Gran Fiesta debacle...


Active Member
I think there are more important things to worry about like why Disney is not offering Cherry Coke Zero in its refreshment carts....thats the real travisty.

I am with you on this one!!! Screw Diet Coke, I want Cherry Coke Zero... or just Cherry Coke in general!!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
amazingly, I actully agree with Merf on this one. Here's what I think...

Like I said, I have no problem with it being delayed. Those things happen, and I get it. The problem is how they handled. There is NO way that they didn't know that it wouldn't be open at least three days beforehand. At that time they would've been planning the cast to be ready, and getting ready to take down the walls. There was plenty of time to inform guests, and they did not. And if you didn't know where El Rio is, you'd be searching for the new ride. I saw lots of tourists looking around and asking for it. (You can't really see the rehab walls, and the sign was covered up as well.)

In short, Disney lies. They lie alot. It's what makes them cool.


New Member
amazingly, I actully agree with Merf on this one. Here's what I think...

In short, Disney lies. They lie alot. It's what makes them cool.

Oh no! The "L" word connected with Disney...say it isn't so! lol

I'm a stockholder..I guess I'd better shut up and slink away

Does anyone know if some of El Rio might have been reused from Dreamflight Or If You had Dreams? I can remember a lot of very similar Mexico-based themses and film in those rides. And, I miss them, just like I'll miss El Rio (sigh).

BTW: does anyojne know where I can get my hands on some Vegeta Beta so I don't have to stand in the Cool Club for hours sneaking drinks out of those little 3 oz shotglass cups?


Account Suspended
Original Poster
Well, then I guess they made a mistake.

Maybe they should just close their doors and call it a failure.....

Better solutions:

A) Not make these mistakes.

That being unlikely, the next option is..

B) Accept resonsibility for the mistake and take proactive action. Do not think it's the guest's problem to deal with. That's no way to run any business.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I realize we're wading soggily into the pool of semantics here, but just because Disney said El Rio's refurb was ending on April 2 does NOT mean they promised the new ride would be open the same day.

Maybe I missed it, but from what I can tell, Disney never said the new ride would be open on April 2. People read the refurb dates and reached their own conclusions.

For all we know, the refurb was done yesterday, and they didn't open for an unrelated reason. This really amounts to people getting upset because what they assumed would happen, didn't. :shrug:
There is a very good chance that Disney only learned of this a short time before the incident happened. Also consider all of the different sub-groups in charge of this refurb and think of how far things would travel to get from the delayed construction to the person who has to change the opening date on the website. Also it is not unlike Disney to schedule someone for something and then siply send them to do somethign else. They do it all the time in entertainment, and to my knowledge ops is roughly the same. I am very sorry that Merf had to make an extra trip to Epcot, I know it must have been very hard for him, But considering the small scope of this ride, I think the big D has some large troubles on there plate than keeping there webpage a minute to minute news ticker.


Well-Known Member
apparently you are too lazy to look at your park tickets, so I will retype what is written on them, verbatim: "Parks or attractions may change operating hours; close temporarily due to refurbishing, capacity, inclement weather or special events; and may otherwise change or be discontinued without notice and without liability to the owners of the WALT DISNEY WORLD Resort." You agree to that every time you enter the park, so stop your whining. If you don't think this is fair, then don't go to Walt Disney World. Every other amusement facility is rules that you play by, and if you don't like them, leave.


Account Suspended
Original Poster
That means I can't sue them - it doesn't mean i can't complain, be dissapointed in their actions, and hold them accountable to make things right.

Don't be lazy and goto school to learn about legal disclaimers.


Well-Known Member
I realize we're wading soggily into the pool of semantics here, but just because Disney said El Rio's refurb was ending on April 2 does NOT mean they promised the new ride would be open the same day.

Maybe I missed it, but from what I can tell, Disney never said the new ride would be open on April 2. People read the refurb dates and reached their own conclusions.

For all we know, the refurb was done yesterday, and they didn't open for an unrelated reason. This really amounts to people getting upset because what they assumed would happen, didn't.
It said that it would be closed until April 1st, which means it should be open on the 2nd. They also said that it would open on that day in that press thing.

But again, I get that they need more time. I'm fine with that, and I don't mind. If it's not done, It's not done. What went wrong is them not having a notice on the website (as other parks do) or at least a greeter out there to say we made a mistake and it won't be open. They just seemed to act like we're all crazy.

There is a very good chance that Disney only learned of this a short time before the incident happened. Also consider all of the different sub-groups in charge of this refurb and think of how far things would travel to get from the delayed construction to the person who has to change the opening date on the website. Also it is not unlike Disney to schedule someone for something and then siply send them to do somethign else. They do it all the time in entertainment, and to my knowledge ops is roughly the same. I am very sorry that Merf had to make an extra trip to Epcot, I know it must have been very hard for him, But considering the small scope of this ride, I think the big D has some large troubles on there plate than keeping there webpage a minute to minute news ticker.
There was lots of work going on. Painting, wall work, and ladders from what I could see. All the rehab walls were still up, and there were no Cast Members to greet and tell guests the date was wrong. That means that they've at least known this for a few days. At the least, enough time to put a quick note on the website. I mean, with The laugh Floor they posted it on the site, and always had a greeter out front. Now, they could've given the news down the line, but all I know is that someone down the line didn't do the right thing.


Well-Known Member
A few of the videos were the same from If You Had Wings - namely the diver looking for pearls and I believe the pool bar as well.


Well-Known Member
Disney has been built upon the grounds of offering services and entertainment that is far superior to everyone else. They have the reputation of going well above and beyond what would be considered normal or appropriate to allow people to have a good time. These are the reasons I love going to WDW on my vacation.

When it comes down to WDW hiding behind "well our brochure plainly states that we have the right to close or change an attraction at any time...." That is flat out sad and definitely not why Disney is the successful company that they are today. If this is an isolated occurrence then so be it - if it is a change in the principals of management that is another story. Hiding behind a legal disclaimer and taking the attitude of just leave is not what I would expect from Disney.

Could this incident be blown out proportion yes, however on the flip side it can also be blown out proportion that Disney management always makes the right decisions.

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