I'm enjoying your TR so far! It's bringing me some flashbacks of
@Tom and my first trip last May. Our first day in the parks was like a high of 96 (not really windy or gritty though, thankfully). We made it through, but it was rough. I remember standing in line for Jungle Cruise, and having to wind through the second floor in that heat. So many outdoor lines and outdoor dining.
I love the two ToT pics! Everyone is doing the exact same thing, even the girls with the selfie and the little boy who looked like he maybe didn't want a second ride
I'm so glad you're enjoying the report! Y'all did your first trip in May, too, huh? 96! Yep, I know how that feels. I've heard so many people say, "But it's a dry heat so it's not as bad." For me, hot is hot. There's a point where it doesn't matter how dry it is or what the breeze feels like, it's just friggin'
hot. I don't usually vacation in the summer months because unless I'm 100% inside it won't be worth the premium price paid. DL was definitely built for the milder climate with all those outdoor lines and dining patios. Coming up is a meal we ate outside that wasn't the most enjoyable because even tho we were in the shade sitting still, it was still hot.
I totally didn't even notice the girls doing the selfie! That's hilarious! I need to do some on-ride selfies next time just for giggles! The little kid over there on the left, I'm thinking about him and his mom trying to remember more about them. I know she said they homeschool because we homeschool so I was like, "Woo! Homeschoolers UNITE!" The kid seemed a little nervous but it was like a happy-excited-nervous if that makes sense. The mom was definitely talking a lot to him like talking him up and keeping him in 'the zone' so he didn't fall off into the aprehension.
That first time we went on California Screamin' with the boys we noticed 2 parent-related things that stood out to us. First, the family in front of us. It was 2 parents and 2 kids. The parents took the front seat and put the kids behind them. Tracey & I thought that was weird because, as much as we like that front seat, we ALWAYS give it to our boys when they're with us. Not those parents. Every ride for the rest of the week that we sat 2 & 2 we would joke with the boys to get behind us. LOL! Second, there was a dad & a little girl, maybe 8 or so, getting onto Screamin' in front of us and that little girl was sooooo scared. She was crying and everything. The dad wasn't like pushing her, she was just so overcome with the fear and excitement she cried. The dad was more supportive, I guess. Anywhoo, the girl is strapped in and the final harness check is going down. The CM checking stopped, stooped down next to her, and they talked. The little girl still crying kept nodding her head and doing a thumbs up. She wanted to do it. The dad was not interfering with the conversation. It was interesting to me that the CMs make sure the children truly want to do it. The train that we ended up being on was the one the little girl got off of. Oh, she came back smiling, laughing, and happy. I think she was just so full of emotion that's how it came out. As we were rolling out I heard the CMs calling to each other asking about the little girl. It was so sweet!
Cane's is also in Covington, LA. I love their sauce with the chicken fingers or the potatoes. Although the potatoes need some help. I never heard of eating fried potatoes with plain mayo.
Hey! We used to live in Covington off Bootlegger! That area has sure grown up since back when we lived there, tho. Our "if I win the lottery" place to be is Madisonville. We loved Madisonville so much. The Canes in Covington on 190 is where Tracey & I used to stop on our way home from work for some toast to snack on. That was post-Katrina when we were living up near Franklinton and commuting all the way down to St. Rose every day.

Kelly, I want to vacation with you guys lol.
The more the merrier! We love to hang out with Magic-al friends!
Great, great TR as I mentioned before about your TR's

Love the pictures, especially the night pictures. And good to see that TOT is similar to the Paris one... so different from WDW
Aw, thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying the trip with us!
I've never been to Paris so I have noooo idea what that ToT is like. The one in DCA is like WDW in a lot of ways. It doesn't do the rolling forward thing. It just stays in the lift. The story scenes are on different levels as you go up. It's still a very fun ride. Obviously since we rode it a few times. LOL!
Cars Land is just so, so perfect. I can't believe the detail. WHEN DO WE GET IT IN WDW?!!!
Love the honesty about mid-vacation burn-out. I know the feeling.
And the drinks look supercalifragilisticexpialidocious awesome.
I'd like to see another Disney and/or Pixar movie come to life in WDW on the scale and level of detail that Carsland has. That way there's more awesome-ness to go around. Part of the reason, to me, that Carsland fits so beautifully out west is because that desert environment is pretty much a hop, skip, & jump away. It's right there. I'd love to see WDW do something as detailed and immersive but with another Disney/Pixar franchise. They've got so many amazing ones to choose from. Why not?! Then there's more destinations to see!
When you think about it, mid-vacation burnout is prob'ly more normal than not even with ideal weather. People simply don't talk about it so much because that's not what you want to remember. With parks you're on the go non-stop. Emotions are running high. Most families aren't around each other 24/7 in their daily lives so at some point the little things will start wearing on you. I noticed Tracey getting aggravated with things I don't even pay attention to anymore with the boys. We homeschool so I'm around them a lot more than he is, tho. Like, Brian is a fast moving guy. He has lots of energy and his legs are really long. He mostly walked out ahead of us. Tracey kept getting aggravated by this because we'd lose him in crowds and didn't know if he was going the way we were. Or, it came off like he was disgusted with us for whatever teenager reason there might be. I know Brian's rhythm is fast. I call him back when he got too far or simply asked if he was good to go. Tracey? Notsomuch. I think for us one of the big difficulties was the drastic difference from our usual vacation(s) these days. Cruises are soooo different just in the rhythm of vacation life. Far more laid-back and relaxed, leisurely if you will. Parks are far more physically demanding on a more constant basis. As a result there tends to be a lot more intensity and tired, cranky people. It happens.
Ahhhh, those drinky-drinks. I did love them. I know a lot of folks are pretty disgusted with the impending changes to the Great Ceremonial House at the Polynesian but getting Trader Sam's is a pretty nice pro to counter the cons. My only concern is that they make it big enough. It will be a popular haunt so they better not flub and make it too small to accommodate the people who WILL come. It's not to be missed. I have maybe a crumb of interest in returning to the WDW parks. I am very interested, however, in seeing the Polynesian Village once it's finished. I'd go to Florida for Trader Sam's alone!