A few websites, none of which are official Disney sites, have a date that tells its readers when the attraction is supposed to open DO NOT determine how the Disney Company runs its business. Could Disney have stationed a CM outside? Possibly, but with the season that cast member (who would probably be working 6 to 7 days, 80 hours a week on his/her normal position) almost definitely could be put to better use and better service ANYWHERE throughout Epcot.

What's happening here is people are getting disappointed because they want the attention of being the "first" to ride, and the noteriety of getting the first pictures up on the internet... Posters like Merf, and Servo are famous for their trip reports, and their rather well done in-progress photos. Problem is, they have become so used to that attention, and the praise heaped on to them for being the first to "break" the big news, or have the "first" pictures of the new attraction, that they bolted over to Mexico on the day they thought it "SHOULD" be open, and became disappointed that it wasn't... Instead of counting their blessing, and the ability to go to WDW at any time to catch such an opening (remember guys, not all of us have that opportunity anymore), they instead blame the WDC.

Its a new attraction... The opening date hasn't been set in stone. "Soft" opening times are the most volatile, and the most subject to change.

Chill out
enjoy the parks
and find the magic again....

I promise its inside you


Well-Known Member
Oh, and about the whole "Official Site Listing April 1st as its last day of rehab."

My conjecture is that the situation is close to the Timekeeper situation. El Rio Del Tiempo is gone, it no longers exists. Gran Fiesta is a new(-ish) attraction that has not had its grand opening yet. So, much like the Timekeeper ended its seasonal status with a permenant closing, El Rio Del Tiempo ended its rehab status with a similar closing.

My opinion, could be wrong


New Member
I think they should have least posted that the ride would not be opening .. is that so difficult to do?

BTW - if no one posted a response then the thread would've just died.

Why should they post a ride that has never been open as closed? Disney reserves the right to change any schedule and close any ride they want. Nothing is guaranteed. So should Disney just not list days attractions plan to open? I am sure they had intended to open it but something prevented this from happening.


Well-Known Member
no one's listening

Disney's master copy of all refurbs and upgrades says "El Rio del Tiempo" closed for refurbmishment until Saturday April 7th.
This is coming straight from Portal
And yes, I know it says El Rio. The name will officially change over once it comes off the list.

As for other dates, it was probably only "projected". And for staffing, the Mexico staff is already trained, there is no big new training needed.

Don't trust with correct dates. It only lists some things.


Well-Known Member
It sure would have sucked to have that job of standing in front of the ride and telling everyone that it wasn't going to open.

"Here Bill, we need you to stand in front of this supposedly oppening attraction and let everyone down about it not being open yet and catch $h&* from the angry ones. Have fun!"

That is a bummer for those that were hoping to see it, but the funny thing is by this time next week this "debacle" will all be a thing of the past and no one will give a flip about it.


Account Suspended
Original Poster
It sure would have sucked to have that job of standing in front of the ride and telling everyone that it wasn't going to open.

"Here Bill, we need you to stand in front of this supposedly oppening attraction and let everyone down about it not being open yet and catch $h&* from the angry ones. Have fun!"

CM's were posted outside of Laugh Floor from the time it was supposed to open in January. CM's greeted passholders on the first day of previews at Nemo and Friends at 9am to tell them it was broken and might not open. Everyone waited around for like an hour+, with CMs, until it was fixed.

M:S had CM's prior to opening to answer questions, Test Track has CM's every time they shut down for technical difficulties.

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